*Do not fear, stand strong in faith, hold
your battle position, keep declaring and decreeing His plans and promises for
our Land. These tactics invite the Host and Angels to fight with us. Lift your
spiritual eyes and see that you are surrounded by our God and His superior
forces of Light.
*We enter His glory realm by drawing near
to His heart and surrendering your life to Him.
You prepare yourself to be a glory carrier by spending time with Him,
worshiping Him, giving thanks freely, and just enjoying being with Him.
*Don’t waste your time magnifying or
rehearsing what the enemy is doing. Instead, magnify Him and look for His
arrows of convergence to come to our rescue.
*Watch over your wells of joy that were
opened up by salvation and don’t put lids of sin and unforgiveness on them
again. The Holy Spirit will help us recognize and chuck those lids out of our
lives. Enter in and take the opportunities the Father will provide every day to
feel the power of joy.
*Hold those strong opinions lightly.
Don’t share them publicly unless you have a decisive prompting from the Holy
Spirit. Wait to see how things unfold
because we’re all going to be surprised at who is of the darkness and who is of
the light. We can pray that the Host will support the ones fighting for the
Light and that the Host will oppose those openly or secretly working for the
darkness. Insisting on our own opinions and on being right can create division
where there needs to be unity. Unify your warfare against the enemy and not
against people.
*The golden secret of living a life full
of the riches of knowing our God is in completely surrendering our lives back
to Him and in making Him not just our source but our goal. When you fill His
heart with joy, it gets poured back on you. Don’t hang onto areas of our lives
because we don’t trust Him or His promises.
*Cast off the dark weights of the enemy
and receive the weight of His glory in exchange.
*We are to agree in faith that a new day
has dawned and continue to blow with His Spirit wind every dark cloud back into
their camp. Rejoice with Him, faithful ones, because morning has broken!
Diana Larkin
A Watchman's Journal