*We are not to allow the enemy to tell us who we are. If we fall short, we repent and ask for His strength in that area until it becomes a stronghold for righteousness instead of the enemy’s playground. Ask for courage and skill in confronting bullies and know when to ask for help in confronting big bullies. We are to call the giant’s bluff and arise in His strength and truth.

*As we wait for the complete crumbling from within of the mountains, it is our assignment to remain a steady lighthouse beacon of hope and faith that draws people to God’s promises and love.

*We are to ask to be made carriers of His glory, go before Him and breathe in Heaven. His glory flowing through us will bring His presence, His healing, and His restoration.

*Remember as His mighty explosions fly that He is our hiding place and our refuge of Divine immunity under the shadow of His wings.

*Our WWW assignments! Worship Him with all our hearts, wage unrelenting warfare against the darkness, and watch in wonder as He comes to rescue us and the nations.

*We are to be a people who terrorize evil and who love and restore the lost and the broken. We are to carefully watch over our newfound freedom, justice, and righteousness to preserve and extend it for many generations.

*We are to press in and keep trusting our Father as our only true source of life and deliverance.

*We must learn to discern what to keep from the last season and what to let go of. We need to close doors of compromise and even good doors that the Holy Spirit is asking us to close so that doors of greater fruitfulness and wider impact can be opened before us. We are to trust His plans for our lives!

 Diana Larkin

A Watchman's Journal 


  1. Thank you so much for sharing about what God asked you to give up and how you went into the wilderness!! I needed to hear that! What a blessing it was! Thank you for being obedient to the Lord!

  2. Thank you for sharing the word of the Lord with us, you are a treasure! also thank you for using this font on this page. It's so much easier to read. Love you

  3. I praise the Lord for all of His prophets and for their obedience.You are such a blessing to me πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»


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