January 12, 2024


“DO NOT FEAR when darkness DISPLAYS itself. I have DRAWN IT OUT into the OPEN where ALL will be able to see its TRUE CHARACTER and MOTIVES. SELFISHNESS, PRIDE, and GREED are behind all the SIN and DARKNESS of this world. When My people’s LIGHT GROWS DIM and is COMPROMISED by TOLERATING these sins, then darkness TAKES OVER UNCLAIMED TERRITORIES. But, I have AWAKENED an Army of Light, a Faithful Remnant, who have ARISEN with the POWER of My LIGHT and My Spirit and have declared with Me, ‘ENOUGH!’ Now is the SET TIME for My Kingdom to INVADE and DISPLACE the darkness.” PSALM 75:2 (ESV) “At the set time that I appoint, I will judge with equity.” “As darkness DISPLAYS who they really are and My Children of LIGHT DISPLAY who they are, people will be DRAWN to the LIGHT and the LOVE that FLOWS through you, My BLOOD-bought Sons and Daughters.” 1 SAMUEL 12:24-25 (AMP) “Only fear the Lord (with awe and profound reverence) and serve Him faithfully with all your heart; for consider what great things He has done for you. But if you still do evil both you and your king will be swept away (to destruction).” “As more and more FLOOD into the Kingdom of LIGHT, there will be A GROWING DISPLAY OF MY LIGHT that will overcome the darkness.”

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal   


  1. LORD have Your way.
    Your kingdom come,
    Your will be done throughout the earth.❤☀️


  2. Amen 🙏! Thank you Heavenly Father for your continued Mercy and Grace! Guide me to the path you have chosen for me during this time, I want my Light to shine brighter so that I may become that light of which you speak! 🙏❤️


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