January 13, 2024


“I have declared this Rescue Operation as a JOINT VENTURE between Heaven and earth. The spiritual realm is JOINING FORCES with you, My Army of Light, to WIN this war against the darkness. You have allowed me to TRAIN you, to REFINE you of impurities, and to DEEPEN your TRUST and FAITH in Me. You have individually WON the INTERNAL WAR against darkness, and you now SHINE for Me.  I want to DISPLAY before the world a people who TERRORIZE EVIL and who LOVE and RESTORE the LOST and the BROKEN. This is the DREAM of My heart to have a FAMILY who will UPHOLD JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUSNESS with Me. This JOINT VENTURE between Heaven’s Armies and My Army of Light will result in a STUNNING DEFEAT for the darkness and a RADIANT VICTORY for TEAM LIGHT. Those who have said ‘yes’ to this JOINT VENTURE will be VINDICATED and their JOY in the VICTORY WILL BE FULL. They will receive the SPOILS of WAR and will STEP into places of RIGHTEOUS LEADERSHIP. They will CAREFULLY WATCH over the newfound FREEDOM, JUSTICE, and RIGHTEOUSNESS to PRESERVE and EXTEND it for many generations. This is an EPIC JOINT VENTURE!”

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. We partner with You, Father, a joint venture, to have Your Will sweep across Your Creation!✝️πŸ™πŸ»❤️

  2. Thank you Lord! Hallelujah!

  3. Yes! Yes! Yes! Lord😁

  4. Praise the Lord! Oh, thank you! We are excited for the vindication and victory over darkness!!!

  5. I'm wondering if this will be a general revelation in the church body or will a believer wanting to go deeper have to "look" for this movement? Prophetic voices have helped me stay on the brighter side these last three years, much appreciated.

    1. I think ( believe) as part of God’s Army of Light we will be (and are )part of this movement IF we are fully surrendered to God in our lives. It’s deeply personal & fully surrendered to the Lord spending time with him in his word and listening for his voice HE will lead us. Blessings to you!

  6. Diana, you said you have videos teaching how we can hear God's voice. Are these teachings in writing also? It's easier for me to read them than to listen to videos. Thank you for your help. God bless you.

    1. Transcription available via YouTube video- I enlargen sometimes and moven2 center/screen copy/paste

  7. Yes God,I received that. I am with you. You are my Father God, I am in your army of light on this earth.

    1. YES my Lord!!! πŸ™❤️πŸ”₯πŸ™Œ

  8. Amen πŸ™! Thank you Heavenly Father for your continued Mercy and Love! I have said Yes to this joint adventure, but also feel that I have fallen short of my assessment! Please guide me through and help me to stay on the path that you have chosen for me in this time! πŸ™❤️


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