January 24, 2024


*After yesterday’s video, I experienced a lot of backlash stirred up by the darkness. (Can we say “over the target?!”) This morning I came to the Father and asked for the comfort and cleansing of the Holy Spirit. I then saw an angel with multiple filamenty wings hovering just above the floor in my sunroom. He was waving his wings back and forth, and I realized he was blowing something over me—healing, comfort, restoration. I asked who he was and heard the name Raphael, which means “it is God who heals.” I felt joy and wholeness return. Thank you Father! He then spoke this message to me:
*”I have MULTIPLIED the number of Angels and Host that are being ASSIGNED to My Blood-bought ones during this season of DARK to LIGHT. Because of the MANY DESTRUCTIVE schemes of those partnered with darkness that have brought SICKNESS, LACK, and DEFILEMENT, I AM releasing a FLOOD of MINISTERING ANGELS to bring HEALING, PLENTY, and DELIVERANCE to the heirs of salvation. When you RELEASE HEALING to someone, an Angel will DELIVER the HEALING POWER of Jesus to that person. When you CALL FORTH your COVENANT RIGHT of PROVISION and ABUNDANCE, Angels will SUPPLY FUNDS and MEET NEEDS SUPERNATURALLY. If you are CAPTIVE to DEFILING SINS and you REPENT and CRY for FREEDOM, I will dispatch Angels of DELIVERANCE to you so that the CHAINS WILL BE CUT, and you will be SET FREE. Then, I will send Angels of RESTORATION to give you back the gift of PURITY and to RESTORE all that has been lost. I have COMMISSIONED many Angels to bring the COMFORT of the Holy Spirit to My people during these days of UNCOVERING DARKNESS and SHAKING LOOSE their STRONGHOLDS. Even when you SIGH over the BROKENNESS that sin brings, I will send an Angel of COMFORT to you. Be AWARE of the MINISTRY OF MY ANGELS. WELCOME them and be GRATEFUL for their help. Here are some CLUES that Angels are near: a SUDDEN WARMTH in your hands or body, a small FLASH of LIGHT out of the corner of your eye, an internal TREMBLING as they bring the POWER of Heaven and the FEAR of the LORD. If you OPEN your spiritual eyes, you will see them. I AM moving all of Heaven to see you through this season as TRIUMPHANT WARRIORS and WELL-CARED for children of the Light. GIVE THANKS FOR THE MINISTRY OF ANGELS.” 
Diana Larkin, A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. Thank you Father for the ministry of angels๐Ÿ™

    1. I do not see a video that she is referring to either. I am on Rumble, and there is none about the Visit to the Council Chamber or anything like that. I wonder Who would speak against this as I never notice many attacks in the comment section.

  2. May I ask what video are you referring to?

    1. Every Tuesday there is a video on YouTube. She recalls the words of the Father to her during the past week.
      I enjoy her Tuesday videos. I look forward to them.

    2. I cant find the video. It wasnt shared on her rumble channel. The last video on the rumble channel is from 6 days ago with Patty.

  3. Kelley Scarbrough I am extremely grateful for the Ministering Angels and all the other Angels available to us during this time.

  4. I've asked The Father to send Raphael to me and others for healing. I wondered if it was sinful to ask for an angel to help with healing. This message is helping me see it is not sinful but to always ask The Father first, not the angel first. This is a beautiful message that I will save so I can refer to it often.

  5. For about 2 and a half years now, I have been getting flashes of light out of the corner of my right eye when I pray and sometimes for just no reason. I knew it must be angels. They do other supernatural things around me as well almost daily. I delight in their company, and I'm so grateful to God for their encouragement!

  6. I did not feel like going to the soup kitchen today. gave up. then woke up a few minutes before when I would normally leave. I took it as a sign, went. the room was so crowded today I almost left, wanted to leave. the only seat was next to a table of three people passing out flyers. normally I don't feel like talking to anyone. I spoke anyway because they were literally next to me. turned out they are helping hurricane Ian homeowners like me in complex situations. Feb 1 they will start taking applications to provide concrete financial help to fix the house, not a loan. thanks be to God. even FEMA and their contacts could not would not help me. it is a miracle.

  7. I am absolutely AMAZED at Diane's words. For the past few months, my prayers have been echoed in her postings. I pray first thing in a.m. then hours later look at her postings and her words are exactly what I prayed for that very same day. Thank you Jesus my Lord and Savior for opening my spiritual eyes, for aligning my heart with yours. My palms heat up every time I pray. This has been going on for 4 months or so. I didn't know what it was. Now I do. Thank you God, Holy Spirit and Jesus for your gifts. All Glory goes to God, father of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Amen and Amen.

  8. Wow what a time to be alive!

  9. I send encouraging words and prayers to you, Diana… your daily words & visions are a blessing & great insight to me. I am always excited to read your daily post & hear these words & visions from the Lord. You bless many with your gift from the Lord! Sending love & prayers your way always! ๐Ÿ’œ

  10. YES! YES! YES! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
    O Father, thank You for this ministry of angels and for confirming the healing angels .

  11. Recently I prayed to be able to see an angel. The week before Christmas I was holding my cat and suddenly, he sat up and looked very frightened. Bugged eyes and nervousness. He was looking over my shoulder and so I looked behind me and saw nothing. He got down from my lap and ran into the kitchen. Then Christmas day he was in my lap, and he was looking at someone beside my chair. He looked them up and down, like from their eyes to their feet. He did not seem scared, but uncomfortable. Again, he ran into the kitchen. It was as if someone was beside me. A bit unnerving. Then a week later I was sitting on my porch and again he was on my lap. He looked past me and laid his ears back then left. I was not scared but I have to say I have to wonder who he was seeing. I have never had a pet act like this before.

  12. Yes and Amen conformation the Holy Spirit had told me to be ready for people coming to your house un anointed to minister and bring supplies and gifts

  13. Amen ๐Ÿ™! Thank you Heavenly Father for your continued Mercy and Grace! I give thanks for the Ministry of Angels that you will send! I am asking for the Ministry of Angels to bring HEALING, PLENTY, and DELIVERANCE to Me and My Family! I RELEASE HEALING to My Family members as well as myself. I CALL FORTH MY COVENANT RIGHT of PROVISION and ABUNDANCE FOR MY FAMILY AND MYSELF. None of us are without Sin! I call for Freedom of My Sins as well as my Family! I have repented and will continue to do so as I know I will not be completely sin free ever in the human body! I am asking for you to dispatch Angels of DELIVERANCE to Me and my family so that the CHAINS WILL BE CUT, andWE will be SET FREE. Please send The Angels of RESTORATION to give us back the gift of PURITY and to RESTORE all that has been lost. In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior I PRAY! ๐Ÿ™❤️๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ

  14. Thank you Diana I pray for you and all Gods prophets every day so thank you for your obedience to the Father๐Ÿ™ I have seen a small blue light out of the corner of my eye for probably 50 years? I’ve always thought it might be an Angel but today you confirmed it! Thank you so much!


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