January 25, 2024


“In this season of the OPEN DOOR into a NEW ERA, I will be supplying you with KEYS to UNLOCK WONDERS AND REVELATIONS not seen or known since the beginning of time. Ready for some RECKLESS WONDER and some MIND-BLOWING REVELATIONS? You must have the heart of an EXPLORER or a PIONEER in order to EMBRACE this new season of DISCOVERY. Don’t get STUCK in the OLD because it seems ‘SAFE.’ Because ENTRENCHED EVIL is being JUDGED and REMOVED, I can RELEASE these NEW WONDERS AND REVELATIONS to the world. They will not be in DANGER of being STOLEN and CO-OPTED by the darkness. These KEYS to OPEN WONDER AND REVELATION will be given across all areas of society and will give BIRTH to NEW INVENTIONS, CURES, and REVEALING of My WORD and My WAYS like never before. Don’t allow FEAR of being WRONG or being DECEIVED hold you back from using your KEYS. If you are SURRENDERED to My Spirit’s LEADING in your life, you can TRUST that he will GUIDE you on paths of RIGHTEOUSNESS and DISCOVERY. If you are SET IN YOUR WAYS, ask Me and I will RESTORE to you CHILDLIKE WONDER and a HUNGER for DEEPER REVELATION. Don’t let FEAR cause you to MISS OUT on receiving your KEYS TO WONDER AND REVELATION. The best is yet to come!” 

Diana Larkin
A Watchman’s Journal



  1. Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Praise Him all creatures here below! Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts! Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost!

  2. May we all be in receiving mode. Thank You, Father.

  3. Amen πŸ™! Thank you Heavenly Father for your continued Mercy and Grace! I AM READY FOR SOME RECKLESS WONDER and some MIND-BLOWING REVELATIONS! I WILL FULLY SURRENDER to YOUR Spirit’s LEADING for my life, I TRUST that he will GUIDE ME on paths of RIGHTEOUSNESS and DISCOVERY. You know me FATHER and know I can be set in my ways. I ask You to RESTORE to My CHILDLIKE WONDER and a give me a HUNGER for DEEPER REVELATION. I don’t want to let FEAR cause Me to MISS OUT on receiving THE KEYS TO WONDER AND REVELATION. I know you have a beautiful bright future full of so much happiness and joy waiting for me to experience! In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ My Lord and Savior I Pray! πŸ™❤️πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ”₯πŸ”₯

  4. All Glory to God! Thank you this was a confirmation to me. Be blessed πŸ₯°

  5. That's the answer to my vision!!!He gave me the keys but one stood out that I couldn t read!!Thank you Father for revealing this to me!!


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