January 7, 2024


“In this year of the OPEN DOOR, I want you to EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED. If you set your heart to FLOW with Me and truly SURRENDER to My Spirit’s LEADING, all the UNEXPECTED happenings will not throw you into FEAR or CONFUSION. Ask Me to make your spirit and your heart SENSITIVE to what I AM DOING and to what I AM SAYING. When you learn to FLOW with My Spirit of LIFE, then nothing will SIDELINE you from My plans for you. No matter what UPHEAVALS are happening in the world, you will be KEPT in My PEACE, My PLENTY, and My FULFILLMENT for your life. BE READY to PRAY when I AM laying a burden on your heart. Don’t be OVERWHELMED with what the darkness is attempting. You OVERWHELM the darkness with the LIGHT and the FAITH that are in you. BE READY to CHANGE COURSE, as I OPEN NEW DOORS for you to walk through. I will be your INSPIRATION, your STABILITY, and your HELP as you begin new paths you’ve never walked before. BE READY to CELEBRATE and SHOUT for JOY when VICTORIES come. BE READY to ENJOY My companionship as we sail UNCHARTED TERRITORY together. My changes bring LIFE and FREEDOM. EXPECT the UNEXPECTED and by the end of the year, you will have GREATLY EXPANDED your spirit and your territory.”

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. Amen πŸ™! Thank you Heavenly Father for your continued Mercy and Grace! Father I Ask You to make my spirit and my heart SENSITIVE to what I YOU ARE DOING and to what I YOU ARE SAYING. I want to learn how to FLOW with Your Spirit of LIFE, so that nothing will SIDELINE me from Your plans for me. I am so very lost right now and need you so very desperately! πŸ™❤️πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ”₯πŸ”₯

  2. I had a dream this morning that I sensed a lightning storm brewing, and in the distance I saw some kids going to or from school and I needed to warn them not to go near metal objects (like fences) while the air was so electric. So I shouted a warning about the lightning storm and my voice was loudly amplified so they could hear it far away. I think God is brewing up a storm and the anticipation is tensing up the atmosphere!

  3. I had this dream last week, hoping this encourages others.
    I’m dreaming and the scene goes like this
    I’m in some type of a work environment. The room I’m in is kinda like a large hallway with big doors on each side. Apparently me and the manager are working together in this room. This grumpy old man walks into the room a says, these doors must stay closed at all times. He gets very frustrated because there open and walks out grumbling. The manager looks at me and states, as long as I am the manager of this place, these doors will remain open.

  4. Yes and amen! We serve awesome God who will carry us to victory as we live by faith, in obedience to his his Word and receive prophetic guidance that provides 2020 spiritual vision!

    2 chronicles 2020:
    ”Early the next morning they marched out to the Desert of Tekoa. When they were ready to march, Jehoshaphat stood up and said: “Listen to me, you people of Judah and residents of Jerusalem! Trust in the Lord your God and you will be safe! Trust in the message of his prophets and you will win.”“
    ‭‭2 Chronicles‬ ‭20‬:‭20‬ ‭NET‬‬


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