February 14, 2024

“A MAJOR CAUSE of SIN in people’s hearts and in the world is NOT KNOWING MY LOVE or REFUSING to RECEIVE MY LOVE. Sin came into the world through a LACK of FAITH in My GOODNESS and My LOVE. Jesus came to show you how much I LOVE YOU. When you SURRENDER your life to that LOVE, you must allow it to GROW in you and to TOTALLY CONSUME you. The RELIGIOUS SPIRIT will DRIVE you to EARN My LOVE or to make yourself WORTHY of My LOVE. They live by CHECKLISTS of what they should do and not do, and they feel MORALLY SUPERIOR to those who live BROKEN LIVES because they DON’T KNOW MY LOVE, and they freely CRITICIZE and CONDEMN those who KNOW MY LOVE and live RADICAL LIVES in My Kingdom POWER because those lives THREATEN the religious one’s sense of worth. GALATIANS 5:6 (TPT) ‘When you’re joined to the Anointed One, circumcision and religious obligations can benefit you nothing. All that matters now is living in the faith that works and expresses itself through love.’ The RELIGIOUS RULE KEEPERS have NOTHING to offer the ADDICT or the GENDER or SEXUAL preference CONFUSED or the ones with STOLEN IDENTITIES. It is My MASSIVE LOVE for them that will be the ANTIDOTE to the SNAKEBITE LIES they have received. If you are going to GIVE that LOVE to those who are LOST and CONFUSED, you must FIRST KNOW IT. Will you SURRENDER to a LOVE so STRONG and so COMPLETE that there is NOTHING you can do to EARN it, and there is NOTHING you have done that could ever CUT YOU OFF from this LOVE? When you really KNOW this kind of LOVE, everything you do or don’t do will be MOTIVATED by LOVE. You will read My Word because it SHOWCASES My LOVE, not because its on your CHECKLIST of a ‘good’ Christian. You will LOVE the UNLOVELY because you know how UNLOVELY your own heart was before you opened your heart to My LOVE. You won’t be busy CONDEMNING other ministries that don’t do it ‘YOUR WAY.’ If you KNOW My LOVE, you will RECOGNIZE My LOVE at WORK. What do LOST and BROKEN people need? THE ANTIDOTE OF MY LOVE. Welcome home to My heart of LOVE.” 
Diana Larkin
A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. Open Season. Open Sesame. This is the Year of the Open Door!

  2. Father, we open our hearts to Your love and ask that You fill us full and overflowing with it!

  3. Love sweet Love Heavenly Father. Thank you for this precious gift not earned-- freely given to all who would believe and receive. Happy Love Day everyone πŸŒ·πŸ’—

  4. OOOHH! sooo beautiful the Father's heart! I love Him sooo much!

  5. Thankyou Father No greater love than you have I 🌺❤️😊

  6. God knows the questions in my heart. This is the perfect answer at the perfect time. How timely is our Lord!

    1. I feel the exact same thing! I praise the Lord!

  7. I loved this word!! I've been drawing closer to Jesus and in His word daily, His love has been pursuing me I can feel it. This word confirms all I've been experiencing as I grow closer to Him.

  8. Yes LORD
    I surrender to Your LOVE ❤

  9. Amen πŸ™! Thank you Heavenly Father for your continued Mercy and Grace! I Will completely SURRENDER to YOUR LOVE, a LOVE so STRONG and so COMPLETE that there is NOTHING I can do to EARN it, and there is NOTHING I have done that could ever CUT ME OFF from this LOVE! This is what I need, This unconditional love! Holy Spirit guide me to This Love, so I can shine bright and be a beacon for the lost! Yes, yes, yes! In the name of Jesus Christ My Lord and Savior I Pray! πŸ™ ❤️πŸ™ŒπŸ”₯


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