February 28, 2024

“THE WINDS OF CHANGE ARE BLOWING, and they are blowing in the PROMISED SEASON OF DELIVERANCE. Some of these WINDS OF CHANGE will be quite STRONG, and they will leave what LOOKS LIKE a path of DESTRUCTION. However, what BLOWS OVER in this season NEEDS to COME DOWN and to be RE-ESTABLISHED on RIGHTEOUS and TRUE FOUNDATIONS. The enemy is trying to BLOW in their STORM of DEATH and DESTRUCTION in a desperate attempt to TAKE BACK CONTROL. Ask Me for DISCERNMENT to know if this is MY WIND or is this an ENEMY STORM? CALL FORTH MY WINDS OF CHANGE and PUSH BACK and BREAK APART the ENEMY’S STORMS. Be in AWE of My WINDS OF CHANGE and use your AUTHORITY to DEFEAT and DEFANG the enemy’s STORMS. You have the most BRILLIANT COUNSELOR to walk you through this season of THE WINDS OF CHANGE. Because this is an UNPRECEDENTED season and because all the systems you have RELIED on must be BROUGHT DOWN, you must RELY on the Spirit’s WISDOM WAYS and His COUNSEL to see you through the DRASTIC CHANGES on the horizon. MOVE IN THE PEACE THAT HE GIVES TO YOU, and DO NOT make decisions BASED ON FEAR OF LOSS. Learn to live out of this verse: PSALM 127:2 (TPT) ‘It really is senseless to work so hard from early morning till late at night, toiling to make a living for fear of not having enough. God can provide for His lovers even while they sleep!’ Living in the UNFORCED RHYTHMS OF GRACE means you NEVER make a decision from FEAR OF LOSS, or from ANXIETY, or from PRESSURE by people to follow their advice. These people may mean well, but they do not know the BEGINNING and the END like I do. I want to be your ADVISOR, your PROVIDER, and your PEACE. Come to Me, lean on Me, and I will move you through THE WINDS OF CHANGE with GREAT GRACE and PEACE. This is your HERITAGE as a COVENANT Son or Daughter of the Most High King. Tell the STORM of FEAR and UNCERTAINTY in your heart to BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD.”
Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. Breathing in deeply....feeling HIS peace and presence....wave after wave

  2. Years ago I remember a young prophet saying that there will come a time when survival and thriving will be as in the days of Noah (he got in the ark) Our Ark will be walking tight with Holy Ghost.

  3. Amen πŸ™! Thank you Heavenly Father for your continued Mercy and Grace! I humbly Ask You for DISCERNMENT to know if this is YOUR WIND or is this an ENEMY STORM? I CALL FORTH YOUR WINDS OF CHANGE and PUSH BACK and BREAK APART the ENEMY’S STORMS. Holy Spirit please continue to guide me on this journey! I want to please you My Father! Be Still and Know! πŸ™❤️πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ”₯πŸ”₯

  4. Amen πŸ™πŸ»

  5. Thank you Diana for continuing to share these very encouraging, anointed, timely and insightful words. This 'Wind warning' just came up in my town: https://oakvillenews.org/news/wind-warning-oakville-halton-feb-2024/


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