February 7, 2024

“The enemy sees that the TIDE IS TURNING from dark to LIGHT. He is PANICKED that a POWERFUL REMNANT has arisen in My COVENANT nations of Israel and the United States, and they are PUSHING BACK the DARKNESS and DEFEATING his schemes of death. He is now bringing forth his GIANTS to INTIMIDATE My Covenant people and try to get them to LOSE THEIR FAITH, their FOCUS on Me, and to make them BOW to his FEAR and his CONTROL. You are going to see MANY GIANTS CONFRONT you and your nation in this year of the OPEN DOOR. If the enemy can get you to walk through his open door of FEAR, joined with the ORPHAN SPIRIT, he will have DISARMED and DISCOURAGED you. You will find yourself LOCKED OUT of the DOOR of HOPE and VICTORY. You MUST CHOOSE TODAY to NOT WALK THROUGH THE DOOR OF FEAR AND ABANDONMENT—these are LIES of the enemy sent to TAKE YOU OUT of the battle, JUST BEFORE THE BIGGEST VICTORIES OF YOUR LIFE. BELIEVE Me when I tell you that I have RAISED YOU UP as a company of GIANT-SLAYERS. Like David, you will STAND before the TAUNTING GIANT in the POWER of My NAME and My BLOOD COVENANT with you. DO NOT BE INTIMIDATED and DO NOT FEAR when these GIANTS arise against you. It is a SIGN OF THEIR DESTRUCTION that they have made themselves SEEN and LOUDLY HEARD. Do you UNDERSTAND that I have MADE THEM A TARGET THAT YOU CAN’T MISS? STRENGTHEN yourself in Me, LIVE in My WRAP-A-ROUND PRESENCE, and DEMAND your COVENANT RIGHTS before the LYING GIANTS. You have a SUPERIOR COVENANT to the one David had. You have a SURER HOPE in the BLOOD of My Son, and I have ASSURED you of the VICTORY that is now IN REACH. WILL YOU BE MY GIANT SLAYER? Now is the season to ENFORCE that VICTORY in the earth. DECLARE to the GIANTS:” ‘You are COMING DOWN by the POWER of the LIVING GOD. I take this STONE of FAITH and fling it into your head, shutting down your LYING voice. I take the SWORD of My COVENANT, and I BRING YOU DOWN! I SLAY you in the name of the LORD, MY GOD!’ “You were made for this day, GIANT SLAYER!” 
Diana Larkin
A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. On Monday morning, I heard the Lord say Transcend, meaning to climb, to mount, to rise, to Passover, beyond and above.
    Deuteronomy 28:13(HNV) The Lord will make you the head and not the tail and you shall be above only and you shall not be beneath - if you shall listen to the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you this day to observe and to do them.
    I’ve been fighting giants and this word encouraged me I pray it will encourage you all too- we keep praying for each other πŸ™

    1. Praise The Lord! I've been fighting giants as well. Thank you, as this is most encouraging, Diana's Word, your Word! God bless you! Yes, we'll keep praying for one another; there is great comfort in this.πŸ™πŸ»

  2. Joy in the Morning 44February 7, 2024 at 8:26 PM

    This afternoon I realized I had an earworm of a song I have not listened to in a very long time. It was the theme to the movie Mannequin from the 80's. All of a sudden I realized it was a message from the Lord about the day we are in. "We can build this dream together, Standing strong forever, Nothing's going to stop us now!" Kingdom of God on Earth, here we come! Only once before has the Lord used a song to talk to me, right before I got saved. It was "Hold On", by Kansas.

    Thank you Ms Diana, I will be looking for my five smooth stones and thinking about the lions and bears slain in the last season.

    1. love this! Papa GOD often speaks to me through music. The first time I it was with the Eagles song “Peaceful Easy Feeling”. Some of the lyrics I knew it was meant for me to say to HIM - I know you won’t let me down,, cause I’m already standing on the ground. - The Lord is my ground, my solid foundation! This song was the first of many. I now look and listen for GOD in music all the time!,

  3. O Father
    Thank You.😭
    This word totally explains what's been happening to me for weeks.
    I'll pick up my STONE OF FAITH and be Your GIANT SLAYER.

  4. Amen πŸ™! Thank Heavenly Father for your continued Mercy and Grace! I choose today to walk through the DOOR of HOPE and VICTORY. I declare to the Giants, you are coming down by the POWER of The LIVING GOD! I was made for this time and day! I will fight for our freedom from the evil darkness! In the name of Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior! πŸ™❤️πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ”₯πŸ”₯


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