February 8, 2024

*This word began last night. I was not planning on sharing this very personal experience. I planned to just keep it close to my heart, but the Father had other plans! As I was falling asleep, I saw myself in the Throne Room before the Father. I was dressed in a pink sparkly gown, pink sparkly crown and as I gazed at the Father, I realized I was holding a pink scepter.  I was stunned, and I felt like when I used my stone of faith the day before on the two giants confronting my family that it resulted in a promotion for me, and I was entrusted with a scepter to rule and reign in His Kingdom power and authority. This morning as I saw this scene again, I was prompted to point the scepter at areas of darkness and declare, “You will bow to the Lordship of Jesus, and you will not rise again.” Different colors of fire would shoot out from the pink jewel on top of the scepter to consume the enemy. When I lifted my arms to worship the Father, a firework was released from my raised scepter. Wow!
*From the Father: “As you gather your COURAGE in Me and BRAVELY FACE those GIANTS who are THREATENING your family and your Nation, I will EMPOWER your STONE of FAITH to TAKE DOWN these GIANTS. As the GIANTS CRASH DOWN, the earth will SHAKE, and you will know that is a SIGN that they have FALLEN. GIANT-SLAYING FAITH will be REWARDED with being ENTRUSTED with a SCEPTER OF GREAT POWER so that you can FULLY STEP INTO your call to RULE and REIGN with Me. In My love, I PURIFY and READY you for these PROMOTIONS. Do not MISUNDERSTAND  or SHRINK BACK from the CHALLENGES in your life. In My STRENGTH you can DEFEAT them ALL. This is TRAINING FOR REIGNING. The process will be challenging and difficult but that will make the VICTORY and the REWARDS FULL and SWEET. As you honor Me with your FAITH and your OBEDIENCE, I will HONOR you with PROMOTION and REWARD. GIANT SLAYERS WILL BECOME SCEPTER CARRIERS.” 
ISAIAH 11:4 (TPT) “His words will be like a scepter of power that conquers the world…” 
Diana Larkin
A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. Joy in the Morning 44February 8, 2024 at 10:10 AM

    Another powerful word! I had to smile at all the pink in your description, thinking of how you glow with pink in your videos.

    In August of 2021 I had a flash vision upon awakening. I saw a young man, looking like a classic picture of David as Shepherd, holding a staff. I heard "Sons of God, take up yout scepters."

    No doubt the times of truly ruling and reigning with Christ are fast approaching. Praying I will be ready in time....

  2. Amen πŸ™! Thank you Heavenly Father for your continued Mercy and Grace! Holy Spirit please continue to guide me in this difficult time to stand firm and to face the giants knowing… I WIN! By the blood of Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior I pray! πŸ™ ❤️πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ”₯πŸ”₯

  3. We are giant slayers! All enemies of GOD and HIS children are defeated, they have lost, we have won! We declare the 7 mountains of society, BE CLEANSED FROM EVIL IN JESUS NAME! AMEN

  4. Hope to meet you some day, you are one incredible woman.

  5. This was amazing! Thank Youuuu Jesus forever and always for knowing and for this gift πŸ™

  6. Wow, that is amazing back about four months ago. I asked the Lord to show me how to remain in the battlefield. I was in Marshalls shopping and I see this toy sword but it was like a powerful toy sword. It was like in the middle of nowhere and the Lord told me pick it up and take it home but of course I asked the cashier if they knew if there belong to anything and they said now, why would that be here so I took it home and I have it by my Bibles another thing back in 2020 when we started praying for our nation when Covid came out I never go to this post office and when I was walking down the steps on the floor I saw a book called the giant slayer, so this word is just confirmation again that Lord has chosen me, and my other three prayer friends to stay in the battle. This is awesome and such a confirmation for me


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