*As people are shaken awake and lose what is not of Him, we can tell them of the sweetness of knowing Him and of the good future He has planned for the world. Comfort them as He has comforted us and invite them to know His goodness and His power.  We are to keep strengthened in Him so that He can pour thru us to help steady people thru this bittersweet time.

*Don’t be alarmed and distracted by the parade of fear-filled stories that pour out. Instead, pick them off one-by-one until the darkness if fully exposed and beaten. Pray that His presence will be released upon the people who will be crying out in pain, suffering, and confusion.

*When we surrender our lives to the sacrifice and love of Jesus, we must allow it to grow in us and to consume us. We have to come to realize we can not earn His love and that nothing will ever stop Him from loving you. Then, our motivation will be love for whatever we do—not a religious checklist. Lost and broken people need the antidote of His love, expressed through you. Speak beautiful, life-giving words—they heal souls. Use the power of your words to speak life!


*Do not get sucked into fear-mongering! Stay in an atmosphere of faith and trust in Him.

*As the Army of Light we are called to push back the dark forces behind the plans of invasion. We are to send confusion into their ranks, and declare that their plans will backfire onto them. We are being given spiritual intel and strategies to pray to cut off the planned attacks. (Donna Rigney and others have called for specific prayer for New York.)

*Because we are fighting a war of words (information warfare), we must not align our words with the darkness or use their tactics. The darkness uses accusation, slander, and condemning words with those who do not agree with them.  Knock off trying to control others because you want to prove that you are right or because your spirituality is threatened by someone else’s experiences. We need to say “I will not be afraid of letting You become bigger in my life.”

*We need to change the way we view bad judgments. He does not consider them defeats but rather exposures on steroids—people and plots being exposed. Hold steady, continue to call forth exposures, exposures, exposures, and call in the judgments of the unjust.

*This is a season of revelation: we are going to know who is of the darkness and who is of the Light. Trust this crucial part of His strategy, as He draws those partnered with darkness deeper into His trap. Keep steady in His love, protection, and provision for us and call forth His showdown.

*Instead of FRETTING at the present shenanigans of those partnered with darkness as they FUTILELY try to STOP the AGE OF EXPANSION, start IMAGINING how GOOD, how FULL, how RICH, and how FREE life is going to be, as His Spirit POURS OUT on the world and the Kingdom Age flourishes.

Diana Larkin

A Watchman's Journal 


  1. Thank you Diana for sharing the action items! May God continue to Bless you and your family, as well as your growing staff! 🙏❤️


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