Dream: I was warned over and over in my dream not to talk about May. I don’t respond well to threats, so I thought we should talk about it and call forth the Father’s plans for May. May is the 5th month=grace and judgment. 

“I AM calling you to PRAY INTO and to CALL FORTH My plans for MAY. I want you to PREEMPT and ZERO OUT the enemy’s plans for CHAOS, DESTRUCTION, and OBSTRUCTION of the planting season. I want you to CALL IN an ABUNDANT SUPPLY of SEED to be sown in the natural and the supernatural. Call forth GRACE for the PLANTERS and JUDGMENT and EXPOSURE against those who plan to STEAL or HARM the seed. You will begin to hear THREATS that there will be a LACK of seed or TAINTED seeds and that the HARVEST of FALL will be INADEQUATE. These THREATS will be against a natural harvest (the threat of enemy SABOTAGE) and also the spiritual harvest (the enemy GLOATING over EXPOSURES in the Church). I want you to see EXPOSURES of DARKNESS in the Church as CLEARING the land of WEEDS that will CHOKE OUT the HARVEST, and PLOWING the FALLOW ground of LIFELESS RELIGION. These will NOT HINDER a HARVEST; they will PREPARE the SOIL for the GOOD SEEDS you, My Remnant, will sow. I have SUPPLIED you with SEEDS of LOVE, TRUTH, and POWER. I will show you FIELDS PREPARED to receive the seeds I’ve given you. Sow in FAITH, calling forth a 100 FOLD HARVEST for this Fall of JUDGMENT and EXPOSURE for the darkness and INCREASE and PLENTY for the Light. WHAT IS MAY’S FORECAST? Partner with Me, and CALL IN a month of SOWING GOOD SEED.” 

Diana Larkin
A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. Weeds are unwanted growth. Pull every weed up by their roots. Do not leave one root in the ground. Many hands make light work. Time to start the garden. Let's Go!

    1. Joy In The Morning 44February 12, 2024 at 3:12 PM

      Yes, weeds rob nutrients and water, kill by crowding out, and destroy through stealth.

      For the last few years I have selected a theme word or phrase in the new year, a concept introduced to me by a friend. Rather than resolutions, it is meant to be a guiding principle. 2024 for me is Seedtime and Harvest. This reminds me I need to sow if I want to reap, in all areas of life.

    2. my mother always said that, "many hands make light work" and she would sing, "It's a lovely day today." And whatever you've got to do. I'd be so happy to be doing it with you." do not hear that often. a bit nostalgic


  3. Clearing the Land of Weeds: Love to weed after it Rains: easy peasy. Ineffective if it's been Dry.
    Get em early. Get em small. Learn to identify weed sprout from desirable garden plant when tiny. Scan your garden/life constantly for weeds. A neglected garden/life will be a weedy garden/life.
    Open soil WILL host weeds. Cover and protect the soil/life. Purposely plant good seed/habits etc. and weeds CANNOT compete.

  4. Father, we call forth every single good and perfect gift you have for our nation and the world. Nothing missing, nothing broken! You are perfect love, perfect will, perfect justice and perfect mercy and we receive your Shalom now, in the name of Jesus! Thank you, Abba! We worship you! Amen

  5. Amen πŸ™! Thank you Heavenly Father for your continued Mercy and Grace! Holy Spirit please continue to guide me on this journey! I do not want to miss anything that The Father has for my family and myself! I also want to shine the light so bright that it cannot be ignored! I Partner with You, and CALL IN a month of SOWING GOOD SEED. πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™❤️

  6. As I've been praying through this word about guarding the good seeds for this coming planting season, I've felt led to also decree protection over the soil and the water. Plants start from seeds, need good soil, unpolluted water, and the right amount of sunlight in order to thrive. I don't know much about gardening, but I remember that before seeds can be planted, the soil needs to be plowed, in order to "break up fallow ground." In addition to good soil, for seeds to sprout and the plants to grow, they need water. Water represents the Holy Spirit. In plants, water helps regulate the plant's temperature, transports minerals from the roots to the foliage, and carry-out photosynthesis, which is a plant's way of making food for itself. I believe there are spiritual correlations to giving the water and preparing the soil, but am not sure what they are.


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