March 13, 2024

“I have HEARD EVERY CRY to Me for HELP, for DELIVERANCE, for RESCUE. I have HEARD your ANGUISH over your PRODIGALS, over TRAFFICKING, over POLLUTED AIR and FOOD, and over EVIL and TYRANNY. You ECHO David’s cries to Me in PSALM 40:12a (TPT) ‘Evil surrounds me; problems greater than I can solve come one after another. Without You, I know I can’t make it.’ The GOOD NEWS is that I HAVE HEARD YOUR CRIES, and I AM ARISING to DEFEND you, to DELIVER you, and to DEFEAT your enemies. DON’T GIVE UP HOPE because it seems like VICTORY IS STILL SO FAR AWAY. The MASTERFUL RESCUE OPERATION I have planned will be a SUDDENLY that ROCKS the entire world and that brings your enemies CRASHING DOWN in TOTAL DEFEAT. Know that I hold each HEARTFELT CRY for yourself, your family, your Nation in the PALM of My HAND, and I will ANSWER those CRIES with My LOVE and My POWER. Pray what David prayed: PSALM 40:13-16 (TPT) ‘Please, Lord! Come quickly and rescue me! Take pleasure in showing me Your favor and restore me. Let all who seek my life be humiliated! Let them be confused and ashamed, God. Scatter those who wish me evil; they just want me dead. Scoff at every scoffer and cause them all to be utter failures. Let them be ashamed and horrified at their complete defeat. But let all who passionately seek You erupt with excitement over what You’ve done! Let all Your lovers rejoice continually in the Savior, saying, How great and glorious is our God.’ Let your FAITH ARISE and begin to DECLARE and to PRAISE Me NOW for so GREAT A VICTORY. EXPECTANT FAITH and WORSHIP PULLS the FUTURE PROMISE into a PRESENT REALITY. I HAVE HEARD YOUR CRIES and your future IS NOT DARKNESS and TYRANNY, it is BRIGHT with VICTORY and the RESTORATION of ALL THINGS. Just to let you know, the darkness has planned to SHUT DOWN the AIRWAVES in order to TAKE CONTROL, but I AM the One who will TURN OFF the AIRWAVES in order to SILENCE the LYING media and TYRANTS and to give the POWER of the AIRWAVES to those FIGHTING for FREEDOM and RIGHTEOUSNESS. I HAVE HEARD YOUR CRIES!” 
Diana Larkin
A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. Thank you Father❤️

  2. We receive it!! AmenπŸ™ŒπŸ™

  3. Praise our wonderful, awesome, Father God! Thank you in Jesus' name. Thank you Diana for bringing His Words to us and His instruction. God bless you.

  4. We honor you Lord, we praise you Lord and we thank you Lord. You are our Savior and deliverer. There is none above you and none like our Holy and Mighty God!

    Thank you Diana for sharing the messages He brings to you every day. They bring hope and strength to us all. Love hearing your visits to heaven!

  5. Thank you Father for your awesome love for your people. We worship you and thank you for the Victory and Freedom - all things restored.

  6. Lord, make me a passionate seeker of Your presence.
    We will be so excited at what You are about to do!
    We declare victory! We praise You for Your brilliant strategies!
    Thank You Lord, for waking us all up
    Our future is bright! Victory and Restoration of all things!
    As You turn off the airwaves to shut up the lying media, we will listen to YOUR voice!
    YOU are my GOD!

  7. This was literally me a couple of days ago. I was just sobbing to the Father because I can't make it through everything that's going on in health, family, the nation, and all we're dealing with, without Him. I asked Him to help me, to lift us all out of this life of slavery, and that I need Him so, so much. I will use this prayer He's just given us. Father, I trust in You. Please take care of everything. Help us in the waiting time until we see Your hand move. I know the victory is Yours--and ours. Amen.

  8. Awesome and amazing word! Thank you Lord!!
    Thank you Diana for your faithfulness to Him.

  9. Thank you Father.

  10. Amen Father, you do hear our prayers, and we lift you up Father for the Victory

  11. Thank you God for hearing our cries and prayers! I expect good things and restoration Father and I will never give up hope! You are worthy of all Glory, honor, and praise for all that you have done and all that you are about to do. Thank you Diana for being a faithful servant!

  12. Here it is again....
    "Expectant Faith!!!."
    "Faith is the voice of expectancy."
    He tells us to expect Him to take care of us because of our faith in Him.
    Sometimes it's so simple and we make it harder than it it should be.

    1. Thank you, Marilyn for the reminder. . .so helpful and encouraging.

  13. Amen πŸ™! Thank you Heavenly Father for your continued Mercy and Grace! I Pray what David prayed: PSALM 40:13-16 (TPT) ‘Please, Lord! Come quickly and rescue me! Take pleasure in showing me Your favor and restore me. Let all who seek my life be humiliated! Let them be confused and ashamed, God. Scatter those who wish me evil; they just want me dead. Scoff at every scoffer and cause them all to be utter failures. Let them be ashamed and horrified at their complete defeat. But let all who passionately seek You erupt with excitement over what You’ve done! Let all Your lovers rejoice continually in the Savior, saying, How great and glorious is our God.’ I PRAISE YOU FATHER! WE WILL CONTINUE FIGHTING for FREEDOM and RIGHTEOUSNESS. In the Name of Jesus Christ My Lord and Savior I PRAY! πŸ™❤️πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ”₯πŸ”₯


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