March 25, 2024


“I have shown My prophetic voices that PERILOUS TIMES are coming, but some of these voices have MISAPPLIED these revelations as being PERILOUS TIMES for the whole world. These are NOT PERILOUS TIMES for My people; rather, these are TIMES of ABUNDANCE. Does that sound IMPOSSIBLE to you that I could bring PERIL to the DARKNESS while PRESERVING My people and SUPPLYING them out of My ABUNDANCE? I really am that GOOD and I really am that POWERFUL. The PERILOUS TIMES will bring about the DESTRUCTION  of your enemies. The destructive plans they had for you will BOOMERANG back onto them. Why are you giving your EMOTIONAL ENERGY to ANXIOUS THOUGHTS of HOW to PROVIDE and PROTECT yourself? If you INVESTED your TIME and EMOTIONAL ENERGY in SEEKING Me, BELIEVING My PROMISES, and ENTERING into My PEACE, you would find yourself in a place of ABUNDANCE. In this place of PEACE, I will give you any STEPS to take that will result in My ABUNDANCE coming to you. My ABUNDANCE is not just financial. It is UNEXPECTED PROVISION, an INCREASE of FAITH and ANOINTING, great PEACE and deep JOY. It is providing you with an OVERFLOW that you can SHARE with others. DO NOT CHOOSE TO BELIEVE THE PERILOUS TIMES ARE FOR YOU! Instead, choose to BELIEVE in the SUPERNATURAL ABUNDANCE and DEEP LOVE of your Father.”

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal    


  1. Amen πŸ™! Thank you Heavenly Father for your continued Mercy and Grace! It has been difficult for us to have the slightest concept on how you would cause perilous times for the evil ones and us not suffer in the process! I love that your plans to provide abundance for your children will arrive at the same time! How absolutely amazing that Your ABUNDANCE is not just financial. How utterly amazing this description is of your abundance! “It is UNEXPECTED PROVISION, an INCREASE of FAITH and ANOINTING, great PEACE and deep JOY. It is providing you with an OVERFLOW that you can SHARE with others.” I want all that you have planned for your children. I love that I will be provided with an Overflow so that I can share with others. An Anointing to hopefully provide healing to the weak and weary! How Awesome is OUR GOD? I certainly hope to experience this at every level! In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior I pray! πŸ™ ❤️πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ”₯πŸ”₯

    1. Philippians 1.28 "Your courage and unity will show them what they are up against, in no way be alarmed by your opponents - which is a sign of DESTRUCTION for Them, but of Salvation for you, and that too, from God.

    2. There was not a house without a death in Egypt. Deep Darkness for them vs Lights On in Goshen /Israel's place. Pharaoh AND his Captains ALL drowned vs Israel set Free and Prosperous (they were given Egyptian valuables as they left).
      Proverbs 10.29 "The way of the Lord is a stronghold to the Upright,
      But RUIN to the workers of iniquity."
      Not merely the dabblers but the people who wholeheartedly devoted themselves, their
      identities, their lives to Iniquity. You could say They willingly and knowingly worked at EVIL, Inc.

  2. Replies

  3. This message was definitely for me. Thank You, Heavenly Father for Your goodness, Your mercy and Your grace. All glory, honor and praise are due unto You alone.

  4. Thank you, Father that we are greatly beloved and at peace with You in Goshen!

  5. I think Diana got this message for me! Lord told us we were comfortable and that He will shake us out of our nest. Heard this yesterday evening, and I’ve really had to fight off enemy thoughts and focus on my Loving Father! This was perfect!

  6. Amen Father Psalm 91


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