March 30, 2024
I was awakened at 5:37 a.m.this morning by a voice saying, “Isaiah 2:15 (TPT) ‘against every high tower and every fortress wall.’” I believe Isaiah 2 describes the time we are living in…the establishing of the Mountain of the Lord—the Kingdom Age.
“This season of PAINFUL TRANSITION will have a GOOD ENDING. What is being BORN out of this GREAT CONFLICT between DARK and LIGHT is a new KINGDOM ERA. The Rescue Operation is for your Nation but also for the REST of the WORLD. Your Nation will serve as an EXAMPLE of My POWER to SAVE and to DELIVER from DEEP DARKNESS, DEPRAVITY, and DEATH. You will be a MODEL of how to REBUILD on My foundations of JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUSNESS. Your rightful leader will DISCIPLE leaders of other nations in My WAYS, and NEW LIFE and FREEDOM will SPRING UP across the earth. When you see My new KINGDOM ERA, you will be DELIGHTED and you will know everything you FOUGHT FOR and SUFFERED THROUGH was so WORTH IT. Keep this VISION of a new era of FREEDOM and LIFE before your eyes, and you will FIGHT VALIANTLY until the VICTORY. You will see Me BRING DOWN the IDOLS men have WORSHIPED. ISAIAH 2:12 (TPT) ‘The Lord of Angel Armies has a day of humiliation in store for all the high and mighty, for all who are proud and self-exalting. They will be brought low.’ I AM: vs. 15 ‘against every high tower and every fortress wall.’ That is I AM BRINGING DOWN PROUD ACADEMIA and every structure that EXALTS MAN’S THOUGHTS OVER MY THOUGHTS. I AM TOPPLING every FORTRESS WALL that has been erected to keep you LOCKED AWAY from FREEDOM and that kept the darkness PROTECTED from JUDGMENT and JUSTICE. Vs. 17-18 ‘People’s arrogance will be conquered and brought low, and those proud of heart will be humiliated. Only one will be exalted in that day: Yahweh! Every worthless idol will utterly pass away.’ Do not grow FAINT of HEART as the battle INTENSIFIES because EVERY IDOL WILL FALL, the ARROGANT will be BROUGHT LOW, all their GRANDIOSE PLANS of POWER and CONTROL will be SMASHED, and a new day will dawn on the long-awaited KINGDOM AGE of PEACE and PLENTY.”
Diana Larkin
A Watchman’s Journal
Praise God
ReplyDeleteGod is Good 😊
ReplyDeleteYes Lord! So inspiring! God is great!!!
ReplyDeleteHallelujah and amen! I declare it so in the name of the Most High God!
DeleteI had a hard day yesterday with my husband. Seems everything I said was answered with contempt😞very exhausting and sad for him. Thank you for this word from the Lord dear sister, Diana -answer to prayers 🙏 brings peace🕊
ReplyDeleteI pray for both of you and ask for God's Light to fill your hearts, your family and your home. May He graciously fill you with HIS peace.
DeleteSorry to hear. I know how frustrating dealing with a spouse can be. One time a few years ago I am sitting on the couch and my husband answered me with sarcasm. I told the Lord I am tired of this. It is so disrespectful. I heard the Holy Spirit say to me that is an unclean spirit. It stunned me. Very quietly I prayed and bound that demon and cast it out. It stopped it. He has a veil over his eyes about politics so do not discuss but God put on my heart I can pray and bind the enemy from blinding him so I am doing that but it is hard . Be blessed.
ReplyDeleteThank you. It's so difficult when the enemy has infiltrated our very household, but good reminder that it can be bound and "gagged".
DeleteAlso a husband can feel unappreciated and not affirmed because they know God has first place in wife's heart. Hard but try showering with respect, affection, interest, love, attention and support. Make it a project and an offering to the Lord. Forgiveness and overlooking offenses makes a day brighter.
DeleteI’m sure there is no reason to have contempt toward your spouse if you love them - We cannot yield to an inappropriate acceptance of evil calling it love
DeleteAmen and amen!
ReplyDeleteThank you!!! beautifully said and all glory to God!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHallelujah! Prayed and declared in agreement!! All glory to our God and King, Our Abba Father! Amen! 🙌🙌🙌💖
ReplyDeleteThank you Diana for your steadfast commitment to bring us the FATHER’S WORDS each and every day. GOD BLESS YOU!! And thank you “Anonymous” for turning the FATHER’S WORDS that Diana brings into these beautiful prayers we can declare, decree, and give glory, honor, and praise to FATHER GOD, CHRIST JESUS, & HOLY SPIRIT. Each morning, I look forward to hearing what the LORD has to say, and then I copy the prayers into the notes on my phone, and my husband and I pray the prayers together aloud during our devotion time. GOD BLESS YOU BOTH & GOD BLESS AMERICA!
Amen ! Halleluhia ! GOD IS GOOD ! Praise ou Lord our Father and Savior ! Amen !
ReplyDeleteI had a dream last night, in that dream God was showing me how we have set Idols up in America. He was talking to me in the dream and saying “American idol” is a big one. He was showing me how people worship television stars and singers. They will literally cry, trip over themselves to get close to them, It has been set up as a distraction on purpose and He said “ I’m tearing them down.”
ReplyDeleteGlory to God
Amen 🙏! HALLELUJAH! Thank you Heavenly Father for your continued Mercy and Grace! Your plans are mighty! We look forward to the long awaited KINGDOM AGE of PEACE and PLENTY! 🙏❤️🙌🙌🔥🔥