March 8, 2024

ROMANS 11:22 (MSG) “Make sure you stay alert to these qualities of gentle kindness and ruthless severity that exist side by side in God—ruthless with the deadwood, gentle with the grafted shoot. But don’t presume on this gentleness. The moment you become deadwood, you’re out of there.”
“The world is about to see a DISPLAY of both My KINDNESS and My SEVERITY. It is your CHOICES in life that determine which you will experience. A harvest season is a time to JUDGE the FRUIT of your life. Those GRAFTED into the TREE OF LIFE will produce fruit that ALIGNS with My heart. Those who eat of the fruit from these lives will also display RIGHTEOUSNESS, PEACE, and JOY. Those who are GRAFTED into the TREE OF THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL will feel the WEIGHT of My AXE CUTTING OFF THE DEADWOOD. It’s easy to spot the fruit of those who have chosen to PARTNER with the EVIL SIDE of this tree. They produce ROTTEN FRUIT that SICKENS and KILLS people. This kind of BLATANT EVIL will be UNCOVERED and EXPOSED. Some of those given to this evil you have RECOGNIZED, but those who have HIDDEN behind MASKS of RELIGION or PRETEND GOODNESS, will be STRIPPED of these masks before the world. This will happen in ALL areas of society—including the Church. The GOOD side of the TREE OF KNOWLEDGE is HARDER to DISTINGUISH but it, too, will receive My SEVERITY because it is BORN of the RELIGIOUS SPIRIT. It is full of SELF-EFFORT and SELF-RIGHTEOUSNESS. The fruit from these lives is a CRITICAL SPIRIT that DEMANDS that others live up to THEIR STANDARDS of righteousness and that your life must look just like their lives. They DESPISE the FREEDOM of those connected to the TREE OF LIFE, and they REFUSE to see the BONDAGE they are in to the RELIGIOUS SPIRIT that produces DEATH. They think nothing of CHOPPING other people up with their WORDS and BARBECUING them. I have WARNED in My Word about BITING and DEVOURING one another. Know that My SEVERITY is going to come upon those who have chosen the ‘GOOD’ side of the TREE OF KNOWLEDGE. These ones who consider themselves ’good,’ think nothing of SPEAKING HARSH and UNLOVING WORDS to their spouses and those around them. They do not SEE the POISON coming OUT of their MOUTHS. My SEVERE JUDGMENT is set to FALL on the TREE OF THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL. A TRULY FRUITFUL LIFE comes to those who are SURRENDERED to My HEART and who ASK for the Holy Spirit to EMPOWER their lives. I AM releasing a SPIRIT OF CONVICTION with this word. If you TAKE HEED, REPENT, and CHOOSE to be GRAFTED into the TREE OF LIFE, then you can AVOID this JUDGMENT. My KINDNESS is CALLING through the voice of My Spirit—TURN and RUN into My OPEN ARMS!”

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. Thank you Lord for giving these words to our sister Diana…it gives answers -we faithfully keep praying for others and leave the rest to you…we love you and trust you - Your mercy and grace is forever and justice is mercy on the oppressedπŸ™

    1. Extremely well-articulated! Thank you! Amen!

  2. Thank you Diana for faithfully posting GOD's Words each and every day! In these times it is very important to hear GOD's words and instructions. GOD ALWAYS WINS!!!! πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

    Today's prayer is posted on my blog --

  3. Amen!! I choose to be grafted into the Tree of Life! I choose you Lord over anything that the world has to offer!! With all my heart, we Praise God!!

  4. I had received a series of visions of one of the High and Mighty (in their own eyes) ones mentioned in yesterdays post. In the first one:
    I saw a massive sheer side of a cliff with a platform jutting out. . . the platform was spacious, exhilarating, exciting ...and Very High up the side of precipice. At first the senator lady standing there was so happy to be there and was thoroughly enjoying herself. It was so spacious, she was so comfortable and pleased with herself-she had worked so hard for this, she deserved this. . .She didn't even notice there was No Railing. She was just enjoying the position, the power and the view. The second vision showed this same scene: BUT NOW the
    platform was slowly, almost imperceptibly retracting into the side of the mountain.She was unaware of the Extreme Danger. Third vision: it was too late. She noticed and realized her fate and there was no recourse. It was awful-what she
    felt: the panic and fear was overwhelming. lk

    1. I remember Carol Arnott saying one time with fear and trembling that a time would come when people would run to the alter or run for their lives.

  5. Amen πŸ™! Thank you Heavenly Father for your continued Mercy and Grace! Spirit of conviction, you are so very gracious Father for your warning! I TAKE HEED And Fully REPENT, and CHOOSE to be GRAFTED into the TREE OF LIFE, so that I can AVOID this JUDGMENT. Holy Spirit continue to guide me through this process so I can TURN and RUN into MY FATHER’S OPEN ARMS! πŸ™❤️πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ”₯πŸ”₯

    1. Lindy Harris, you have said this so beautifully! I scrolled down to thank the Father for His Mercy and Grace and His Spirit of conviction! As I read your response I would really like to join in with your statement. There is no way I could say it any better! I ask the Holy Spirit to continue to guide me through this process as well for I too, want to TURN and RUN in My Father's Open Arms!

  6. Wow! More confirmation

  7. Heavenly Father, in Jesus Name,

    THANK YOU, Father God, for ALL Your Words. THANK YOU for warning us, “the world is about to see a display of both My kindness and My severity. Those grafted into the Tree of Life will produce fruit that aligns with My heart. Those who eat of the fruit from these lives will also display righteousness, peace, and joy. If you take heed, repent, and choose to be grafted into the Tree of Life, then you can avoid this judgment.”

    Father God, I do totally surrender my Heart to your Loving HEART and I ASK for the Holy Spirit to empower my life. I ask for a DOUBLE PORTION MANTLE. Thank You, Father, Lord Jesus, and Holy Spirit for always being with me, and leading me to Your Kingdom.

    Thank You, Father, that Your Kindness is calling through the voice of Your Spirit. Father, I truly repent and I choose to be grafted into the TREE OF LIFE. I ask for Your Forgiveness. I love You with all My Heart, My Mind and My Soul. Father, I HAVE turned and I am running as fast as I can into Your Open Arms. I THANK YOU for receiving me. I will cling onto You. Please hold onto me and never let me go.

    I THANK You for Your Forgiveness, Your Mercy and Your Everlasting Love. I believe and receive all this. In Jesus’ Holy Name, I pray. Amen and amen.

  8. Wow! This is something to seriously consider. Thank you Father for your words!


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