*The most important preparation for this season is to prepare your heart to be strong and confident in His love and in His power, and to be ready to share His love and His provision to those around you.

*We are to continue to pray, have faith, and be in agreement with the Father because that makes a way for His Kingdom power and glory to be displayed. Awake, awake! Awe and wonder await!

*Do not cower in fear before a giant who is about to fall. Stand your ground and fling your stones of faith into the mind control the giant has had over the nations. Our stones of faith will break the power of the lies being spewed over the airwaves.

*Welcome His tsunami of truth, call forth the winds of change.

*We counteract dark stirrings by stirring up the light! Stir up our voices and declare His goodness and His power. Our shouted praises are our weapons of war! Stir up the Bible accounts of a God who raises the dead and who causes nations to be born in a day.

*Stir up and declare the promises and prophesies He has given us. Stir up celebration shouts and declare that we have the victory through our Great God!

*We are to continue to push the darkness further and further into the trap the Father has set for them and declare: everything the darkness meant for us and our leader will now be their future.

*Do not be distracted by the frantic schemes being released by the darkness but focus on slaying the giants of fear, plots of tyranny, and release exposure, judgment, and justice.

*The nation of Israel marked their doors with the blood of a spotless lamb to protect them from the Angel of Death. We are to, in faith, apply the blood of the spotless Lamb, Jesus, to our doors and our lives.

*When disclosures of the evil planned for us happen, we need to reach out to those who will be spinning out of control and fearful. We are to invite them into His healing presence and His heart of love. We are to share the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, the resurrection, and the power of His blood over any darkness.

*We are to seek His counsel in the season and not depend on man’s limited knowledge.

*We are to welcome His fire into our world, the Church, and in our own hearts. Let is do its purifying work of bringing forth gold and new life.

* RELEASE RESURRECTION POWER over your lives and your Land.”

Diana Larkin

A Watchman's Journal 



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