April 18, 2024

As Darkness Shakes and Collapses, You Live Out of My Heart

“My Beloveds, do NOT DREAD the DOWNFALL AND DESTRUCTION OF THE DARKNESS because it will SURELY COME, and you will SEE IT WITH YOUR OWN EYES. There is NO JOY in seeing DARK-HEARTED people EXPOSED and the works of their hands DESTROYED. As all around them COLLAPSES, you can find your REST, PEACE, and JOY by LIVING IN UNION WITH MY HEART. Your STABILITY will come from BELIEVING My PROMISES of VENGEANCE on your enemies and RECOMPENSE to My very own. Even as I act with VENGEANCE to PROTECT and DELIVER My INNOCENT ONES, I will continue to CALL to the dark hearts to TURN BACK to Me. As EVERYTHING the darkness worked for is SMASHED, do not PITY them but call them to RIGHTEOUSNESS. You will not be SHAKEN in the STORM that is coming for the EVIL EMPIRE if you REMAIN ANCHORED in My HEART of LOVE, PROMISE, and BLESSING for you. I can BLESS and PROSPER you even as SYSTEMS and GOVERNMENTS FALL. So DO NOT FEAR or DREAD the FUTURE but know that My BULLDOZER has been released to REMOVE the darkness and all their EVIL PLATFORMS and STRUCTURES. CALL FORTH the VISION I have given you of a NEW ERA of PEACE and PLENTY, and you will watch it unfold from the HAVEN OF PEACE THAT IS FOUND IN LIVING OUT OF MY HEART.”

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. From Go to God to Good πŸ‘ I am good to go!

  2. Thank you. Let it beπŸ™❤️

  3. It’s what is needed. πŸ™♥️

  4. Just before I read this post I was reading Isaiah 55. Verses 6-9 say, "Seek the Lord Yahweh when he makes himself approachable, call upon him when you sense he is near. The wicked need to abandon their ways, and sinful ones need to banish every evil thought. Let them RETURN TO YAHWEH, AND THEY WILL EXPERIENCE HIS COMPASSIONATE MERCY. Yes let them return to God, FOR HE WILL LAVISH FORGIVENESS UPON THEM. For my thoughts about mercy are not like your thoughts, and my ways are different from yours. As high as the heavens are above the earth, SO MY WAYS AND THOUGHTS ARE HIGHER THAN YOURS." (TPT) Our God is so full of mercy!


    Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ Holy Name. We Worship You, O Lord, and as we wait for Your Glory to be seen on earth, we piously Proclaim Psalm 24.

    “The earth is the LORD’S, and the fullness thereof, the world and they that dwell therein. For He hath founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the floods. Who shall ascend onto the hill of the LORD? Or who shall stand in His Holy Place? He that hath clean hands and a pure heart, who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully. He shall receive the blessing from the LORD, and righteousness from the God of his salvation. Such is the generation of them that seek Him, that seek Thy face, O God of Jacob. Selah. Lift up your heads, O ye gates! And be ye lifted up, ye everlasting doors! And the King of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory? The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, O ye gates! Even lift them up, ye everlasting doors! And the King of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory? The LORD of hosts, He is the King of glory. Selah

    Father, we THANK YOU for Your Words, “My Beloveds, do not dread the downfall and destruction of the darkness because it will surely come, and you will see it with your own eyes.” We receive Your Words, and we Declare, “Let it be done on Earth as You have decreed in Heaven.

    We invite our Warrior Hosts to join us as we pray. Then, we COMMAND you to continue to battle with us and for us.

    Father, we THANK YOU for telling us beforehand, “There is no joy in seeing dark-hearted people exposed and the works of their hands destroyed.”
    Father, please protect our hearts and minds that we do not experience anxiety because of their judgement.
    WE DECLARE we will stay focused on you.

    Merciful Father, you said, “Even as I act with vengeance to protect and deliver my innocent ones, I will continue to call to the dark hearts to TURN BACK to Me.”
    We stand with You Father, and
    • WE DECLARE we “believe Your Promises of vengeance on our enemies.”
    • WE WELCOME “recompense to Your very own.”
    • WE DECLARE we will call the darkened hearts to Righteousness.
    • WE THANK YOU for Your Judgement, Justice and MERCY.

    1. Joy in the Morning 44April 18, 2024 at 10:37 PM

      Thank you for your prayer development.

  6. Hi my name is Erica. On the night of the. 2020 election, I went to bed as I was much too anxious and nervous about the outcome. My husband stayed up and watched the results come in. As I was in bed, I tossed and turned all night. I would sleep a tiny bit, wake up, pray, toss and turn, wake up, pray - I did this all night long. At some point during the night I very clearly heard the voice of the Lord say, “vengeance is mine”. I didn’t really understand what exactly He meant for a while. I was fully “awakened” not long after to all the evil that has been taking place without most of even realizing it. Then I understood what He meant. I have been standing on this Word from Him ever since.

  7. Amen πŸ™! Thank you Heavenly Father for your continued Mercy and Grace! I will CALL FORTH the VISION that You have given me of a NEW ERA of PEACE and PLENTY! I will watch it unfold from the HAVEN OF PEACE THAT IS FOUND IN LIVING OUT OF YOUR HEART. Keep my Family covered as we move forward, they will see the light and come to you, even if they have been hesitant in the past! I ask for forgiveness for myself and my family for all things known or unknown! Wrap us in your Heart Father! πŸ™❤️πŸ”₯


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