*Welcome and call forth His Ocean of Glory. Our prayers, decrees, and declarations open a portal in Heaven for the Ocean of Glory to pour through.

*We are to blow a trumpet and declare to the darkness: “You are defeated and brought to nothing.” Announce that days of victory, triumph, and rebuilding are on the horizon. Align your heart to His heart, blow a trumpet, see the coming victory of light over the darkness. Call it in!

*Do not react with fear or distress as the darkness rolls out evil plans but keep burning for Him by speaking the truth, worshiping, declaring our victory, and strengthening and supporting each other.

*We need to know that every time we speak or write the truth that shockwaves of truth are sent out into the ground and into the atmosphere, cracking open the lies and deception of many years. Speak truth wherever He prompts you to because shockwaves of truth are going out to bring down the dark strongholds and to prepare the soil for seeds of freedom and light.      

*Hold what we have learned in the past lightly and allow Holy Spirit to sort out with truth revealed to us and be open to receive His great mysteries revealed.

*We are being shown the blueprint for their May Madness and we are being given strategies that will dismantle those blueprints. Speak peace to college campuses, to demonstrations, and to conflicts among the nations.  Release the Spirit of Truth to invade those conflicts and to turn deceived hearts to the wonder of His love and His light. Send covering angels over your water and food sources and boomerang their plans to sicken you back into their camp. Whatever comes up in the month of May madness, we are to respond from Kingdom authority and power to counteract and to flip those plans to align with God’s heart and ways. Declare: the light will overpower the darkness. Do not spread fear porn or reports of doom and gloom. It causes fear and cancels out His voice giving us battle strategies to deflect and defeat every scheme of darkness.  Walk through this season with faith in His promised victory, and we will receive His peace, provision, and power.

*Because He is a God who meets our needs, expect supernatural provision and abundance to flow to you, and meet the needs of those around you. Blockers to provision: unbelief, unforgiveness, pride, spirit of poverty, manmade doctrines. Put any highlighted area under the Blood of Jesus, declare freedom over your heart and mind so that you can believe He is the God who meets your needs.

*Ascending with the Father will quiet our fears and allows us to enjoy His peace, presence, and direction. Let Him draw you up to Him in Heavenly places.

*Our faith, our worship, our declarations draw the Host and Angels to us, and together, we will win. We are stronger than we think.

 Diana Larkin

A Watchman's Journal 


  1. Thank You Diana for all that you do and for sharing your lovely spirit with us. We love you. Blessings.

  2. Thank you Diana, for your calm, peaceful stability that reminds me to focus & stay on task…you are such a blessing! I’ve also enjoyed seeing the activity & triumph in our skies, the visual in pictures of all that’s being accomplished 👑☺️🌸

  3. Thank you Diana. My nameis Jennifer Meyers and I dont know how to log in properly to comment. I wanted to share a video I heard in the past of a prophetic word that confirms what you are saying. It is in the YouTube link:
    Also I want to share a photo of the ocean with fire! I saw it on facebook:
    I might have to email it to you.


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