*Say, “yes!” to the Father’s invitation to enter the deep waters of His life of adventure and discovery—come on in, the water’s fine!

*Do not be weary in well-doing, but press into His heart, delight in His goodness, and call forth His promises of rescue and exposing all the lies.

*Wake up and fight, Church! This is the finest hour for the Church to display His power and glory. Arise and shine in the power of His Spirit. We must take up our weapons of warfare, tune to His Spirit and push back the darkness in our authority, our declarations, and our worship.

*We must spend more time with Him than with negative reports. Remember that He is fantastic, fabulous, and formidable.

*As the darkness rolls out mayhem, we are to join the Father to counter and overcome all these schemes of mayhem with a unified wall of resistance that says, ‘no’ and ‘stop” to their plans. We are to declare, ‘no more ground!’, ‘receive the judgment of our God!’

*We have been given the authority to defeat and to deflate the enemy’s final ugly death schemes, and we have His love to draw in the seduced and the rebellious to come home to Him. We must be willing to give up trying to control our lives or others thoughts and decisions. If you struggle with control, ask Him what the root of that is, ask Him to remove the root, and to release His healing into that place, and we will be free to trust Him.

*When the enemy’s house of card comes down and systems collapse, we are to be His lighthouse beacon of confidence in His plans and our joy in a good future that is planned for us.

*Because we have surrendered to God, we will help lead the clueless and the lawless thru our Nation’s crucible. We will explain that the fires and destruction are getting rid of evil and making a place for greatness to be established.

*As May unfolds we are to call forth His plans for May and zero out the enemy’s plans for chaos, destruction, and obstruction of the natural and supernatural planting season.  Call forth grace for the planters and judgment and exposure against those who plan to steal or harm the seed.

*We are not to rejoice when someone is judged, but we are to rejoice that evil is being removed and we are to call forth God’s choice for leadership that will build on righteousness and justice. When we see these leaders being removed, we are not to lessen our warfare because most of these being removed are merely puppets and we need to shift our warfare to exposing and dealing with the puppet masters. We are to confidently keep declaring and decreeing that they are being crushed by the Commander in Chief and that every plan and scheme is brought to nothing by the power of the blood of Jesus. Watch and pray as He delivers these crushing blows to the darkness.             

Diana Larkin

A Watchman's Journal 


  1. Yes!! Standing in faith, declaring and decreeing! Thank you Jesus for your blood!


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