*We are to open our mouths, and He will give us a taste of the age to come.

*We are to never stop asking questions. Keep seeking and learning. In fact, we are to take authority over the suppression of truth for our health and other areas where the truth has been suppressed. We are to call forth truth, hidden discoveries and mysteries. We are to declare ‘expose, expose, expose!’ Decree that hidden mysteries and cures would bless the children of Light and be ripped out of the hands of evil. Let the spirit of adventure be reawakened in you, and pursue natural and spiritual mysteries. Don’t ever stop asking questions!

*He wants us to begin experiencing the New Era right now. Reach out and touch and receive the good things it has to offer: healing, restoration, and recompense.

*If we focus continually on the enemy’s evil plans, we will spread misery and not hope. We have been given all authority in Jesus’ name. The Father responds to bold faith. Our continued faith is building the roadway for the Rescue Operation. Check your focus and check your faith, and stay connected to His valiant heart because the reign of terror is coming down.

*As corrupt systems begin to be taken down, look and see that He is keeping us, providing for us, and that our future is going to be triumph. Our greatest enemy is fear, and it will take our focus off of God and His promises and shift it to what ifs and it allows doubt to creep in. Ask Holy Spirit to put a fear guard over your mind and heart, and to give you a red flag of warning when your thoughts go to the dangerous territory of fear and anxiety. Refuse to partner with fear. Take authority over the spirit of fear and send it back to the darkness.

*We are to sharpen our discernment and to partner with Him in calling for exposure, judgment, and justice to the darkness.

*As we wait for the power of His light to manifest in its fullness, we are to call for His light to uncover and defeat any scheme of darkness that we hear about. Wield His light as a weapon against the darkness, sickness, and loss.

* Chant in the enemies faces, ‘WE HAVE THE VICTORY!’  See with your spiritual eyes the Forces of Light MARCHING FORWARD and TAKING BACK the Land the evil stole. March and declare, ‘GET OUT OF THE WAY!’ Join Him in declaring, ‘WE HAVE THE VICTORY!’ Declare it until your FAITH ARISES to MEET His PROMISE and EXPLODES into FREQUENCIES that DEMOLISH your enemies.

Diana Larkin

A Watchman's Journal 


  1. Thank You Diana, for the Power Points on Action Items. We appreciate you!

  2. Amen Father we have the victory


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