May 25, 2024


“Did you know that you can ASK to be TUNED TO MY FREQUENCY—Heaven’s FREQUENCY? My frequencies are always PEACE, POWER, JOY, and REST. If you find yourself STRESSED, ANXIOUS, FEARFUL, and DREADING the FUTURE, you must realize that you are NOT TUNED to My FREQUENCY. You are living out of the EARTHBOUND FREQUENCIES of human reasoning and picking up the FREQUENCIES of the EVIL EMPIRE that has DOMINATED your airwaves. One of the STUNNING and very POWERFUL BENEFITS of being a BLOOD-BOUGHT Son or Daughter is that you are given the ability to be SEATED WITH CHRIST in the HEAVENLY PLACES. This means you VIEW things from Heaven’s PERSPECTIVE and live out of My HEART and My VISION. This gives you a BRAVE HEART that sees that NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE for Me. You can face the FUTURE with CONFIDENCE knowing that My plans are POWERFUL and that I will SHOW you how you are to RESPOND and what you are TO DO. Making decisions from My PEACE and POWER will bring great FRUITFULNESS to your life. Don’t live a life where you are CONSTANTLY SWAYED by man’s news and advice, and you find yourself CONSTANTLY STRUGGLING with FEAR and ANXIETY. You are called to LIVE ABOVE, out of My HEART, and TUNED TO MY FREQUENCY. Shalom, My Child.”

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. Thank God for that frequency! It's always right 👍 on time when you're on the right 👍 side!

  2. Bless the Lord, O my soul!

  3. Beautiful love this amen

  4. I thank you Lord and Declare the frequency of Heaven!! Amen and Amen

  5. all morning I dreaded going to the store for food. no income per se. food stamps got cut off. I just came home with a one week feast fit for a queen. Thanks be to God. it's nothing like what I thought would happen when I left this morning. miracle after miracle right before my eyes. All I did was follow His lead.


  7. Thank You so much for all the words from God during this time!

  8. Thank you, Jesus, for encouraging us through your words of hope through Diana and through the prayers of faith through your humble servant who writes these beautiful decrees and declarations.


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