May 7, 2024


“I have promised you a GREAT and MIGHTY DELIVERANCE from an enemy that seeks to DESTROY you and any form of FREEDOM. I have promised you that you will RECOVER ALL that has been STOLEN from you, including FINANCES, HEALTH, IDENTITIES, RELATIONSHIPS, and JUSTICE. As wonderful as these promises of DELIVERANCE and RECOMPENSE are, they are not the MOST PRECIOUS thing that you will receive from this season of DARK to LIGHT. The MOST VALUABLE, the MOST ENDURING PRIZE that you will receive is your DEEPENED FAITH and COMPLETE TRUST in who I AM and in what I can do. You will FOREVER know how POWERFUL, how TRUSTWORTHY, and how LOVING I AM. Our hearts will be so DEEPLY KNIT TOGETHER that NOTHING will be able to SEPARATE you from My LOVE. I have instructed you to CALL IN My RESCUE and My RECOMPENSE, but I don’t want you to MISS the MOST ENDURING and MOST PRECIOUS result of this unprecedented season and that is an INTIMATE and COMPLETELY SATISFYING HEART TO HEART RELATIONSHIP with Me. This is the GREATEST PRIZE, and it will go with you into eternity. KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE PRIZE!”

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. Whenever I visit Rumble during a "live" prophetic or political show, (ElijahStreams, JGMI, AWK, etc.) I see a ton of "God Wins!" posted in their chats. But in reading Eye On the Prize today and noticing how it highlights the Most Valuable and Enduring prize to be won, I'm thinking more minds need a renewal to "Love Wins!" Same win; Different emphasis.

    1. God IS Love!

    2. Yes and Amen! Love wins! I know about Elijahstteam and Julie Green but who is AWK?

  2. Heavenly Father, In Jesus Holy Name. Father God, You have given me all that I have, all that I am. I only want Your Love, to do Your Divine Will, and to never be separated from You. That’s all that I ask. I pray this in the name of Your Son, Jesus. Amen.

  3. Love, Love, Love
    God is Love
    Love Wins
    GOD Wins

  4. Yes, Glory to God! His love expressed through Christ is the most powerful force in existence!

    Our hearts knit to Your heart;
    Your love flows through our veins.
    The enduring prize of
    Deepened faith that sustains.
    Nothing can separate~
    For each promise You’ve made
    Is secured through Your Son
    On whom our debts were laid.
    How great the deliverance;
    You exchange for each loss
    Divine recompense won
    Through the power of the cross!
    Each season of darkness
    Into LIGHT You’ll transform!
    Our trust in You deepened;
    You’re our peace IN the storm!
    When the victory comes~
    Oh, LORD, hasten that day!
    That Your Armies of Light
    May in one accord pray,
    “All glory and honor;
    Praise and worship we sing,
    To Christ, our Redeemer,
    And our Glorious King!”

    Peggy S

  5. Beautiful, Peggy S! This was such a life-giving, exciting word, Diana! I’d just finished a study of 1 John 3 about walking in love and face to face time with God and how it pleases Him! Then I journaled about our relationship bubble and read your blog! Talk about a confirmation!!!!! For musical people, the Lord reminded me of Graham Kendrick’s song “Only by Grace.”

  6. Amen 🙏! Thank you Heavenly Father for your continued Mercy and Grace! I am looking forward to an INTIMATE and COMPLETELY SATISFYING HEART TO HEART RELATIONSHIP with YOU! This will be the GREATEST PRIZE! KEEPING MY EYES ON THE PRIZE! 🙏❤️🙌🔥


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