1.    June 4, 2024


“Waiting for the FULFILLMENT of the promised Rescue Operation has been a CHALLENGE to your FAITH, but you have responded by STRENGTHENING yourself in My PRESENCE and My LOVE. Your FAITH ROOTS have grown DEEP and UNSHAKEABLE. You are no longer MOVED by circumstances—you MOVE circumstances with your FAITH-FILLED DECLARATIONS and DECREES. You have found a place of PEACE with Me in the midst of a HEATED BATTLE, and you are continually REFRESHED in My presence. It is not so for those partnered with DARKNESS. The enemy cannot give them PEACE or COMFORT because he HAS NONE to give. Those partnered with EVIL are on a daily ROLLER COASTER. Their CORRUPT plans will APPEAR to SUCCEED and then, SUDDENLY, they are BACKFIRING on them. Their EVIL GLEE gets turned to FRUSTRATION and ANXIETY. One minute they are SURE their plans to gain CONTROL will SUCCEED and the next, they are PLUNGED into FEAR and DESPERATION as another victory is SNATCHED from their GREEDY clutches. Can you see that I AM WEARING THEM DOWN from the inside out? Can you see beyond their CONFIDENT MASKS and BOASTING WORDS that I AM MAKING THEM SWEAT? Because they have no SOURCE of REAL COMFORT (only FALSE comforters), they will continue to be WORN DOWN INTERNALLY, and OUTWARDLY you will begin to SEE THEM SWEAT. All it takes is for one of them to FOLD, and the whole HOUSE of CARDS will COME DOWN. Be sure that you are being STRENGTHENED DAILY in My presence, and you will observe the darkness IMPLODING, as I MAKE THEM SWEAT.” 


June 4, 2023


“Ahhh…look! The RATS are turning into WEASELS! Frantic to SAVE themselves, the RATS are seeing that behind the scenes, their GRANDIOSE schemes to RULE OVER you are DISINTEGRATING. Their PROTECTIONS are being TAKEN DOWN and that soon, NOTHING will stop the FLOOD of EXPOSURES of all their EVIL, PERVERSION, AND CORRUPTION. The very SELFISHNESS and GREED that brought them together in a UNIFIED PURPOSE to KILL, STEAL, and DESTROY you, will now TEAR them APART, as SAVING themselves becomes their ONLY GOAL. RATS turned into WEASELS are NOT to be trusted, but their TESTIMONY AGAINST the other RATS can be very USEFUL in CONVINCING the STILL ASLEEP that all is NOT as the LYING MEDIA portrayed it. WEASELS are facing a CRISIS in their lives, and your INTERCESSION will turn some of their HEARTS and LIVES to Me. From RATS to WEASELS to My SON or DAUGHTER—now that’s a TRANSFORMATION! Pray PROTECTION over the WEASELS, as they provide FIRSTHAND testimony of the DARK and DEPRAVED lives that the RATS have been living. These WEASEL TESTIMONIES will VALIDATE what My TRUTH-TELLERS have been saying for years, and more will AWAKEN to the reality of what has been happening to your Nation and how the LYING MEDIA has had a great role in HIDING the DARK AGENDAS and in MOCKING and SILENCING those speaking TRUTH. This is another SURPRISE move in My orchestrated TAKEDOWN of darkness. The Rescue Operation is in full swing as the RATS become WEASELS. POP GOES THE WEASEL!”

3.    June 5, 2024


“Yahweh, Commander of Angel Armies, declares to the UNJUST JUDGES that your DAYS ARE NUMBERED, and your UNRIGHTEOUS DECISIONS will be WIPED AWAY.” ISAIAH 5:23-24a (TPT) ‘(Woe to the) judges and politicians who acquit the guilty for a bribe and take away the rights of the innocent. Therefore, just as tongues of fire lick up the straw and dry grass, they will be destroyed…’ ISAIAH 29:5,6 (TPT) ‘Then suddenly, in an instant, your ruthless enemies will become nothing more than dust in the wind and your vile tyrants like wind-driven chaff! She will be visited by the Lord Yahweh, Commander of Angel Armies, with thunder, earthquake, and deafening noise, with whirlwind, tempest, and the blaze of a consuming fire!’ “I AM the JUST JUDGE, and My Remnant have come before Me asking for a DECISION to be made on their behalf. They have PETITIONED for UNJUST JUDGES and UNRIGHTEOUS DECISIONS to be SWEPT AWAY, and I have DECREED, ‘PETITION GRANTED!’ Therefore, I say to the UNJUST JUDGES that you will be REMOVED SUDDENLY and without any further WARNING. I have made this decision, and IT CANNOT BE REVERSED. I will LAY BARE your SECRET MEETINGS, AGREEMENTS, and BRIBES; and your life will end in DISGRACE and LOSS. As for your UNRIGHTEOUS DECISIONS, they will be SWEPT AWAY, and TRUE JUSTICE will take their place. RESTITUTION and RECOMPENSE will be given to those UNJUSTLY JUDGED, and they will be VINDICATED before the world. Those who IMPRISONED and tried to IMPRISON the INNOCENT, will TAKE THEIR PLACES BEHIND PRISON DOORS. I, Yahweh, have SPOKEN, and I WILL PERFORM IT.”

4.    June 6, 2024 


“My Forces of Light, I AM issuing ORDERS to DIRECT your FIRE POWER against the LIES, INTIMIDATION, and FEAR that the LEVIATHAN media continues to SPEW. The power of this MESMERIZING STRONGHOLD must be BROKEN so that those held CAPTIVE to its MIND-BINDING SPELL can AWAKEN and begin to SEE the TRUTH. The more that know the TRUTH, the SOONER the evil empire can be OVERWHELMED with CRIES and DEMANDS for the REAL TRUTH and for REAL ACCOUNTABILITY for their DARK and EVIL AGENDAS. Once Leviathan’s voice is CRUSHED and SILENCED, the TSUNAMI of TRUTH and EXPOSURE will be HELD BACK NO LONGER, and the world will DEMAND JUDGMENT and JUSTICE. Come before Me dressed in your ROYAL SALVATION ROBES and with ONE VOICE CRY OUT, ‘Leviathan, your voice is now BOUND on the earth as it has already been BOUND in Heaven. We DECLARE that our VOICE of TRUTH will now be LOUDER and MORE POWERFUL than his voice of LIES, INTIMIDATION, and FEAR. We BIND MIND-BINDING spirits and SILENCE their INFLUENCE and BREAK APART the BARS that are holding people’s minds CAPTIVE. We LOOSE the Spirit of Truth to BLOW MIGHTILY across this Land, UNCOVERING DARKNESS and CLEANSING people’s MINDS so that they can HEAR THE TRUTH.’ As you BIND and LOOSE, My Royal Sons and Daughters, I will FLOOD your Land with TRUTH and EXPOSURES that NOTHING CAN STOP. I AM declaring, ‘LEVIATHAN, COME DOWN!’ As you follow my ORDERS, you will PARTNER in this COMING TO PASS. The day is not far off when the BELLS of FREEDOM will ring out across your Land.”

5.    June 6, 2023


“One of the MAJOR ways your enemy ATTACKS you and your Nation is through the voice of CRUEL LEVIATHAN. All the enemy’s ANGER and RAGE at Me has been POURED into this FALLEN DARK POWER, and his voice SPEWS forth ACCUSATIONS, FEAR, DOUBT, and MOCKERY of My CHARACTER and My PEOPLE who have CHOSEN to BELIEVE who I AM and what I say. He comes to INHABIT the SPEECH of those whose hearts are CONSUMED by GREED and a lust for POWER. Leviathan’s TWISTING WORDS through these people CONFUSE and DUPE those who don’t know Me, and these people become CONTROLLED by his LIES and DARKENED PHILOSOPHIES. Leviathan will come to My people by THREATENING them with LOSS and FEAR of the future and by casting DOUBTS about My POWER and My WILLINGNESS to come to your rescue. (ISAIAH 36) Leviathan is a CRUEL TASKMASTER to those who come under his influence, so DO NOT TAKE THE BAIT of DOUBTING My power and My goodness—especially when you are WAITING to see the FULFILLMENT of My PROMISES. Leviathan will WHISPER that I will not come to your RESCUE or ANSWER your requests because you are NOT GOOD ENOUGH and that your PERFORMANCE falls SHORT of pleasing Me. Always remember that you stand before Me in My Son’s HOLINESS, and I don’t require that you do certain things before I will HEAR your cries. When My children CALL OUT to Me, I turn My FACE and My HEART to you, and I ANSWER those cries and requests. Answers may be IMMEDIATE, and some may take time to UNFOLD, as I WEAVE the PERFECT ANSWER to your prayer. This time of WAITING is a VULNERABLE time when you must GUARD your MIND and HEART from CRUEL LEVIATHAN’S DOUBTS and TAUNTS. During this time of waiting for fulfillment, either DOUBT or FAITH will grow—CHOOSE to remain in FAITH, BELIEVING I AM who I say I AM and that I will do what I have PROMISED I’ll do for you and for your Nation. Let your faith TRIUMPH over CRUEL LEVIATHAN. He LOSES, you WIN!”

6.    June 7, 2024 


“I have shared with you that the evil empire is desperately EMPTYING THEIR ARSENAL of DARK PLANS in an attempt to cause GREAT FEAR and DESTRUCTION that will bring the world UNDER THEIR CONTROL. It will HELP you COMBAT any FEAR that tries to GRIP you if you LOOK at these schemes through My eyes. I see the launch of these dark plans as MEGA TANTRUMS of the arrogant elite. On display is their EXTREME SELF-FOCUS and SELF-INDULGENCE. The enemy has completely DELUDED them with thinking they are SUPERIOR to everyone else and that they should HAVE IT ALL, and you EXIST to FULFILL their DESIRES. There has been a SHIFT in the SPIRITUAL REALM, and it is DAWNING on them that they are no longer on the OFFENSE but are now trying to DEFEND against an INVASION from the Forces of Light. This does not sit well with their SELFISH AGENDA and so you will see their UGLY TANTRUMS roll out. You have been TASKED with taking the DEADLY POWER out of their UGLY TANTRUMS. DECLARE that these TANTRUMS released by the FRUSTRATED evil empire will serve to UNCOVER their SELFISH and DARK AGENDAS and that their UGLY DISPLAYS of attempted DEATH and DESTRUCTION will AWAKEN those who are still asleep. Instead of seeing their dark schemes as POWERFUL and FEARFUL, see them as the LAST TANTRUMS of the deep darkness that My strong right arm is CRUSHING. These TANTRUMS are going to EXPOSE who they really are, and those who serve righteousness will RULE in their place.”

7.    June 8, 2024


The Father and I walked the path past the huge waterfall that reminds me of Yosemite, and into the Garden of Eden where we found Enoch waiting for us on a bench under a tree. The three of us sat together, and Enoch talked to me about the coming time for our world as a season of great change. He said everything is going to change, and we have to be ready to flow with the Holy Spirit so that we don’t cling to the past but allow ourselves to be guided into the good future before us. The Father shared with me:

“ARE YOU READY for this coming season of GREAT CHANGE? How good are you at HEARING My VOICE and how SENSITIVE are you at RESPONDING to the Holy Spirit, as He comes BESIDE you to COUNSEL you, to WARN you, and to HELP you walk through the OPEN DOORS that I AM placing in your life? ARE YOU READY to LET GO of the PAST and to WALK BRAVELY into a NEW DAY? Are you TRUSTING that I AM bringing to PASS My PROMISES of a NEW DAWN into the KINGDOM AGE? Do not let the TYRANNY of the FAMILIAR HOLD YOU BACK from STEPPING into a WHOLE NEW WORLD. You don’t fully realize how much your FREEDOMS have been RESTRICTED by OPPRESSIVE and INTRUSIVE laws and government agencies. When these are LIFTED, you will experience GREAT FREEDOM of EXPRESSION and DOORWAYS that will open to INNOVATION and CREATIVITY before you. DON’T STAY IN THE SHADOWLANDS because you’re AFRAID you might FAIL in the Light. Take the RISK of TRUSTING My Spirit to GUIDE you into NEW PATHWAYS and LEARN to CREATE and MOVE FORWARD in PARTNERSHIP with Him. You will TASTE FREEDOM, FULLNESS of LIFE, and JOY like never before, as you walk in FAITH with Me into a WHOLE NEW WORLD of My Kingdom LIFE and LIGHT. ARE YOU READY?”

8.    June 9, 2024


REVELATION 11:15 (NKJV) “Then the seventh angel sounded: and there were loud voices in heaven, saying, ‘The Kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!’”

“You are living in the era of time when this Scripture will come into FULFILLMENT. You will see the Kingdom Age DAWN and continue to GROW until the KINGDOMS OF THIS WORLD HAVE BECOME THE KINGDOMS OF YOUR GOD. The TRUE POWER of the Messiah’s LIFE, DEATH, and RESURRECTION will ARISE in YOU, and My LIGHT in you will OVERCOME the darkness. REVELATION 5:10 (NASB) “You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God; and they will reign upon the earth.” The earth is going to see a DISPLAY of My Kingdom SUPERIORITY and AUTHORITY from My strong right arm and through My ANOINTED Sons and Daughters of Light. HOLD TIGHT to this EXCITING FUTURE and let it SUSTAIN you through these FINAL DAYS of bringing the evil empire DOWN. The darkness is going to KICK and SCREAM and THROW OUT all their DEATH AGENDAS, but you are to ARISE and SHINE the POWER of My LIGHT until all their evil is EXPOSED and their kingdom lays in piles of SMOLDERING RUBBLE. This is not the day to COWER in FEAR or WORRY about the NEXT MOVE of the enemy. You ARISE with your SWORD and SHIELD, join Me on the battlefield, and you will witness our TRIUMPH over the darkness. You will see that THE KINGDOMS OF THIS WORLD HAVE BECOME THE KINGDOMS OF OUR LORD AND OF HIS CHRIST, AND HE SHALL REIGN FOREVER AND EVER.”

9.    June 9, 2023


“I say to those of DARK HEARTS: ‘Are you THREATENING to arrest the one I have CHOSEN to lead this Nation? Because you serve the DARKNESS, you are DOOMED to walk in DARKNESS and that is why you continue pursuing your EVIL WAYS with NO THOUGHT that I might have SET A TRAP for you to FALL into. This is not just an ordinary TRAP. It has been set at the BOTTOM of a CLIFF, and its JAWS are WIDE OPEN to CATCH you when you obliviously step off the edge of the cliff. Did you feel FEAR in your HEART when you went ahead with this LYING SCHEME to ENTRAP My leader? You should have paid ATTENTION to that WARNING! In your desperation to keep your own CORRUPTION HIDDEN, you LAUNCHED this UNJUST SCHEME of darkness. What happened when you carried out this TYRANNICAL SCHEME? You STEPPED OFF the EDGE of the PRECIPICE, and you are FALLING, FALLING into the YAWNING TRAP below. Did you have DREAMS of FALLING into a DARK ABYSS last night? The JAWS of My TRAP will soon SNAP SHUT and you will be FINISHED and SNARED by your own EVIL SCHEMES.’ To My Army of Light I say, ‘Keep HOLDING the LINE of FREEDOM, keep DEMANDING JUSTICE, do not BUY INTO EVIL REPORTS that cause you to FEAR. Continue to live under the PROTECTION of the BLOOD COVENANT that we are BOUND TOGETHER in, and know that I AM the God who will bring about the GLORIOUS VICTORY from DARK to LIGHT!’”

10.                    June 10, 2023


“MAKE WAY, MAKE WAY, I AM THUNDERING through your Land in a CHARIOT of FIRE. Anything of DARKNESS that STANDS in My WAY of JUDGMENT, RIGHTEOUSNESS, and JUSTICE will be BURNED DOWN. Come, My people, cry out, ‘MAKE WAY! MAKE WAY! the King of GLORY is COMING THROUGH!’ Prepare the way with HEARTS of HUMILITY, PRAYER, WORSHIP, and FASTING. Declare, ‘My God is coming to MAKE WAY for RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUSTICE to once more RULE over our Nation.’ Decree, ‘Dark powers, you are being RUN OVER by the THUNDERING POWER of God, and you will be CONSUMED by His GLORY FIRE.’ My children, you will receive My GLORY FIRE, too, but it will serve to BURN AWAY anything not of My Spirit, and it will EMPOWER you to REIGN as My Sons and Daughters of the KINGDOM of LIGHT. Welcome My GLORY FIRE to do its GOOD work in you and to BURN UP the EVIL strongholds that have held your Nation CAPTIVE as you cry out, ‘MAKE WAY! MAKE WAY! the THUNDERING GOD will RESTORE JUSTICE and LIGHT to our Nation again.’”

11.                    June 10, 2024


This Word began by the Father taking me back to a place He had me visit often in my wilderness days. It was a barren, hot, full-sun sand desert with a small tent pitched on the hot sand. I was the only person in the whole scene. I would wait outside the small tent with a hot breeze blowing on my face until an angel would lift the tent flap and allow me to enter. The tent was only about 4 feet high, so I entered on my hands and knees and prostrated myself before a small golden altar with 4 horns. It was a place of stillness, holiness, awe and wonder of a Great God, and the clean and enduring fear of the Lord. I would quietly wait and pray, prostrated before the presence of the Lord with my face in the warm sand. The only light in the tent came from a hanging clear glass container to the right of the altar. It was filled with an amber liquid oil that burned with a flame that provided a golden light in the tent. Now that I am out of the wilderness, I no longer am taken to this barren desert where I learned that His presence was all I needed. But this morning He reminded me of the desert Holy place and focused me attention on the burning amber oil. He began to speak to me about this:

“Prepare your heart to receive a FRESH FIRE of My HOLY ANOINTING OIL. Set yourself apart to receive this IMPORTANT and POWERFUL ANOINTING. Let everything else FALL AWAY and focus on coming before Me with EMPTY HANDS and a HEART full of WORSHIP and the HOLY FEAR OF THE LORD. This FIERY, HOLY ANOINTING OIL will be POURED upon your head, and the FIRE and the OIL will FLOW through EVERY PART of you—from your OUTWARD FLESH to DEEP in your INNERMOST being. It will BURN AWAY IMPURITIES and WRONG MOTIVES. It will IGNITE your PASSIONATE LOVE for Me. It will EMPOWER your PRAYERS and your AUTHORITY. You will receive an INCREASE in your ANOINTING to RELEASE SALVATION, DELIVERANCE, and HEALING. Expect to see MIRACLES, to experience DEEPER UNION with Me, and a greater SENSITIVITY to My VOICE. Will you receive My HOLY ANOINTING OIL?”



  1. Glory be to God, we are truly here! The days of waiting are behind us and while our enemies are surrounded by darkness, we’re lighting His glorious blue sky with the candles He’s placed in our hearts! Time for jubilation and thanks, fellow travelers! 🙏🏼❤️

  2. Coming back to this word 2 1/2 months later, I see how strongly all of these promises have worked in my life. For when I first read this on June 10, I went to the Lord to receive, receive, receive. And it has certainly been an accelerated time of growth for me with the Lord since then. And I say to the Lord today that I want to continue to receive. For I know this work is not done within me. Thank you, Jesus!


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