June 25, 2024


1.    June 18, 2024


“A season of CONVERGENCE is unfolding before you, as I work out My Rescue Operation. You will see the WINDS OF CHANGE blowing in the natural, and you will feel them in the Spirit realm. These winds are SHIFTING the ATMOSPHERE by BLOWING OUT darkness and RELEASING the Light and the FREQUENCIES of Heaven. This makes a way for the TSUNAMIS of TRUTH to FLOOD the Land, and you will see EXPOSURE after EXPOSURE that NOTHING CAN STOP and the LYING media will not be able to SPIN. As the atmosphere SHIFTS and the TRUTH FLOODS in, all the dark schemes and agendas will BOOMERANG back onto those partnered with EVIL. This three-pronged STRATEGY of the Rescue Operation is UNSTOPPABLE because My POWER and your DECREES and DECLARATIONS are calling forth My powerful WINDS OF CHANGE, the flood of TSUNAMIS of TRUTH, and the BOOMERANGS of EVIL SCHEMES BACK into the camp of the darkness. Do not fret if it LOOKS LIKE the darkness is SUCCEEDING in their evil plots. I AM ALLOWING them to position themselves to be OUT IN THE OPEN in an IDEAL PLACE to be taken SUDDENLY DOWN by the CONVERGENCE of the WINDS OF CHANGE, THE TSUNAMIS OF TRUTH, and the BOOMERANGS OF JUDGMENT AND JUSTICE.”


June 18, 2023


“I understand that for you, these are very UNCERTAIN TIMES with UNCHARTED TERRITORY before you. You may be finding it difficult to PLAN AHEAD or to VENTURE OUT on TRIPS or to BEGIN NEW ENDEAVORS because you don’t know WHEN or WHERE My SHAKINGS will happen. Ask yourself this question: ‘Will my GOOD and POWERFUL Father ever LEAVE me UNPROTECTED or WITHOUT GUIDANCE?’ As sure as all My PROMISES will COME TRUE for your life and your Nation, so SURE is My PROMISE to ALWAYS be with you, to PROTECT you, and to GUIDE you with My PEACE. Lay out your PLANS and DECISIONS before Me, and I will RELEASE My DEEP PEACE into your spirit to let you know to PROCEED. I will be just as FAITHFUL to let you know when it is NOT a SAFE or a GOOD DECISION by you SENSING A BREAK in My PEACE. There will be NO LIFE in your plans or decisions if it is NOT My plans for you. If this is a decision or plan I want you to EMBRACE, then you will FEEL LIFE SPRING UP INSIDE YOUR HEART. My PEACE and LIFE go together, and UNREST and DEATH are partners. Choose to be GUIDED by My LIFE and My PEACE, and you won’t MISS OUT on My OPPORTUNITIES for you. Even in the midst of WAR, I want you to EMBRACE the LIFE and FULLNESS that I send your way. BE GUIDED BY MY PEACE.”

3.    June 19, 2024


I had a dream early this morning where the word “change” was repeated three times. The first was in the context of the Church, then in a needy individual’s life, and then in my life related to my ministry. The Father shared this:

“Many CHANGES are coming to your world. As I CHANGE My Church, they will be able to HELP CHANGE the lives of those in GREAT NEED of CHANGE. Personally, your lives and ministries will CHANGE as I COVER you, PROVIDE for you, and your GIFTS will be RECOGNIZED. You will not have to do anything to PROMOTE yourself, as it will be from My HAND. Everyone in My Church will CONTRIBUTE in order to CHANGE people’s lives—no more MINISTRY STARS who are put on a PEDESTAL and expected to do ALL the work. Because of DEATH AGENDAS and PERVERSION that have INFILTRATED your Nation, people are in GREAT NEED of PHYSICAL, EMOTIONAL, and SPIRITUAL CHANGE. As My Church comes into AGREEMENT and GIVES their ALL to Me, I will bring them CHANGE that will EMPOWER them to bring CHANGE into the lives of SICK, BROKEN people. Your life will CHANGE in that you won’t ‘HAVE’ a MINISTRY, your WHOLE LIFE will be MINISTRY lived out in NATURAL and SUPERNATURAL ways that FLOW from our HEARTS being in UNION. Don’t be ANXIOUS about the CHANGES, don’t HOLD ONTO the ways of doing things in the PAST. If you will UNIFY your heart with My heart, the CHANGES will FLOW to you, and it will bring you WONDER, EXCITEMENT, and JOY. Take heart, this is a GOOD SEASON of CHANGE, CHANGE, CHANGE.” 


June 19, 2023


“I would ENCOURAGE you to practice COMMUNION with Me every day. I AM speaking of DAILY REMEMBERING My Son’s SACRIFICE of His BODY and His BLOOD poured out for you. There is GREAT POWER in SACRIFICE. That is why the darkness SACRIFICES lives in order to WIN POWER. How much more POWERFUL is the PURE and HOLY SACRIFICE of a SPOTLESS Son, who GAVE His life in EXCHANGE for yours? When you daily receive this SACRIFICE represented by the BREAD and the WINE, the FRAGRANCE of this SACRIFICE fills the air. It becomes GLORY for you, and it makes the darkness COWER in FEAR. You position yourself for HEALING and RESTORATION, and it places in you a FOREVER HEART of GRATITUDE and THANKSGIVING. Thanksgiving INCREASES your FAITH, and FAITH produces HOPE, and HOPE in Me DOES NOT DISAPPOINT. Every time you CELEBRATE COMMUNION and REMEMBER My Son’s SACRIFICE and LOVE, it causes demons to TREMBLE, as they see you being EMPOWERED and STRENGTHENED. My Son’s BLOOD cries out RECONCILIATION and HEALING, and it is the MOST POWERFUL SACRIFICE ever given. Celebrating the POWER of COMMUNION is one of the KEYS to helping you NAVIGATE the CHANGES in your future. DRAW NEAR and REMEMBER MY SON.” 

5.    June 20, 2024


“I AM your SAFE HARBOR in the days ahead of GREAT CHANGE and UPHEAVAL. From your place of SAFETY and PEACE in Me, you will observe the CHANGES, and I will help you ADAPT your life to the New Kingdom era that emerges from the ASHES of the evil empire. Those whose hearts are ALIGNED with Mine will receive an ABUNDANCE of FINANCES. These finances will continue to GROW and MULTIPLY as long as you are WILLING to ABUNDANTLY SHARE with others what FLOWS to you. In a SHORT AMOUNT of TIME, the Rescue Operation will DRAMATICALLY TRANSFORM your world and your life. Do you believe I AM POWERFUL enough to INSTIGATE, OVERSEE, and COMPLETE this TUMULTUOUS TRANSFORMATION while keeping you at PEACE and PROTECTED in My SAFE HARBOR? I AM. For the sake of My people who are CRYING out for DELIVERANCE from the TYRANTS who think they are gods, I will make this a SUDDEN and DRASTIC CHANGE. The world will be REELING from the EXPOSURES of EVIL PEOPLE and DEATH AGENDAS. You are to WELCOME the SHOCKED and FEARFUL into My SAFE HARBOR of salvation, deliverance, and healing. Their lives will be BORN AGAIN as the world is BORN AGAIN into the KINGDOM AGE. Settle yourself NOW in My SAFE HARBOR so that you are positioned there to WELCOME the FEARFUL, LOST, and BROKEN into My SAFE HARBOR.”

6.    June 21, 2024


“Let Me assure you that EVERY DETAIL of EVERY ROTTEN PLAN of the darkness is KNOWN and DOCUMENTED by Me. I know of EVERY STOLEN RESOURCE that has been taken. I know what ACCOUNTS BRIBERY and BLACKMAIL FUNDS have gone into—no matter how HIDDEN the darkness thinks they are. I know WHERE their HIDEOUTS are—there is NOWHERE you can go to HIDE from My Spirit. I KNOW WHERE their STASHES of WEAPONS are, and I KNOW EVERY DETAIL of their DOOMSDAY PLANS. I KNOW EVERY MURDER and EVERY VILE thing done to men, women, and children, and I have EVERYTHING necessary to CHARGE them with these CRIMES. I have EVERY PAPER TRAIL, EVERY HIDDEN SERVER, EVERY CRUMB of EVIDENCE, ALL the pieces of INTEL, SECRET TAPES and VIDEOS, OVERHEARD CONVERSATIONS, EVERY WORD SPOKEN at their TOP SECRET MEETINGS. I HAVE IT ALL! Nothing they have DONE or have PLANNED to do is HIDDEN from Me, and I will hold them ACCOUNTABLE for IT ALL! They know how to TWIST JUSTICE and to BRIBE JUDGES and JURIES to achieve their CROOKED OUTCOMES. But the Courts of Heaven CANNOT BE TWISTED or BRIBED, and a JUSTICE so COMPLETE and REVEALING will HIT them like a SPEEDING FREIGHT TRAIN that NOTHING CAN STOP. NOTHING and NO ONE will be able to PROTECT or DEFEND them from the FULL FORCE of My JUSTICE. They will have NO DEFENSE against My CHARGES because I HAVE IT ALL! I AM assuring you, My Army of Light, that you will SEE the FULFILLMENT of all My PROMISES to RESCUE you and to BRING My HAMMER of JUSTICE DOWN on the evil empire. I HAVE IT ALL!”


June 21, 2023


*This word began with seeing a large council of those partnered with evil. The leaders are boasting and confident, laying out death agendas and power moves to crush freedom and take control. This dark council is now fully activated to fulfill their assignments, and all sleepers are commanded to come out of the shadows and complete their orders. The leaders are speaking boldly, but the hearts of the rest of the council are feeling vulnerable and exposed. After this meeting breaks up, a smaller council of just the leaders meets. The atmosphere is not so bold, as they realize something has shifted. They are beginning to see lights shining through the dark cloud of lies and fear they had released over the Land. In hushed tones they are discussing backup plans for escape, and they give no thought to those they have tasked with dangerous, dark schemes that have the potential to backfire and expose them. From my vantage point, I can see the seeds of disintegration that our decrees and declarations have sown into the camp of darkness. Our glory lights are piercing the darkness.

*”I AM giving you a BEHIND-THE-SCENES picture of the enemy’s camp because I want you to see BEYOND the BOASTING voices speaking LIES and PREDICTING the DOWNFALL of My anointed leader. It LOOKS LIKE a POWERFUL, UNIFIED camp, but you have been shown how your prayers are bringing about CRACKS in their unity and SOWING SEEDS of SELF-PRESERVATION that will GREATLY WEAKEN them from the inside out. As My DELUGE of TRUTH RAINS DOWN on them, it will TRIGGER every man for himself, and the evil empire will COLLAPSE in the MUD of their EVIL. My DELUGE of TRUTH will WASH THEM into a PIT, and My JUDGMENT and JUSTICE will come CRASHING DOWN on them. Call in My DELUGE OF TRUTH! It is BUILDING and BUILDING as more and more EXPOSE themselves as being COMPROMISED and actually working for the DARKNESS. The DELUGE will REVEAL IT ALL—down to every CORRUPT ROOT, and it will all be WASHED AWAY.”

8.     June 22, 2024 


“Even with all the DEATH AGENDAS and STEALING that the evil empire has done, My GOODNESS STILL REMAINS in the HEARTS of My people and in My FAITHFULNESS to you and to creation. I COUNSEL YOU to LOOK around and to SAVOR WHAT IS GOOD. SAVOR BEAUTY in My creation, SAVOR KINDNESS in strangers, and SAVOR LOVE in your relationships. SAVOR MOMENTS of DEEP PEACE, as you REST in My LOVE and My GOODNESS. Even as the evil empire PEAKS in its desperate attempt to DESTROY what is GOOD and to STEAL FREEDOM, SAVOR the PROMISED VICTORY and CALL it into being. Oh taste and see that I AM GOOD. Because I AM GOOD, even in a time of war, I will BLESS you with My GOODNESS and My FAVOR. SAVOR them and know that MORE is on the way, as the evil empire CRASHES and BURNS. If you take the time now to SAVOR My GOODNESS, it will SEE YOU THROUGH the TURMOIL, and you will come into an era of GREAT PEACE and PLENTY. SAVOR My GOODNESS and be KEPT in My LOVE.”

PSALM 34:8 (AMP) “O taste and see that the Lord (our God) is good; how blessed (fortunate, prosperous, and favored by God) is the man who takes refuge in Him.”


 June 22, 2023


“The EVIL SYSTEMS of this world are set for a WORLDWIDE COLLAPSE. Do NOT FEAR as these systems COME DOWN because these systems were DESIGNED to STEAL from you and to exercise CONTROL over you. If it seems your funds have DISAPPEARED, do NOT FEAR. I AM well able to RESTORE your original amount, plus RECOMPENSE and RESTORATION of what should RIGHTFULLY have been yours. If I have the POWER to BRING DOWN DARK SYSTEMS, realize I have MORE than enough POWER to give you WEALTH. I have promised you, My Army of Light, REWARD, RECOMPENSE, and RESTORATION, and I keep My promises. Some evil systems that I COLLAPSE will NEVER RISE AGAIN. You were told they were NECESSARY and for your BENEFIT, but those were LIES, and these systems have been STEALING your FREEDOMS and your FUNDS. The world will function with much more FREEDOM and PROSPERITY without GREEDY, EVIL FINANCIAL SYSTEMS that ROB you and keep you UNDER THEIR THUMB. Systems developed to SPY on you and to ULTIMATELY CONTROL your every move, will IMPLODE and NEVER RISE AGAIN. Many of you are CALLED to help ESTABLISH Kingdom FINANCIAL systems and FAIR and JUST law and order systems. Don’t WORRY or FRET over WORLDWIDE COLLAPSES. Instead, DREAM and PLAN with Me in BUILDING systems on RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUSTICE. Out of the ASHES, a NEW DAY, a NEW DAWN, and NEW LIFE will ARISE to give LIFE, PLENTY, PEACE, and FREEDOM.” 

10.                    June 23, 2024

I began my day with saying, “Good morning!” to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I asked them, “How is Heaven this morning?” I heard an immediate and firm response:


“As you witness evil thrones TOPPLING and slave systems CRASHING, keep in mind that you are part of a Kingdom that CANNOT BE MOVED OR SHAKEN. As corruption and evil are EXPOSED and SWEPT AWAY, it will create OPENINGS in the spiritual realm and natural realm. This is where you, My CARRIERS of My Kingdom of LIFE and LIGHT are to bring the influence of My Kingdom into ALL those places where darkness has been WIPED OUT. You are to FLOOD into those swept-clean places with My LOVE, My LIGHT, My PEACE, My HOPE, My CREATIVITY, My WISDOM, My JUSTICE, and My RIGHTEOUSNESS. This is why you should NEVER FEAR or DESPAIR as the SHAKINGS come to your world. You are CITIZENS of an IMMOVABLE AND UNSHAKABLE Kingdom that will come to bring RESTORATION, REBUILDING, and RECOMPENSE. Even if all around you seems to be COLLAPSING, if you REMAIN in Me, you will be IMMOVABLE AND UNSHAKABLE. Stay CONNECTED with My heart, and I will give you EYES to SEE a FUTURE of PEACE and PLENTY where you are NOT BOUND to the SLAVE SYSTEMS of the EVIL TASKMASTERS but will be SET FREE to pursue a life of FREEDOM and FULFILLMENT. During this FINAL BATTLE, I AM INVITING you to DWELL under the shadow of My wing and to be IMMOVABLE AND UNSHAKABLE.”


11.                    JOURNAL NUGGET:

June 24, 2023


“The world right now does not hold My people in HIGH REGARD. The enemy has SPREAD LIES about you and painted a picture of you as being WEAK and INEFFECTIVE. Sadly, much of the Church has BOUGHT INTO this LIE, and they believe the ONLY ANSWER to the RISING DARKNESS is to be SNATCHED OUT OF IT and taken to Heaven. Do not BUY INTO this DISEMPOWERING, DESTINY-STEALING DOCTRINE OF DEMONS. My Son won COMPLETE VICTORY over SIN, DEATH, and HELL. When you SURRENDER your life to Him, MY Spirit EMPOWERS you with the SAME ANOINTING that He carries. Are you not now Sons and Daughters through the BLOOD of My Son? You are now CO-HEIRS of ALL He is, ALL He won, and you are now COMMISSIONED to share the treasures of LOVE, WISDOM, and FREEDOM that you have INHERITED. LOVE, WISDOM, and FREEDOM will continue to grow in you, as you DRAW NEAR to Me, EAT of My Word, and WORSHIP Me with all your heart. The world and the enemy have told you that what you say or do doesn’t REALLY MATTER all that much. The TRUTH is the OPPOSITE of that! You CARRY the VERY PRESENCE of your God in you, and the LIGHT that you carry causes darkness to BOW and to FLEE. My LIGHT in you is LOVE, WISDOM, and FREEDOM RELEASED to the world through your PRAYERS, DECREES, ACTIONS, and EVERYPLACE the soles of your feet walk. Be AWARE of carrying My PRESENCE and CONSCIOUSLY RELEASE it wherever you go and whatever you do. Can you see that My RISING REMNANT is already IMPACTING the darkness? They are being EXPOSED and will be brought to JUSTICE. You are not WEAK and INEFFECTIVE, you are the WALKING POWER and LIFE of your God, and you are called to release LOVE, WISDOM, and FREEDOM into the world of DARKNESS, CONFUSION, and BONDAGE. SHINE FOR ME, EMPOWERED ONES!”


12.                    June 24, 2024 


As I entered my garden in Heaven, I saw the Three-in-One laughing and talking excitedly with each other. I asked them what was going on, and they chorused: “IT’S ABOUT TO GET GOOD!” (This word is unusual in that all Three were speaking to me in a united voice—very powerful!)

“Gaze into your FUTURE with OUR EYES and through OUR HEARTS and SEE BEYOND the present TURMOIL and DARKNESS to an AGE of LIGHT, PEACE, and PLENTY. Think of these next FEW MONTHS as TAKING OUT THE TRASH from years of NEGLECT of Our WORD and Our WAYS. Cobwebs of LIES need to be SWEPT CLEAN and replaced by Our SHINING TRUTH. The garbage of PERVERSION, CORRUPTION, and ADDICTIONS needs to be SHOVELED OUT and replaced by the PURE and ENDURING FEAR of the LORD. The worship of FALSE GODS and FALSE COMFORTERS needs to be gathered in a HEAP and BURNED with Our HOLY FIRE. The STINKING AIR of GREED and SELFISHNESS needs to be BLOWN AWAY by our STRONG SPIRIT WINDS and replaced by Our atmosphere of GENEROSITY and LOVE. Such a DEEP CLEANING of your world will cause UPHEAVAL and SHAKING. Realize that this process is NOT TO BE FEARED but rather to be WELCOMED because the END RESULT will be PURITY, PEACE, PLENTY, and BEAUTY. We are telling you that IT’S ABOUT TO GET GOOD!”



  1. Comforting Words, Father! O appreciate the general tone of Your Words, Father, no details but the flavor. Each Prophet receives according to their particular personality, with Your anointing. I appreciate them alll! But especially the more gentle delivery of truth You speak through Our Lovely Light-Bearer, Diana!💐🌸

  2. Shalom! As a daughter of the Most High and one of His Remnant, I speak for so many of us around the world to humbly say, we honor each one of God's prophets! And we are truly blessed and grateful for you Dianna and all of God's prophets around the world! Each one of you are such a precious gift from God and deeply appreciate you! I want you all to know, the Ecclesia is praying for you, your families, and ministries. It is incredible and beyond words how God has blessed us with Prophets and Apostles! I believe the many in the Body who have not received and ignorantly have not understood the significance of you as His Chosen and Anointed and the Word of Lord you release will with God's divine reset. This is our finest hour in Christ Jesus! We love you very much and bless you! (Note: Dianna I hope you will share this to bless Prophets, Apostles, and the Remnant. And be a gracious reminder to the Remnant to continue to pray and the gift we have been given!)

  3. Amen Father expose them all Father


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