I discovered a journal entry never before published. 

June 12, 2021

“Throughout the ages of men on the earth, I have REVEALED MYSTERIES to those who drew near to Me and who asked to see with My eyes and to hear with My ears. During these TUMULTUOUS DAYS many have pressed into My HEART to HEAR My voice, to UNDERSTAND My ways, and to have SECRETS brought to the LIGHT. Those seeking My heart have asked that MYSTERIES would be REVEALED so that JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUSNESS would be established. There has been a needed focus on UNCOVERING DARK SECRETS because they were set to fulfill their EVIL PLANS to DOMINATE and CONTROL. I have heard your cries for REVELATION of darkness, and I AM REVEALING MORE and MORE EVIL and HIDDEN DARKNESS until it finally BURIES them all under the AVALANCHE of EXPOSURE. It’s time to turn your ATTENTION to the MYSTERIES of LIGHT and LIFE that have been HIDDEN in My HEART and in CREATION and that I have chosen to REVEAL in this time in man’s history. Many have been SEEKING Me with their WHOLE HEART and in response I AM ready to POUR OUT many WONDERFUL MYSTERIES REVEALED. 1 Corinthians 2:9 (TPT) ‘This is why the Scriptures say: things never discovered or heard of before, things beyond our ability to imagine—these are the many things God has in store for all His lovers.’ I will be UNCOVERING many wonderful CURES for diseases, amazing scientific DISCOVERIES that will greatly IMPROVE the world’s quality of life, and best of all, I will be UNCOVERING MYSTERIES HIDDEN in My Word that have never been UNDERSTOOD or that have been MISUNDERSTOOD—I will be bringing SHINING CLARITY to My PLANS and My HEART. I have good things planned for you, and this age will be known as the age of MYSTERIES REVEALED.” 
Diana Larkin
A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. Thank you for sharing. Have a blessed day 🙏❤️

  2. Thank you, Lord, for giving us this word through Diana today. You know how strongly it speaks to me, for every day I ask you to teach me new mysteries in your word. You have given me such a hunger in my heart to learn of your mysteries. To learn more of your character. Thank you for this anointed word, Lord God.

  3. What a blessing to hear Apostle Tim Sheets speak today in confirmation of this word - we are in the season of the written Word coming to its due season - Hallelujah! I am ready for this season for the written Promises to come to their due season personally and corporately! (Cherie, BC Canada).

  4. I have tears streaming down my face as I read this Word. Good is the Word of the Lord, so be it in the Name of our precious Lord Jesus Christ!

  5. Thank you For this beautiful prayer!


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