*We are to call forth the winds of change, the flood of tsunamis of truth, and the boomerangs of evil schemes back into the camp of the darkness. Do not fret if it looks like their evil plots are succeeding because He is positioning them to be out in the open exposed and we are to call forth the convergence of winds, tsunamis, and boomerangs to take them down.

*We are to lay our decisions and our plans before Him, and He will release His deep peace into our spirits to let us know to proceed. He will let us know if it is not a safe or a good decision by sensing a break in His peace. Also, there will be no life in our plans if it is not His plans. If it is something He wants us to do, life will spring up inside our hearts. Even in the midst of war, He wants us to embrace life and fullness that He sends our way.

*If we will unify our hearts with His heart, we will be empowered to bring change to the lives of sick and broken people. Embrace the changes He is bringing to our world and to our lives.

*We are to remember the sacrifice of Jesus by daily taking communion. We will find it positions us for healing and restoration, and it stirs up a forever heart of gratitude and thanksgiving. We are empowered and strengthened and it will help us navigate the changes in our future.

*We are to settle ourselves in the safe harbor of His peace and safety as the rescue operation is carried out. From our place of peace and safety, we are to welcome people into His safe harbor of salvation, deliverance, and healing.

*We are to call in His deluge of truth and watch as it triggers them to be every man for himself.

*We are to savor what is good, what is of beauty, kindness, love, moments of deep peace as we rest in His love and goodness. Savor the promised victory and call it into being. O taste and see that He is good. Savoring His goodness will keep us in His love and see us through the turmoil.

*We should never fear as the shakings come to our world because we are a part of a Kingdom that is immovable and unshakable. We are to stay connected with His heart, and He will give us eyes to see a future of peace and plenty where we are no longer slaves to evil systems. We are to dwell under the shadow of His wing and we will be immovable and unshakable.

*Because we are now covenant sons and daughters through the blood of Jesus and co-heirs with Him, we are commissioned to share the treasures of love, wisdom, and freedom with others. We are to be aware of carrying His presence and consciously release it everywhere we go and shine for Him.

*We are to gaze into our future with His eyes and His heart and see beyond the clean-up operation to an age of peace, light, and plenty. We are to welcome the massive clean-up operation because the end result will be purity, peace, plenty, and beauty.

Diana Larkin

A Watchman's Journal 


  1. Thank you for returning to the original format. The unbroken thread of God's messages to us followed by your recap of our action items is a powerful presentation that I don't believe can be improved upon. Your idea to have 2 sessions so you can include your followers input shows your love and commintment even though it means more work for you. Be blessed in Jesus Name.

  2. Diana, thank you for your summary of action items. After declaring and decreeing during the week, I love having the recap for reference. Blessings, dearest one!


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