June 11, 2024

Our cry: PSALM 7 (TPT) Verse 1: “O Lord my God, I turn aside to hide my soul in You. I trust You to save me from all those who pursue and persecute me.” Verse 6: “Now, Lord, let Your anger arise against the anger of My enemies. Awaken Your fury and stand up for me! Decree that justice be done against my foes.” Verse 8: “You are the Exalted One who judges the people, so vindicate me publicly and restore my honor and integrity. Before all the people declare me innocent.” Verses 12-13: “Yet if the wicked do not repent, You will not relent with Your wrath, slaying them with Your shining sword. You are the Conqueror with an arsenal of lethal weapons that You’ve prepared for them. You have bent and strung Your bow, making Your judgment-arrows shafts of burning fire.” (Arrow Hosts!) Verse 15: “They dig a pit for others to fall into, not knowing that they will be the very ones who will fall into their own pit of failure.” The Father responds: “This is My SURE PROMISE to you—I WILL CRUSH THOSE WHO CRUSH YOU. Even if it LOOKS LIKE the OPPOSITE is happening, you will know this is NOT THE END OF THE STORY. Most of you have so STRENGTHENED your FAITH and HOPE in Me that you WILL NOT BE MOVED by the APPEARANCE of the darkness overcoming the Light. You will know deep in your spirit that VICTORY is now VERY NEAR. You will understand that for a SHORT TIME, I have COVERED the LIGHT with My mighty hand in order to allow the darkness and those partnered with it to COMPLETELY EXPOSE themselves. This will be a SHOCKING and SHAKING time for those still DRUGGED ASLEEP by LYING Leviathan, but you will know that SOON My hand will UNCOVER the BLINDING LIGHT of My GLORY and My FORCES OF LIGHT, and we will SWEEP IN and PUSH the darkness into the PIT of DESTRUCTION they worked so hard and long preparing for the world to fall into. SUDDENLY, IN A DAY, the plans of many generations for CONTROL and DOMINATION will be SWEPT AWAY, and you will see them NO MORE. I WILL CRUSH THOSE WHO CRUSH YOU.” We will respond: Verse 17: “But I will give all my thanks to You, Lord, for You make everything right in the end. I will sing my highest praise to the God of the Highest Place.” 
Diana Larkin
A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. You've met your match 😊 enemies. Now meet your maker. God's will be done. Good 😊 and Done πŸ‘✅

    1. Amen. Say it again!! You’ve slam face first into THE ROCK OF ALL AGES!!

  2. Amazing revelations again today!!! Thank you Holy Jesus for the victory! Father thank you for speaking to your sons and daughters who are mighty in battle!!! We are ready!πŸ”₯

  3. "Suddenly, in a day..." I think it will be shocking even to those of us who believe it is coming.

  4. But I will give all my thanks to YOU, Lord, for YOU make everything right in the end. I will sing my highest praise to the GOD of the Highest Place. Hallelujah! Amen!

  5. El Elyon, praise You!

  6. Glory be to God, we are finally here! The days of waiting are behind us and while our enemies are surrounded by darkness, we’re lighting His glorious blue sky with the candles He’s placed in our hearts! It’s time for jubilation and gratitude, fellow travelers! πŸ™πŸΌ❤️

  7. Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ Holy Name. Father, we THANK YOU for Your message today and for sharing your plans. We know we have the victory because this world belongs to You. You never lose. We stand beside You with our Warrior Hosts, and we pray, “Let it be done on earth as it is in Heaven.”


    Amen and amen.


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