June 16, 2024

“The centuries-old carefully and deceitfully constructed evil THRONES ARE FALLING, FALLING. Their CRASH will be SEEN and FELT around the world. You WILL NOT FEAR, as these THRONES TOPPLE because you know that I have ORDAINED their FALL because of your RIGHTEOUS CRIES and My DECISION to ENFORCE a harvest season where SMALL and GREAT wilL REAP what they have SOWN. You will see that THRONES ARE FALLING in both the natural and supernatural realms. In the natural, you are seeing leaders REMOVED from their positions, and MANY MORE will FOLLOW as their darkness and evil are EXPOSED. Those still ASLEEP will think the world is COMING APART, but it is really in the process of COMING TOGETHER. When you see the LYING MEDIA THRONE FALL, you will know the VICTORY is NEAR. The SOUND of that THRONE FALLING will be heard worldwide, and those under its LYING SPELL will be JOLTED AWAKE. When they realize how many LIES and SMOKESCREENS they have believed, they will be LOOKING for TRUTH. My Army of Light, you are to CALL FORTH TRUTH-TELLERS who have been PREPARED for this day. DECLARE that a DOOR will OPEN for them to take their place in laying a new foundation of TRUTH and INTEGRITY in media. Not all that you CONSIDER truth-tellers will stand because some have been COMPROMISED by GREED for MONEY and FAME, and they are spreading CONTRIVED news that will ‘SELL.’ They will be BROUGHT DOWN because they are serving THEMSELVES and not the Kingdom of Light. In the night, some of you will HEAR the supernatural THRONES of EVIL CRASHING DOWN. The SOUND will AWAKEN you, but it is in your spirit; and I AM letting you know that EVIL THRONES ARE FALLING. Now, Army of Light, you can FLOOD into those places, PUSH OUT the PUPPETS and PUPPET MASTERS whose DARK POWERS have been REMOVED, and you TAKE BACK the TERRITORY for Kingdom of Light. As you see the FALLING THRONES, DO NOT FEAR because it is a SIGN of their DESTRUCTION and a SIGN of VICTORY and KINGDOM RULE for you.”
Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. Praise God, for the Truth will win!! We the people will rejoice, even now!

  2. keep witnessing for Jesus

  3. Our enemies have lost control of everything. We are here to take back control of everything. Here we is. Here we are. Here we go. Time to go.

  4. Praise God, thank you Lord for this word and thank you Diana for your obedience and being such a blessing to the body of Christ in this “ SPECIAL HOUR” we are in!!
    For the past several months I have been awakened in the middle of the night by a thunderous crashing noise, my physical body & inner spirit literally trembling & shaking and with an excitement I could never explain, I then feel this awesome peace! Each time I’m awakened I always say boy Lord you’re doing something HUGE in me and on this earth for sure! At times I have asked my husband did u hear that awesome thunder last night and he says I didn’t hear anything at all. Other times I have heard it while doing housework in my home have even felt the shaking underneath me and within me and an excitement that makes me feel I can fly right out of here with an unspeakable joy 🤩 that truly only comes from God!! WE ARE LIVING IN SUCH GREAT & EXCITING TIMES LOOKING FORWARD TO WHAT IS AHEAD FOR ALL OF US! GOD BLESS YOU ALL.

    1. Thank you for sharing your experiences with the awesome shaking in your body & spirit. It blessed me because I could feel your excitement in your words!

  5. Heavenly Father in Jesus’ Holy Name. We PROCLAIM Ephesians 4:6 CEV “There is one God who is the Father of all people. Not only is God above all others, but he works by using all of us, and he lives in all of us.” Father God, we delight in You. We love You. Happy Father’s Day!

    Father, we THANK YOU for Your Words, “When you see the lying media throne fall, you will know the victory is near.” Father God, YOU are our Victory and we look forward to celebrating with You and Your Kingdom Realm, and all of Your children.

    We invite our Warrior Hosts to be with us as we PRAISE You and declare the Words You have decreed in heaven.

    Father, we THANK YOU that “You have ordained thrones to topple because You have heard our righteous cries.” We THANK YOU that “You are enforcing a harvest season where small and great will reap what they have sown.”
    • WE DECLARE we will NOT fear.
    • WE SHOUT Let the evil thrones FALL.
    • WE DECLARE EXPOSE their darkness and evil.
    • WE DECLARE REMOVE the leaders from their positions

    WE SHOUT to those still asleep . . . WAKE UP.

    WE CALL FORTH Truth-Tellers who have been prepared for this day.
    WE DECLARE a Door will OPEN for Truth-Tellers to take their place in laying a new foundation of Truth and Integrity in media.

    Father, as we hear the supernatural thrones of evil crashing down,
    • WE will PUSH OUT the Puppets and Puppet Masters whose dark powers have been removed.
    • WE will TAKE BACK the territory for the Kingdom of Light.

    And now, Father, in obedience WE CALL FORTH Light, Peace, Power, Joy and Plenty.
    • WE CALL FORTH the Winds of Change.
    • WE CALL FORTH Your Ocean of Glory.
    • WE WELCOME the Frequency of Heaven.
    • WE WELCOME Your Tsunami of Truth.
    • WE WELCOME the New Kingdom Era.


    Father, we THANK YOU for telling us, “As you see the falling thrones, do not fear because it is a sign of their destruction and a Sign of Victory and Kingdom Rule for you.” Father, You are the King of all creation and we fall humbly before Your Throne in thanksgiving. All the Glory, Honor and Praise are Yours.

    We declare, decree, believe and receive all this in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.


    Warrior Hosts, thank you for fighting with us and for us. WE COMMAND you to WAKE UP those who are still asleep. As you proceed, SHOUT . . . “THIS IS AMERICA’S DAY . . . WE HAVE THE VICTORY!”

    Use ALL of our declarations and GO FORTH NOW!

    Amen and amen. HALLELUJAH!

  6. Vision I had....
    05/25/24 11:40 or maybe 1139 not sure how long took me to see clock.
    I saw a door, the part where it has the hole in the door jam for that buttony thing the doorknob part goes in, keeps the door in place when closed and the lock/deadbolt goes into. (Hole in frame for lock)
    I saw like 3 holes in the doorframe. I felt the door slam, i did not see it slam, but felt like did in spirit and I think my bed shook for real. It really shook unless it me who shook at the loud slam.
    But I could still see door jam thingy open, no door.

    And either yesterday or thismorning forgot which. I was still awake at 6am.
    I heard some loud noices in what seemed lime our driveway, but nothing looked amiss, all the same. So, wondering what that was?

  7. Here's a repost of God's Word to Diana.
    January 23, 2024


    “This year you will hear 1, 2, 3 LOUD BOOMS of THUNDER that will be heard around the world. Each LOUD CRASH will further EXPOSE and WEAKEN the evil empire, and it will COLLAPSE and FALL. These BOOMS of GREAT EXPOSURE carry Heaven’s MAXIMUM FREQUENCY of DESTRUCTION and NOTHING will KEEP THEM FROM SOUNDING. The powerful waves will LAY BARE EVIL AGENDAS and PERVERTED LIFESTYLES. They will expose a PRIDE and ARROGANCE that will SICKEN people’s stomachs, and it will JERK them FULLY AWAKE. The darkness has multiple DEATH AGENDAS ready to release on the world, but the FREQUENCIES of My THUNDERS will cause those schemes to CRUMBLE right before their eyes. When you hear the THREATS of WAR the darkness has planned for you, and they try to INTIMIDATE you with a FORECAST of SICKNESSES, FINANCIAL LOSSES, and TIMES of LACK, you DECLARE back to them that Heaven’s THUNDERS will BREAK those plans to PIECES. You are Sons and Daughters of My COVENANT PROMISES of PRESERVATION, PROTECTION, and PROVISION. STAND on your promises and CALL FORTH My THUNDERS to crack open the heavens and to release My EXPOSURES and the DESTRUCTION of the darkness. CALL IN My LIFE, LIGHT, and GLORY and watch as THUNDERS and BLESSINGS manifest in this year of the open door.”

    Diana Larkin
    A Watchman’s Journal

  8. Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ Name
    WE CALL FORTH God’s thunders to crack open the heavens and to release His exposures and the destruction of the darkness.
    WE DECLARE Heaven’s thunders will break their plans to pieces.
    WE CALL IN God’s Life, Light, and Glory.
    WE WILL watch as thunders and blessings manifest in this year of the open door.
    We thank You, Father for the Words You have given us. We declare, decree, believe and receive this in Jesus’ name. Amen and amen.


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