June 29, 2024

“July will be a month marked by Me TURNING UP THE HEAT. This will be FELT in the WEATHER over your Nation as a SIGN of what I AM doing in the enemy’s camp. I AM TURNING UP THE HEAT of EXPOSURES of the CORRUPT characters of those partnered with darkness. Those ‘NICE’ FACADES they present to the world will begin to MELT in the HEAT of the EXPOSURES of their EVIL DEEDS and WICKED PLANS. I AM TURNING UP THE HEAT IN JULY of EXPOSURES of the MISUSE of the JUSTICE SYSTEM to PERSECUTE and SILENCE those who OPPOSE the darkness and its EVIL AGENDAS. In July, I AM VISITING those partnered with darkness with My Spirit’s FIERY CONVICTION. Some will receive this conviction, and they will become WHISTLEBLOWERS with HOT TESTIMONIES of those who are EVIL and have PLOTTED your DESTRUCTION. I will TURN UP the HEAT of FEAR in those lower level PUPPETS who were PAID by the darkness to give FALSE TESTIMONY, to SWAY the process of choosing leaders, and to DECLARE ‘GUILTY’ when they KNOW the person was INNOCENT. They will begin to have HOT FEAR because I AM REVEALING to them that those who promised to PROTECT and DEFEND them are going to ABANDON them to face the CONSEQUENCES of their LAWLESSNESS ALL ALONE. The gatekeepers are JUMPING OFF the BURNING SHIP of July’s HEAT, and it will become ‘everyone for themselves.’ More and more lower level DUPES will come CLEAN and REVEAL the dark plans they were part of in order to save themselves. As I TURN UP THE HEAT of EXPOSURES in JULY, I want you to TURN UP THE HEAT of your DECLARATIONS and DECREES for EXPOSURE, EXPOSURE, EXPOSURE. CALL IN My Host to DISMANTLE and DISEMPOWER the STRIKES of RETALIATION planned by the darkness who are in GREAT FEAR because I AM TURNING UP THE HEAT IN JULY.”
Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal    


  1. we like to know the timing! thankyou Father.

  2. I'm all 🔥 up and ready to go! Full Speed Ahead and God Speed 🚅!!!

  3. Amen and Amen!!!!
    GOD WINS ALWAYS!!!🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🤍🤍🤍 TODAY IS AMERICA’S DAY!!! ✝️✝️✝️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  4. Diana, can you please about God’s Hosts? Are they His Angel Armies?

    1. *typo, sorry* will you please talk about Hosts?

    2. I also have been hoping Diana will talk about that. I'm pretty sure they are angel armies

    3. I'm not Diana, but SEE NOTE under
      Anonymous June 29, 2024 at 4:04 PM. Hope this helps.

    4. I’m confused. So Hosts are different from Angels? Does anyone recommend a book teaching about this?

    5. Tim Sheets has book titled Angel Armies. Hope this helps.

    6. Yes, thank you.

  5. Heavenly Father in Jesus’ Holy Name. Father, we THANK YOU for telling us, “July will be a month marked by Me TURNING UP THE HEAT. This will be FELT in the WEATHER over your Nation as a SIGN of what I AM doing in the enemy’s camp.”

    Father God, we THANK YOU for Your Words. We invite our Warrior Hosts to be with us as we declare what You have decreed in heaven.

    Father, we use the authority you have given us,
    WE CALL IN Your Host.
    Hosts, we COMMISSION you to DISMANTLE and DISEMPOWER the strikes of retaliation planned by the darkness.

    Father, we THANK YOU for Your Words, “As I TURN UP THE HEAT of EXPOSURES in JULY, I want you to TURN UP THE HEAT of your DECLARATIONS and DECREES of EXPOSURE.”

    WE SHOUT . . . EXPOSE . . . EXPOSE . . . EXPOSE.
    WE DECLARE EXPOSE the corrupt characters of those partnered with darkness.
    WE DECLARE MELT their facades.
    WE DECLARE EXPOSE their evil deeds and wicked plans.
    WE DECLARE EXPOSE the misuse of the Justice System.

    Father, we THANK YOU for telling us, “In July, I AM VISITING those partnered with darkness with My Spirit’s FIERY CONVICTION.”

    WE DECLARE TURN UP the HEAT of FEAR on the lower-level puppets.
    WE CALL THEM FORTH to come clean and reveal the dark plans they were part of.
    WE DECLARE . . . WHISTLEBLOWERS, COME FORTH and REVEAL those who have plotted our destruction.

    And now, Father, in obedience WE CALL FORTH Light, Peace, Power, Joy and Plenty.
    • WE CALL FORTH the Winds of Change.
    • WE CALL FORTH Boomerangs of Judgment and Justice.
    • WE CALL FORTH Your Ocean of Glory.
    • WE WELCOME the Frequency of Heaven.
    • WE WELCOME Your Tsunami of Truth.
    • WE WELCOME the New Kingdom Era.


    Father, we STAND with You and DECLARE . . . TURN UP THE HEAT.
    And then Father, we anticipate refreshment - Your Reign of Glory. SHOWER us with Your Glory.
    We CRY OUT and CALL FORTH Your OCEAN of Glory.
    We DECLARE . . . ALL the GLORY, HONOR and PRAISE belong to YOU.
    We THANK YOU. Amen.

    We declare, decree, believe and receive all this in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.


    Warrior Hosts, thank you for fighting with us and for us. WE COMMAND you, use our declarations to DISMANTLE and DISEMPOWER the STRIKES of RETALIATION. As you proceed, SHOUT:



    HALLELUJAH! Amen and amen.


    2. Thank you once again. Prayed in agreement!


  6. NOTE: When God says to call His Host, just think of the empowerment. This word ‘HOST’ would probably be a “multitude” rather than our two Warrior Hosts.

    Here is how the Oxford Reference defines host: “Derived from the Latin hostis, the term “host” evolved, designating originally an armed expedition against an enemy, then the army itself, and finally, by extension, the obligation to serve in arms.”

    The name Lord of Hosts, or some variant of it, appears 284 times in the Old Testament. The term in Hebrew is Jehovah Sabaoth. We don’t often think of God in the sense of a general leading an armed brigade, but that is one aspect of who God is. He is the Lord of Heaven’s Armies or the Lord of Hosts.

    In the New Testament, God is still the Lord of Hosts because God never changes. The good news is that God still fights for you (and he has given us authority to call His Host).

    Consider this verse in Romans: "What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?"

    "For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone." - Psalm 91:11-12

    1. 2nd NOTE:

      Because God is Turning up the Heat, the Host (His Army) will be necessary to battle the retaliation. The multitude is needed to battle the retaliation.

      We will still use our assigned Warrior Hosts for our daily declarations.

      (Father, correct me if I am wrong.)

    2. Kat Kerr has said that the host are Not angels but rather some sort of heavenly creatures. In fact I think she said that the angels don't appreciate being called hosts. Or maybe vice versa. Anyway they are pretty cool and can "imprint" in cloud formations to reveal themselves. She has images on her site.

    3. Exodus 15.3 "The LORD is a warrior. Pharoah's chariots and army he has hurled into the sea." I just changed my desk calendar to July and had noticed that 7-16-17 is Ashura the Sunni Muslim celebration of Red Sea split and the Salvation of God's people from Slavery. They commemorate with fasting and prayers. (Coincident? I'm going to pay attention on July 16). I've alway thought it was so cool and multitasking: The same event brought total and complete destruction to the wicked and Freedom and Deliverance to God's own children. AND in ONE DAY !

    4. I’ve always believed that since HE is The Lord Of Hosts, it means all divisions of His army, military forces. In heaven He has all different kinds of supernatural tribes and forces of different divisions to accomplish His will and plans for us on earth in what is needed. Just as we are His army of light here on earth - He is the head and we are the body fulfilling the works of His hands.

  7. Thank You for all the responses.

    We just need to be obedient and call them in. The battle is the Lords!

    Amen and amen.

  8. Joy in The Morning 44June 29, 2024 at 8:03 PM

    I asked the Father to give me a greater understanding of who He is as a father and He gave me the word "Abwoon". I had heard the word before in a song by Savae in their Ancient Echos album (fascinating project, by the way). But, I did not know what it meant. It is the first word in the Lord's prayer in Aramaic meaning "Father" "Womb" So wow! He was telling me of His Life giving force and all encompasing parental role over all life!! In adition, I learned that the Lord's prayer in Aramaic is hauntingly beautiful and hypnotic.

  9. it would be wonderful to have a question and answer time with Diana since her experience is off the charts!!!

  10. Ttlhank you from the bottom of my heart for sending out these words on daily platform so rhey can be prayed into and declarations can be made. Such a blessing.

  11. Melting in the heat - a wax carving of AB Lincoln at Camp BARKER (40 Acres) as a symbol for Climate change LOST ITS HEAD, HANDS, AND FEET in the heat the last week of June 2024 and before it was ruined and people who backed it humiliated even further. Upon initial view, it looked marble but was just counterfeit wax that couldn't stand the test of time. Now who in the Bible had ONLY their head, hands, and feet left? JEZEBEL I don't know American history very well, but wasn't Ab Lincoln one of the GOOD guys and that's why he was assassinated?

  12. I released a similar word but 4 years ago called "July is going to be a scorcher!" Some themes:
    - warnings to come out Babylon (which Diana now warns is to be exposed)
    - Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednigo would be thrown in the fire but come out without scorch or smell of smoke while those who threw them in the fire would die. (Think of the court cases that have suddenly turned in favour for good guys, exposing the bad guys much to their shock.)
    - the church would need to stand firmly in the fear of the LORD'S protection, having no compromise or sin still remaining. (Many prophets warned the church to grow in intimacy and dig deeply in the word, pickling themselves in His presence, aboding in the living streams, come up higher, etc..)

    Another theme that came out around that time was that the Crowned Royal Warriors would See the One and the heat of that location/proximity would cause many immature hearts to fail. So praying for those who didn't heed the warning to grow up (*mature in their faith and relationship with the LORD) and instead suffer to see the brats (lawless ones) kicked out.

  13. I too am interested in clarification of what "host" ("host(s) of heaven") is(/are), as I have puzzled over the passages surrounding 1 Ki 22:19 and (synonymous) 2 Ch 18:18, where one of the host of heaven offers in response to the LORD's (Jehovah) inquiry, to become a lying spirit in the mouth of Ahab's prophets, enticing Ahab to go to his death, and seems to be approved of doing so and guaranteed of success in that endeavor.

    Looking at OT passages in KJV containing words "host heaven" (not phrase) seems to reveal involvement in activities I do not immediately see as being in line with my generally perceived character of God.

    Doubtless Diana's mention elsewhere of "passages that have been misunderstood" applies, at least to me, regarding some of these passages.


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