June 8, 2024
The Father and I walked the path past the huge waterfall that reminds me of Yosemite, and into the Garden of Eden where we found Enoch waiting for us on a bench under a tree. The three of us sat together, and Enoch talked to me about the coming time for our world as a season of great change. He said everything is going to change, and we have to be ready to flow with the Holy Spirit so that we don’t cling to the past but allow ourselves to be guided into the good future before us. The Father shared with me:
“ARE YOU READY for this coming season of GREAT CHANGE? How good are you at HEARING My VOICE and how SENSITIVE are you at RESPONDING to the Holy Spirit, as He comes BESIDE you to COUNSEL you, to WARN you, and to HELP you walk through the OPEN DOORS that I AM placing in your life? ARE YOU READY to LET GO of the PAST and to WALK BRAVELY into a NEW DAY? Are you TRUSTING that I AM bringing to PASS My PROMISES of a NEW DAWN into the KINGDOM AGE? Do not let the TYRANNY of the FAMILIAR HOLD YOU BACK from STEPPING into a WHOLE NEW WORLD. You don’t fully realize how much your FREEDOMS have been RESTRICTED by OPPRESSIVE and INTRUSIVE laws and government agencies. When these are LIFTED, you will experience GREAT FREEDOM of EXPRESSION and DOORWAYS that will open to INNOVATION and CREATIVITY before you. DON’T STAY IN THE SHADOWLANDS because you’re AFRAID you might FAIL in the Light. Take the RISK of TRUSTING My Spirit to GUIDE you into NEW PATHWAYS and LEARN to CREATE and MOVE FORWARD in PARTNERSHIP with Him. You will TASTE FREEDOM, FULLNESS of LIFE, and JOY like never before, as you walk in FAITH with Me into a WHOLE NEW WORLD of My Kingdom LIFE and LIGHT. ARE YOU READY?”
Diana Larkin 

A Watchman’s Journal  


  1. I am ready Lord πŸŒΊπŸ™❤️✝️

  2. Full Speed Ahead and God Speed πŸš…!!! Future is looking bright 😎

  3. Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ Holy Name. Father, we come before Your Holy Throne to PRAISE YOU and THANK YOU for Your Loving Kindness in making sure we are “ready to let go of the past and to walk bravely into a new day.” Yes, Yes, O YES. WE ARE READY!

    We invite our Warrior Hosts to be with us as we acknowledge your message and declare the Words You have decreed in heaven.

    WE PROCLAIM 1 Chronicles 29:10-11 Douay-Rheims
    “ . . . Blessed art thou, O Lord the God of Israel, our father from eternity to eternity. Thine, O Lord, is magnificence, and power, and glory, and victory: and to thee is praise: for all that is in heaven, and in earth, is thine: thine is the kingdom, O Lord, and thou art above all princes.”

    Father God, we THANK YOU for Your question, “ARE YOU READY for this coming season of great change?”
    • Father God, I am tuned to Your Voice and I declare my sensitivity to respond to the Holy Spirit. Help me with any unreadiness.
    • THANK YOU Holy Spirit for Your Counsel, Warnings, and Assistance to walk through the open doors that “I AM” is placing in my life.
    • I DECLARE . . . I am ready to let go of the past and to walk bravely into a new day.
    • I DECLARE . . . I TRUST that You are bringing to pass Your Promises of a new dawn into the KINGDOM AGE.
    • I DECLARE . . . I will not let the tyranny of the familiar hold me back from stepping into a whole New World.

    Father, we THANK YOU that “we will experience great freedom of expression and doorways will open to innovation and creativity.”
    • I DECLARE I will “trust Your Spirit to guide me into new pathways and learn to create and move forward in partnership with You.

    Father, in obedience WE CALL FORTH Light, Peace, Power, Joy and Plenty.
    • WE CALL FORTH the Winds of Change.
    • WE CALL FORTH Your Ocean of Glory.
    • WE WELCOME the Frequency of Heaven.
    • WE WELCOME Your Tsunami of Truth.
    • WE WELCOME the New Kingdom Age.


    Father, we THANK YOU that “we will taste freedom, fullness of life, and joy like never before as we walk in faith with You into a whole new world of Your Kingdom Life and Light.” Father, you asked, “ARE YOU READY?” Yes, Father, I am totally focused on You and it is my desire to flow with Your Holy Spirit. For this I pray. Amen.

    WE PROCLAIM 1 Chronicles 29:12-13 Douay-Rheims
    “Thine are riches, and thine is glory, thou hast dominion over all, in thy hand is power and might: in thy hand greatness, and the empire of all things. Now therefore our God we give thanks to thee, and we praise thy glorious name.”

    We declare, decree, believe and receive all this in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.


    Warrior Hosts, thank you for fighting with us and for us. We ask you to continue to pray for us as we move into the Kingdom Age. And now, WE COMMAND you, use ALL of our declarations throughout the day and GO FORTH!

    Amen and amen. HALLELUJAH!

    1. πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠπŸ˜˜πŸ₯°πŸ™✝️❤️THANK YOU PRAYER POETπŸ™❤️ AND THANK YOU DIANA πŸ™❤️PRAISE GOD ! ✝️❤️AMEN & AMEN ! πŸ€—πŸŽ‰✝️❤️πŸ™

  4. FATHER, thank you for your faithful servant Diane Larkin! Thank you Father for how you have so marvelously lead and guided her as a Commander in the The army of Light on earth as it is in heaven! I can testify that reading, and hearing your voice through this mighty servant, I have followed your directives, and stand ready to enter into this new KINGDOM ERA,to manifest the glory of God on earth as it is in heaven! I thank you, Father , for how you led me through this and have exploded your love into my heart, in the vision that you’ve given me for the days ahead, as we fiercely, oppose the kingdom of darkness, and watch as our weapons of war demolished the strongholds of hell on earth! I praise God, father, for leading us in this battle where we will inherit the land, and the spoils of war Praise
    God! Thank you Lord for The confirming connecting words from a few of your faithful end time, prophets such as Veronica West in Ireland, and brother Barry, the Canadian hammer in Canada, brother Hank Kuhneman, and all the tribes and warriors brother Tim in Dutch sheets! Oh praise God for the end time army of God and thank you all for being here for such a time as this!

  5. Amen Father I am ready

  6. Lord God, make me ready! Anything that is within me that I should lay aside, point out to me that I may do so. I want to be completely ready to receive your power from on high.

    1. Yes! I agree with this for myself also. Amen


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