June 9, 2024


REVELATION 11:15 (NKJV) “Then the seventh angel sounded: and there were loud voices in heaven, saying, ‘The Kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!’”
“You are living in the era of time when this Scripture will come into FULFILLMENT. You will see the Kingdom Age DAWN and continue to GROW until the KINGDOMS OF THIS WORLD HAVE BECOME THE KINGDOMS OF YOUR GOD. The TRUE POWER of the Messiah’s LIFE, DEATH, and RESURRECTION will ARISE in YOU, and My LIGHT in you will OVERCOME the darkness. REVELATION 5:10 (NASB) “You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God; and they will reign upon the earth.” The earth is going to see a DISPLAY of My Kingdom SUPERIORITY and AUTHORITY from My strong right arm and through My ANOINTED Sons and Daughters of Light. HOLD TIGHT to this EXCITING FUTURE and let it SUSTAIN you through these FINAL DAYS of bringing the evil empire DOWN. The darkness is going to KICK and SCREAM and THROW OUT all their DEATH AGENDAS, but you are to ARISE and SHINE the POWER of My LIGHT until all their evil is EXPOSED and their kingdom lays in piles of SMOLDERING RUBBLE. This is not the day to COWER in FEAR or WORRY about the NEXT MOVE of the enemy. You ARISE with your SWORD and SHIELD, join Me on the battlefield, and you will witness our TRIUMPH over the darkness. You will see that THE KINGDOMS OF THIS WORLD HAVE BECOME THE KINGDOMS OF OUR LORD AND OF HIS CHRIST, AND HE SHALL REIGN FOREVER AND EVER.”
Diana Larkin
A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. All the old evil ways which are built on lies and corruption must be completely dismantled. Then Kingdom building will be on the foundation laid by the Apostles and Prophets with Jesus Christ as the cornerstone.

  2. Habakkuk 1:2-4
    Our Lord, how long must we beg for your help before you listen?
    How long before you save us from all the violence?
    Why do you make us watch such terrible injustice?
    Why do you allow violence,lawlessness,crime,and cruelty to spread everywhere?
    Laws cannot be enforced; justice is always the loser; criminals crowd out honest people and twist the laws around.

    Psalm 55:23
    But what about those people who are cruel and brutal?
    You will throw them down into the deepest pit long before their time.
    I trust you, Lord!

    Psalm 119:155
    Evil people won't obey you, and so they have no hope of being saved.

    Psalm 37:20
    Wicked people are enemies of the Lord and will vanish like smoke from a field on fire.

    1. Awesome verses thank you. Wow what a time to be alive. We love you Father Lord Jesus and Holy Spirit.

  3. Father, I accept Your invitation to “join You on the battlefield.”

    I DECLARE the kingdoms of this world will become the Kingdoms of our LORD and of his CHRIST, and HE shall reign forever and ever.

    All Glory to God.

    Amen and amen.

    1. Simply beautiful. Thank you. In Jesus’ Almighty Name.

    2. And I declare it with you!

  4. Amen Father bring them all down

  5. I decree new beginnings! Amen

  6. 1 John 5:3-5 NLT Loving God means keeping his commandments and his commandments are not burdensome. For every child of God defeats this evil world, and we achieve this victory through our faith. And who can win this battle against the world? Only those who believe that Jesus is the Son of God.

  7. Can someone help me understand what exactly is happening? Is God bringing Heaven on earth? Is this part of the rapture? I’m very confused!

    1. Read Diana Larkin's Post, dated June 3, 2024
      God is removing the evil Babylonian empire, and He will rule the earth. (The evil is being raptured, taken out,) God is teaching us every day what is to come. We are all learning. Hope this helps.

    2. Noah built an ark and entered, All this on the Lord's command.
      Then the evil was removed from this earth.
      As in the Days of Noah.

    3. The fact that you’re here now reading this says all you need to know. You are right where our Father wants you to be. Stay focused on where He puts you and He obviously sent you here.

    4. Thank you all for your comments. I do believe God sent me here for a reason and I will trust him. I will read Diana’s post from June 4 to help me understand more.

    5. I respectfully and kindly submit to you, that there are old, testament prophecies that must be fulfilled before Jesus returns. The former and latter rain, as told by Joel, where we receive this fresh oil must happen. The church must come into the fullness God intended to be a pride without spot or wrinkle. This must happen. as we rise as the pride we were intended to be, we will do the work that Jesus did and greater. This must happen. Simply lay aside what you have learned about the rapture for now. And understand that these prophecies must be fulfilled. Yes, we are entering a new kingdom era of ruling and raining end of learning to walk in love like we have never known. Be at peace with these words that Donna is giving us. Rest in your soul and take time aside just like the 120 on the day of Pentecost and prepare your heart to receive. The greatest days on earth are about to unfold.

    6. Sorry.. bride , not pride


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