1.    June 25, 2024–ON THE WINGS OF AN EAGLE

This morning I had a brief encounter where I was flying over the USA on the back of a huge, powerful eagle. I saw buildings and monuments suddenly collapsing into piles of rubble. Twilight darkness covered the Land, as these buildings collapsed and burned. Bands of trouble makers were stopped in their tracks as the hand of God moved powerfully destroying the strongholds of darkness. I saw portals of glory opening up all over the Nation by praying, worshiping Sons and Daughters of the Kingdom. Through these open portals, the Host of Heaven were streaming down to earth defeating the darkness and protecting God’s people. I felt completely safe and secure on the wings of the eagle.

“You will witness My strong right arm bringing about your SUDDEN DELIVERANCE. Just as darkness seems to be OVERTAKING your Land, I will order the SUDDEN COLLAPSE of BUILDINGS, MONUMENTS, and HIDEOUTS DEDICATED to FALSE GODS. This will happen SIMULTANEOUSLY and ALL OVER THE WORLD. There will be NO QUESTION that it is I who has DESTROYED these DARK STRONGHOLDS, and the AWE and WONDER of who I AM will fill the Land. Those who PARTNERED with darkness will have NO MORE BASES of POWER to operate from, and they will be COMPLETELY EXPOSED and brought into the CAPTIVITY they had planned for you. I will COMPLETELY DESTROY their NETWORK of DARK COMMUNICATIONS, and they will be without SUPPORT or an ABILITY to STRIKE BACK. Those who TARGETED the innocent will now be the TARGET of JUDGMENT and JUSTICE. They will SHAKE and QUAKE and FALL before your eyes, just like the buildings and monuments that served DARKNESS. As all this takes place, My Army of Light will be MOUNTED ON THE WINGS OF EAGLES and FLYING HIGH ABOVE the destruction of darkness. Your DECREES, DECLARATIONS, and WORSHIP will OPEN GLORY PORTALS for more and more of My Host to INVADE and BRING DOWN the darkness. You will be SAFE, PROTECTED, and you will WITNESS the SUDDEN DOWNFALL of DARKNESS. BELIEVE My PROMISES, STAY ALIGNED with My HEART, and you will be CARRIED ON THE WINGS OF AN EAGLE.” EXODUS 19:4 (AMP) “You have seen what I did to the Egyptians, and how I carried you on eagle’s wings, and brought you to Myself.” 


2.    June 26, 2024

EAGLE ENCOUNTER from June 25, 2024


I wanted to go into the flying eagle encounter again to see more clearly because I felt like I was distracted yesterday during the encounter. I realized my eagle’s head feathers were brown and not the typical white of the American Bald Eagle. I researched and found a brown-headed eagle name a “Steller’s Sea Eagle.” I found an amazing story of one of these Steller eagles coming to the US in 2020 from its habitat of Russia, Korea, and Japan. The Steller Sea Eagle is one of the largest raptors, weighing 10 pounds and having a wingspan of feet. It has a massive golden bill that looks like pirate treasure. There are only about 4,000 of these eagles worldwide. In 2020 it flew from its native lands to Alaska, Texas, eastern Canada, and finally into New England. It was first spotted on August 31, 2020 in Alaska and showed up in Taunton River, MA on December 19, 2021. Taunton was founded in 1637 by members of Plymouth Colony, one of the oldest towns in America, known as Silver City (center of the silver industry), also has the nickname of Christmas City because of an annual light display. 

2020–election year, C-19, riots. 10=the law, cycle of completeness, Divine perfection and order, 10 plagues of Egypt, judgment of nations; 7=spiritual perfection, 7 Spirits of God; 4=God’s creative works, material completeness, four seasons, winds, angelic activity. Golden bill—season of God’s glory, real money, wealth transfer. Silver=redemption, real money. Christmas City=season of plenty and joy.


This time on the back of the eagle I saw and felt this eagle was participating in the destruction of buildings and monuments. His wings would dip towards a structure and the waves released from his wings would collapse it. Laser fire from his eyes would shoot out and burn structures up. I realized that I can participate in this carnage of the evil empire! I asked him his name, and he said “DESTROYER!”


3.    June 26, 2024



“Because you have TRANSFERRED from the DARKNESS into the Kingdom of LIGHT, you become My LIGHT-BEARERS. That is why I call you My Army of LIGHT. As you WALK with Me through your life and CONTINUALLY SURRENDER to the Holy Spirit’s TRANSFORMATION, you will SHINE ever BRIGHTER, as you leave the SHADOWS of SIN and SELFISHNESS behind. I do not mean becoming a STIFF, RULE-KEEPING, MEAN-SPIRITED person who ACCUSES, JUDGES, and CRITICIZES anyone who doesn’t MEASURE UP to THEIR OUTWARD PERFORMANCE but whose hearts are UNCHANGED. They DO NOT REFLECT My heart nor do they SHINE My Light into the darkness. They HIDE DEFILING SINS under a CLOAK of MANMADE RIGHTEOUSNESS. They SOW SEEDS of SIN and DEFILEMENT into My Body. DEFILING THOUGHTS RULE them, and they MANIPULATE and USE My people to satisfy their LUSTS. ENOUGH! This is why you see LEADERS in the Body of Christ being REMOVED, because they put on a SHOW of righteousness but live a SECRET LIFE of SIN. A COMPROMISED and DEFILED Church CANNOT WIN A WAR against the evil empire. I will SHAKE My Church until all the COMPROMISED LEADERS and MEMBERS either REPENT or are REMOVED. I will NOT TOLERATE a FACADE of righteousness in My people any longer. This is My MERCY because these who have built their lives on FAKE righteousness will be UNPROTECTED when the enemy FLOODS in. Those who have TRULY SURRENDERED to My HEART and My WAYS will be KEPT SECURELY in My presence. YOU ARE MY DISPLAY BEFORE THE WORLD OF LIGHT AND LOVE. As you SHINE for Me, the darkness will have to FLEE. Come out of RELIGION and into RELATIONSHIP and become My POWERFUL DISPLAY BEFORE THE WORLD OF LIGHT, POWER, AND LOVE.”


4.    June 26, 2023



ISAIAH 42:13 (TPT) “Yahweh goes out to battle like a hero and stirs up His passion and zeal like a mighty warrior. Yes, His God-shout is a mighty battle cry; He will triumph heroically over all His foes.”


“Are you ready to SEE Scripture FULFILLED in your day? You are going to see Me ARISE as a MIGHTY WARRIOR who comes to TRAMPLE your enemies into the DUSTBIN OF HISTORY. When I arise with a BATTLE CRY that will SPLIT the heavens, its SOUND will be HEARD around the world. Its FREQUENCY will send SHOCK WAVES that TOPPLE MOUNTAINS, GOVERNMENTS, BUILDINGS, and MONUMENTS. As darkness and all its dirty deeds are CRACKED OPEN and SPILL OUT for ALL the world to SEE, I will RIDE OVER THEM and the hooves of My warhorse will TRAMPLE them into the dust. The HIGH and MIGHTY will become the LOWLY and SCORNED. When I SAVE, I SAVE. When I DELIVER, I DELIVER, and NOTHING will stand in My way. Therefore, DO NOT FEAR what the enemy has planned because all their ELABORATE, DESTRUCTIVE schemes will be BROUGHT DOWN like a house of cards by My BATTLE CRY, and we will TRIUMPH GLORIOUSLY over them. LIKE A MIGHTY WARRIOR I AM coming to RESCUE you from all your enemies. CALL OUT for My WAR CRY to be RELEASED, and I will SHOUT as I come like a HERO to SAVE you.”


5.    June 27, 2024


This morning I began to smell the incense of His presence, and I suddenly found myself in the Throne Room hearing worship and Holy, Holy, Holy, when a loud rumbling filled the room and went through me, leaving me shaking inside. Then I was just as suddenly in my garden looking with awe at all the beauty there. Complete peace and satisfaction filled my whole being, and I was refreshed and recentered. The Father spoke these words:

“POWER AND PEACE—A DEADLY COMBINATION that DESTROYS the WORKS of DARKNESS. When you are FILLED with My POWER and you WIELD that POWER from a place of DEEP and SETTLED PEACE, there is NOTHING from the darkness that can STAND before you. PEACE means you have DEEP TRUST in Me to PROTECT, PROVIDE, and to make all things work for the GOOD in your life. You become EMPOWERED when you SURRENDER to Me and become ONE with Me. DOUBT, ANXIETY, and FEAR are SIGNALS that you don’t completely trust Who I AM and what I have PROMISED. These GREATLY WEAKEN your POWER to bring DOWN the GIANTS who are trying to BLOCK My PROMISES from being FULFILLED. When you KNOW that you KNOW that I AM who I say I AM and that I LOVE you COMPLETELY, then you can BOLDLY DECLARE to the darkness to GET OFF YOUR LAND. You can say, ‘THIS IS MY LAND AND NOT YOURS. I SLAY YOU WITH THIS STONE OF TRUTH, AND I CUT OFF YOUR HEAD WITH THE SWORD OF POWER AND AUTHORITY. YOU LOSE, WE WIN!’ (At this point, all the Angels and Hosts in my sunroom began to cheer and jump excitedly.) PRESENT yourself before Me so that I can FILL you with My POWER and bring you into My PERFECT PEACE. POWER AND PEACE—A DEADLY COMBINATION to the darkness.”

PSALM 29:11 (TPT) “This is the one who gives His strength and might to His people. This is the Lord giving us His kiss of peace.”


6.    June 28, 2024




“The CLOWN SHOW that is trying to pass itself off as a legitimate government is coming under My SPOTLIGHTS of EXPOSURE. Leviathan, through the LYING MOUTHS of media, is not going to be able to continue to PROP UP this FOOLISH SHOW that is turning into a NIGHTMARE. Under the HEAT of My LIGHTS of EXPOSURE, the MASKS of DECEPTION will begin to MELT OFF, and the world will see the TRUE CHARACTER and IDENTITY of those playing the CLOWNS. The people of the world will be SICKENED when they see BEHIND the MASKS to the CORRUPTION and PERVERSION that has been HIDDEN and PROPPED UP by the LYING, COMPLICIT media. LIARS and FAKERS alike will be brought to JUDGMENT and JUSTICE. When the CLOWN SHOW is BROUGHT DOWN, it will cause the CIRCUS TO FOLD. The WHOLE EVIL EMPIRE will COLLAPSE when people are shown that the CLOWN SHOW SMILED on the outside but inside they had PLOTTED MUCH EVIL and DEATH AGENDAS for the world. The evil empire’s TENT will be BROUGHT DOWN just like Samson brought down the evil temple of his day. As it COLLAPSED, it DESTROYED all those serving darkness and idols, and it happened quite SUDDENLY when the darkness thought it was WINNING. This is My PROMISE to you that the CLOWN SHOW is being UNMASKED and that the CIRCUS of HORRORS will FOLD. Partner with Me and CALL FORTH My SPOTLIGHTS of EXPOSURE and declare that the CIRCUS WILL FOLD.”


7.    June 28, 2023



“IMAGINE a day when news media gives an ACCURATE, UNBIASED REPORT. IMAGINE a day when the MAJORITY of reporting is GOOD NEWS that lifts peoples’ hearts instead of a CONSTANT STREAM of NEGATIVE REPORTS that stir up FEAR and DIVISION. IMAGINE the day when you won’t need to see a doctor very often because the FOOD you eat and the ENVIRONMENT you live in will PROMOTE A CYCLE OF HEALTH. IMAGINE the day when your FINANCES EASILY COVER all your needs, and you have an OVERFLOW to SHARE with others. IMAGINE a day when going to a church meeting means you will ENCOUNTER My PRESENCE and My GLORY and SIGNS and WONDERS will ALWAYS FLOW. No more DRY meetings when only the MIND of man is being fed with LITTLE or NO EFFECT on their SOULS or SPIRITS, and where the POWERFUL WORKINGS of My Holy Spirit are REJECTED because they CANNOT CONTROL them. IMAGINE a day when DARK SCHEMES of the enemy and ENDLESS FRIVOLOUS LAWSUITS are NO MORE, and PEACE and REST enter your Land. WATCH, as every LIE and everything they have LAUNCHED against you is BLOWN BACK UPON THEM by My BREATH. IMAGINE when the DEEP DARKNESS is SILENCED and REMOVED from power because that day IS COMING. I offer you FREEDOM today to IMAGINE the GOOD FUTURE that I have for you. IMAGINE…”


8.    June 29, 2024


“July will be a month marked by Me TURNING UP THE HEAT. This will be FELT in the WEATHER over your Nation as a SIGN of what I AM doing in the enemy’s camp. I AM TURNING UP THE HEAT of EXPOSURES of the CORRUPT characters of those partnered with darkness. Those ‘NICE’ FACADES they present to the world will begin to MELT in the HEAT of the EXPOSURES of their EVIL DEEDS and WICKED PLANS. I AM TURNING UP THE HEAT IN JULY of EXPOSURES of the MISUSE of the JUSTICE SYSTEM to PERSECUTE and SILENCE those who OPPOSE the darkness and its EVIL AGENDAS. In July, I AM VISITING those partnered with darkness with My Spirit’s FIERY CONVICTION. Some will receive this conviction, and they will become WHISTLEBLOWERS with HOT TESTIMONIES of those who are EVIL and have PLOTTED your DESTRUCTION. I will TURN UP the HEAT of FEAR in those lower-level PUPPETS who were PAID by the darkness to give FALSE TESTIMONY, to SWAY the process of choosing leaders, and to DECLARE ‘GUILTY’ when they KNOW the person was INNOCENT. They will begin to have HOT FEAR because I AM REVEALING to them that those who promised to PROTECT and DEFEND them are going to ABANDON them to face the CONSEQUENCES of their LAWLESSNESS ALL ALONE. The gatekeepers are JUMPING OFF the BURNING SHIP of July’s HEAT, and it will become ‘everyone for themselves.’ More and more lower-level DUPES will come CLEAN and REVEAL the dark plans they were part of in order to save themselves. As I TURN UP THE HEAT of EXPOSURES in JULY, I want you to TURN UP THE HEAT of your DECLARATIONS and DECREES for EXPOSURE, EXPOSURE, EXPOSURE. CALL IN My Host to DISMANTLE and DISEMPOWER the STRIKES of RETALIATION planned by the darkness who are in GREAT FEAR because I AM TURNING UP THE HEAT IN JULY.”


Does the darkness have fierce battles ahead for us? Then we should declare to the darkness: “We will be fiercer!”


9.     June 29, 2023



“You who have walked this difficult road of FIERCE BATTLE and an UNKNOWN FUTURE are My WITNESSES. You chose to BELIEVE My words spoken through the prophets that VICTORY, BREAKTHROUGH, and a GOOD FUTURE were just around the corner. You FOLLOWED Me through the CLAMOR and the DANGER of the battle. You could not see ahead because of the SMOKE that filled the air from FIRES and EXPLOSIONS the enemy set off. And yet, you FOLLOWED ME STILL in BLIND FAITH because you had felt My LOVE and I had PROVED My FAITHFULNESS to you through the CROSS and through PROMISES kept to you. When the GREAT DECEPTION FALLS and I bring in the LIGHT OF TRUTH and FULFILLMENT, people who MOCKED and SCORNED you will realize you were HEARING and FOLLOWING Me, and they will come to you for WORDS OF TRUTH. You will be MY WITNESSES, and you will declare My GREAT DEEDS and MIGHTY ACTS that I have performed, and you will show them the GOOD PATHS to walk on. Instead of SCORN, you will be HIGHLY ESTEEMED and because of the HUMILITY you wear, you will FOCUS people on ME and you will show them the path of LIFE. DO NOT TURN ASIDE from the BATTLE because the SMOKE is thick and the enemy is SCREAMING THREATS. PRESS ON close behind Me, and we will SUDDENLY BREAKTHROUGH into the prophesied VICTORY. Be MY WITNESSES of My POWER and My FAITHFULNESS.”

ISAIAH 43:10a, 12b-13 (TPT) Yahweh says, “You are My witnesses, My chosen servants. I chose you in order that you may know Me intimately, believe Me always, and fully understand that I am the only God.” “You are My witnesses that I am God,” declares Yahweh. From the very beginning, I am the only God! No one can be snatched from My hand. When I choose to act, who can reverse it?”


10.                    June 30, 2024


“A SHIFT has taken place in this BATTLE from DARK to LIGHT. The darkness was DETERMINED to put you on the PRECIPICE of DESTRUCTION so that they could SWEEP in and take the TOTAL CONTROL that they CRAVE. Your WARFARE, your BOLD FAITH, and your WORSHIP have TURNED THE TIDE, and the darkness now finds they are STARING DOWN into a BOTTOMLESS PIT. Will you join Me in SENDING THEM OVER THE EDGE along with all their DEATH AGENDAS and the STEALING of your RESOURCES? THE SHIFT puts you in a place to RECEIVE your ROD of AUTHORITY over the darkness. Just like Moses’ ROD, your ROD will SWALLOW UP LIES, turn the schemes of the darkness BACK ONTO THEM, and it will OPEN the pathway to step into the Kingdom Age of LIFE, LIGHT, and FREEDOM. Come before Me to RECEIVE your ROD of AUTHORITY. It is now TIME to SHFT this EPIC season from DARK to LIGHT.”

PRACTICAL APPLICATION: Last night, I was moved to do powerful warfare over my grandchildren whose IDENTITIES are threatening to be stolen. This morning, I found myself in the Throne Room of Heaven, and a ROD of AUTHORITY had been placed in my left hand. My right hand was free to access my sword when it was needed. This ROD of AUTHORITY is used to SLAM on the ground and DECLARE: “NO MORE! You will take NO MORE TERRITORY in the lives of my family and my Nation. Your POWER is BROKEN, darkness, and I COMMAND you to GET OFF OUR LAND! I SHATTER the power of the LIES you have sown into the world of IDENTITY THEFT, of FALSE COMFORTERS, of GREED, and of PERVERSION. I RELEASE the FIRE of the Most High God to CONSUME these LIES, and I speak the TRUTH of the POWER of the BLOOD to ENLIGHTEN minds and hearts. I DECLARE that the KINGDOM OF GOD is ARISING in my family and in my Nation, and it will FILL THE WHOLE EARTH with His GOODNESS and HIS GLORY!”


11.                    June 30, 2023


“Do you remember that I told you this summer would be ‘FIESTY?’ Well, We are ready to TURN UP THE HEAT on the DEADLY SOUP of DESTRUCTIVE SCHEMES, CHARACTER ASSASSINATION, and PLANNED THIEVERY that the darkness has CONCOCTED. The darkness sees their soup SIMMERING nicely, but We have decided to SURPRISE them by TURNING UP THE HEAT until ALL of their DARK PLANS BOIL UP and SPILL OVER onto them. What they were BREWING for you to eat will BOIL OVER BACK ONTO THEM. They will be BURNED, their FACADES REMOVED, and what they had planned for you, will BOIL OVER on them. Have you noticed the EXPOSURES of CORRUPT AGENCIES and PEOPLE are PICKING UP? Wait until We TURN UP THE HEAT! When the DEADLY SOUP reaches a BOIL, it will SPILL OUT a multitude of LIES, CORRUPTION, and BRIBERY. Oh, and look, there comes the TREASON they are planning to ACCUSE your rightful leader of. Well, now, what is this? The TREASON is BOILING OVER ONTO THEM because they are the ones who committed TREASON against your Nation and against its people. So many WHISTLEBLOWERS are coming forward to bring the EVIDENCE of the DEADLY SOUP INGREDIENTS that the darkness’ DEFENSES are being OVERWHELMED. Join Us in LAUGHING at the game of WHACK-A-MOLE that will commence, as TESTIMONIES come forth with the TRUTH, and watch the SCRAMBLING as the pot of soup BOILS OVER with a VENGEANCE. WE ARE TURNING UP THE HEAT!” 


Hosts, Angels, and Creatures: There are a variety of beings that serve God from His heavenly throne. I have not done an extensive study on them, but Pastor Tim Sheets and Kat Kerr have. We see in the Bible that Angels (malak=messenger, ambassador) deliver His messages to people on earth (Samson’s mother, Mary the mother of Jesus, singing choir of angels to the shepherds the night Jesus was born). There are hierarchies of angels and hosts: archangels, seraphim, and watchers are some of them. The word “Host” means saba=army, warfare, go out to war. One of God’s names is “Lord of Hosts” appears as a title 272-284 times. Hebrew is Jehovah Sabaoth. The Host are powerful beings that have weapons and can destroy many (one of the Host destroyed 185,000 Assyrian soldiers in one night. They are not necessarily in human form like the messenger angels appear in, but can be creatures. Then we have the four Living Beings around the throne of God who have eyes all over their wings and move around with wheels within wheels and declare “Holy, holy, holy!” We are told we can entertain angels unaware, and we are told that someday we will judge angels. Enoch was called upon to judge the fallen Watcher angels who polluted mankind’s bloodline. The angels and hosts obey the voice and word of the Lord. When we declare Scripture or words of command that the Father has given us, they will move to perform those words.


12.                    July 1, 2024


ROMANS 8:36-39 (TPT) “All day long we face death threats for Your sake, God. We are considered to be nothing more than sheep to be slaughtered! Yet even in the midst of all these things, we triumph over them all, for God has made us to be more than conquerors, and His demonstrated love is our glorious victory over everything! So now I live with the confidence that there is nothing in the universe with the power to separate us from God’s love. I’m convinced that His love will triumph over death, life’s troubles, fallen angels, or dark rulers in the heavens. There is nothing in our present or future circumstances that can weaken His love. There is no power above us or beneath us—no power that could ever be found in the universe that can distance us from God’s passionate love, which is lavished upon us through our Lord Jesus, the Anointed One!”

“Do you understand that it was the POWER of My LOVE that FORMED CREATION and that REDEEMED you when you had fallen into sin? When the darkness comes in to KILL, STEAL, and DESTROY, you are to RISE UP in the POWER of My LOVE that makes you MORE THAN A CONQUEROR. Did your HEART, did your FAITH HEAR THAT? My LOVE is so POWERFUL and CONSUMING that it CANNOT BE DEFEATED by any DARK SCHEME of the enemy or those who serve him. When you receive the REVELATION of the POWER of My LOVE for you and for My creation, then you will know that NOTHING CAN DEFEAT OR DIMINISH MY LOVE and that makes you MORE THAN A CONQUEROR. Begin to DECLARE the TRUTH of these words to every DARK SCHEME that arises against your own life, the lives of your family, and the life of your nation. Say, ‘The POWER of His LOVE CONQUERS every HATEFUL and LYING scheme you send, darkness! The POWER of His LOVE blesses and keeps me, my family, and my nation, and it is the same POWER that is CRUSHING YOU and DEFEATING YOU. I DECLARE to the darkness that I AM MORE THAN A CONQUEROR in and through His LOVE!”


(Comment from Blog: what God is saying in this word is “We super love you!”)


13.                    July 1, 2023


“As July HEATS UP, expect to see more EXPLOSIONS of TRUTH, witness more IMPLOSIONS in the ranks of the wicked, and observe a string of DEMOTIONS to continue to happen.  Oh, the darkness still has some BIG CARDS to play to try and SCARE the people into SUBMISSION. These are DARK and DESPERATE schemes of GREAT WICKEDNESS meant to STEAL, KILL, and DESTROY. Your assignment is to DISEMPOWER these schemes. In other words, I want you to use your AUTHORITY to REMOVE the DEATH, the STING (poison), and the DARK POWER behind these plans. Declare these will be CUT OFF and OVERPOWERED by the LIGHT within you. I will ALLOW these plans to go forward because these are the FINAL STEPS into the JAWS of My TRAP, and because many people still need to be AWAKENED to the darkness that has STOLEN and CHEATED its way into POWER. Some of the IMPLOSIONS in the ranks of the darkness will come about because COMPROMISED, BLACKMAILED ones will come to realize they are going to be EXPOSED and LOSE everything. They will CONFESS and THROW themselves on My MERCY. Their CONFESSION will further UNCOVER the DEEP WEB of LIES and DARKNESS spun by the ARROGANT LIARS and CHEATERS. The darkness will SHUDDER when they realize their IRON GRIP on people is being BROKEN by their victims saying, ‘Enough!’ of being CONTROLLED by FEAR, and a STRONG DESIRE to have a CLEAN CONSCIENCE will OVERPOWER their FEAR of EXPOSURE. The enemy always UNDERESTIMATES the POWER of My LOVE to TOUCH and CHANGE hearts. Pray for those you know to be COMPROMISED that they will FEEL My LOVE and be given the COURAGE to COME CLEAN. You will see many be DEMOTED from their positions of power by EXPOSURES and by the ANGEL OF DEATH being LOOSED on the earth to REMOVE those steadfastly committed to promoting their DARK agendas—especially those against the CHILDREN. Through it all, My Army of Light, remain STEADFAST in My PROMISES, My POWER and My JUSTICE being displayed on the earth.”



  1. As the blood of Jesus was sprinkled on the Mercy Seat,This blood is about to be sprinkled directly on those that have faith as a treasure! what a celebration is coming shortly!!!

  2. by the blood of Jesus we are protected and blessed beyond measure in the very near future!


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