*Our prayers and worship as Sons and Daughters of the Most High God are opening portals of glory all over the Nation for more and more Hosts to invade and bring down the darkness. We are to believe His promises, stay aligned with His heart, and we will be carried about the fray on the wings of an eagle.


*As we walk through life with our Father and surrender to the Holy Spirit’s transformation of our souls and leave the shadows of sin and selfishness behind, we will shine brighter and brighter. We are to come out of religion and into relationship and become His powerful display before the world of light, power, and love.


*We are to call out for our Father to release His war cry and declare that He is coming like a hero to save us.


*We are to check our hearts for doubt, anxiety, and fear because they signal we don’t completely trust our Father, and it will weaken our power to bring down the giants that need to be removed. We are to boldly declare to the darkness, “This is my land and not yours. I slay you with this stone of truth, and I cut off your head with the sword of power and authority. You lose, we win!’ We are to present ourselves before the Father so that He can fill us with His power and bring us into His perfect peace.


*Declare with Him that “This will be the year the tyrants fall. Release His Host to fulfill this promise and watch the God of wonders come through for us.


*We are to partner with the Father and call forth His spotlights of exposure and declare that the circus will fold.


*As the Father turns up the heat in July on the darkness and their agendas, we are to turn up the heat of our declarations and decrees for exposure, exposure, exposure. We are to call in His Host to dismantle and disempower the strikes of retaliation planned by the darkness who are in great fear as the Father turns up the heat in July.


*Because a shift has taken place in the war from dark to light, we are now in a place to receive a rod of authority over the darkness. We are to take our rods of authority and slam them on the ground and declare: “No more! You will take no more territory in the lives of my family and my nation. Your power is broken, darkness, and I command you to get off our land! I shatter the power of the lies you have sown into the world of identity theft, false comforters, greed, and perversion. I release the fire of the Most High God to consume these lies, and I speak the truth of the power of the blood to enlighten minds and hearts. I declare that the Kingdom of God is arising in my family and in my nation, and it will fill the whole earth with His goodness and His glory!”


*Do not turn aside from the battle because the smoke is thick and the enemy is screaming threats. Press on close behind Me, and we will suddenly breakthrough into the prophesied victory. Be My witnesses of My power and My faithfulness.”


*We are to say, “The power of His love conquers every hateful and lying scheme sent by the darkness. The power of His love blesses and keeps me, my family, and my nation, and it is the same power that crushing you and defeating you. I declare to the darkness that I am more than a conqueror in and through His love!”


*Our assignment is to disempower any dark scheme the darkness threatens us with. Use our authority to remove the death, the sting (poison), and the dark power behind these plans. Pray for those we know have been compromised that they will feel His love and be given the courage to come clean and share what they know. Through it all, we are to remain steadfast in His promises, His power, and His justice being displayed on the earth.

Diana Larkin

A Watchman's Journal 


  1. Thank you Diana for your dedication. We appreciate you more than you know. Blessings!

  2. Sons and Daughters Of God---this has been Father Gods plan all along. Manifested NOW!

  3. My Mom and I have been reading your blog everyday for so long now. We print them and reread them. We are so grateful the Lord gave you to all of us. We love how Father encourages, instructs and disciplines us. I can’t wait each day for a new powerful word from the Lord. The excitement bubbles up knowing our God showed up, that he came for us .Thank you again and God bless you, your family and your ministry🙏🏼🤗❤️🇺🇸. Dawn M Warfield


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