Journal Entries for Video A NIGHT OF DEEP DARKNESS

July 9, 2024


1.    July 2, 2024


“There will be a night of DEEP DARKNESS for your Nation but know that it is My HAND COMING DOWN and COVERING YOUR LAND. The deep darkness will be SAFETY and PROTECTION for My people, as I TAKE DOWN the EVIL EMPIRE, ROUND THEM UP, and REMOVE THEM from your Land. MASSIVE AMOUNTS of Hosts and Angels will be spread across your Land DRIVING those partnered with darkness out of their HIDING PLACES. Your Military in this Operation Clean-Up will not sleep that night, as they ROUND UP those who wanted to COMPLETELY ENSLAVE you, but the darkness will be the ones who LOSE THEIR FREEDOM. My Army of Light will be SUPPORTING this TAKE DOWN of darkness with their POWERFUL PRAYERS and FAITH. You will be FULLY ASSURED that BY THE DAWN’S EARLY LIGHT, FREEDOM will be WON for your Nation. Those of the darkness will be SHOCKED and TERRIFIED at how EASILY they were CAPTURED. They thought their HIDEOUTS were completely SECURE and HIDDEN, but NOTHING ESCAPES MY PIERCING LIGHT OF EXPOSURE. As My watchmen and My Army of Light look for the FIRST RAYS OF LIGHT, a Nation FREED from DARKNESS and TYRANNY will EMERGE. Once again, BY THE DAWN’S EARLY LIGHT, your Nation will be SAVED and brought into My Kingdom Era of FREEDOM, PEACE, and PLENTY. HOLD FAST, HOLD STRONG, HOLD TRUE, as the deep darkness GIVES WAY to the DAWNING of My GREAT LIGHT over your Land.”

*Andrew WHALEn dream about a toothless whale:

The Toothless 'Killer' Whale.

On July 1st I had a dream. In my dream I observed the shores of America. For some reason I was seeing them from a far distance out in the ocean. I had the thought that I was with the coast guard in the dream. As I watched, suddenly a massive killer whale (almost comical how large this appeared) approached the shores of America with great speed and intent. I saw thousands of beach-goers oblivious to this great threat. I knew that the moment they saw this whale it would create panic and the panic would make things worse.

As I was preparing to sound the alarm over the shores of America, because of this imposing threat... I could see the killer whale under the water coming close to the beach and preparing to surface.

Suddenly it surfaced before anyone saw it and it turned its head to look at me with almost an obvious intent for me to see it. I watched this killer whale open its mouth bigger and wider than I think is possible for a whale to do (it seemed almost fake), and then I saw as plain as day:

This killer whale was toothless. Its mouth was enormous but it had no teeth! I knew in that moment this was a 'gummy whale'... 'it had the appearance of death, but it couldn't actually harm.'

At that moment I knew I needed to raise an alarm... but not of fear, but of great faith! I knew that there would be the initial sense that we need to fear because of this killer whale, but that I needed to encourage everyone this whale can do no harm, and its ability to kill has been neutralized because it is toothless! - dream end.

Pondering this dream for a few days. I believe we may be headed for a time / season / and events that are like this scenario above. A large threatening situation that opens its mouth wide (brings a lot of noise, confusion, threats, lies, etc... but it’s actually incapable of producing any fatal bites.

I believe God may have given me this dream because we need to 'see' clearly about what's approaching ahead, and not be moved with fear, but rather faith!

As we have just celebrated America's Independence Day! Let’s declare liberty, justice, and freedom across our land! WE declare that the 'killer whale's' sent to bite and devour our nation, and every other weapon fashioned against us will NOT prevail! We rise up against the wide mouth lies and accusations of Satan against us and we condemn the voice of terror, death, and witchcraft against America! We arm ourselves with faith in the face of 'killer' scenarios against this nation and its people! Let the lion of the tribe of Judah, come to our defense and may we rise according to His grace in Jesus’ name!

Isaiah 41:10. Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will surely help you; I will uphold you with My right hand of righteousness.


June 23, 2021


JEREMIAH 10:15 (MSG) “Stick-god worshipers look mighty foolish…Their gods are fraud—dead sticks, deadwood gods, tasteless jokes. When the fires of judgment come, they’ll be ashes.”

“You will be a witness to the FULFILLMENT of this verse from My Word. Not only will these evil doers who have worshiped and served the enemy (often by the shedding of innocent blood) be brought to JUSTICE and JUDGMENT, everything they AMASSED in material POSSESSIONS will go to another and their whole life’s WORK will be a PILE of ASHES—burned before their eyes. Their TEMPORARY WEALTH, POWER, and FAME on this earth will come to NOTHING, and they will face an eternity of DARKNESS and TORMENT. This is why I have DELAYED JUSTICE that I might SNATCH any back from this YAWNING MOUTH of TERROR. However difficult it is to see My justice and judgment come to those who have chosen darkness, it must take place to CLEAR THE WAY for My KINGDOM GLORY to come in your midst and to re-establish RIGHTEOUSNESS, BLESSING, and PEACE to your Nation. I desire to FULFILL My COVENANT with your Land, and I AM preparing the way for that to happen. REJOICE and be GLAD that you KNOW My LOVE, and SHARE it FREELY—it is your PRICELESS GIFT to share with the world.”

JEREMIAH 51:58 (MSG) “God-of-Angel-Armies speaks: The city walls of Babylon—those massive walls!—will be flattened. And those city gates—huge gates!—will be set on fire. The harder you work at this empty life, the less you are. Nothing comes of ambition like this but ashes.” 


3.    July 2, 2023                                           SILENCE

“When I SILENCE the VOICE of the enemy through LYING MEDIA and CORRUPT LEADERS, a STILLNESS will fill your Land. It will be a SHOCK to the world because they do not realize how the enemy has FILLED the AIRWAVES with his SOUNDS, DISTRACTIONS, BAD NEWS, and THREATS. People have learned to FEED OFF this LYING DRAMA, but it is food that feeds FEARS, SPECULATIONS, and HOPELESSNESS. I have pulled many of you AWAY from these LYING SOUNDS, and you have been feeding on My written WORD and on the HOPE-FILLED WORDS that I share with My prophetic voices. Those of you who have OBEYED My promptings to TURN OFF the NOISY, LYING MEDIA have found a DEEPER PEACE and REST in Me, and you have a VISION for a GOOD FUTURE that I have promised you. Who makes a more EFFECTIVE WARRIOR? One who is CONSTANTLY DISTRACTED by a STREAM of BAD REPORTS that are designed to DISCOURAGE and DISARM you, or the one who has chosen to DRAW CLOSE to My HEART and to TRUST My VOICE and My GOOD REPORTS? I will even CAUTION you against a STEADY DIET of truth tellers who constantly bring the PLANS of the ENEMY before you causing you CONTINUAL CONCERN, WORRY, and ANGER, and who do not TURN YOUR GAZE to My RESCUE PLANS and PROMISES of FREEDOM and JUSTICE RESTORED. A steady diet of concerns leads to DOUBLE-MINDEDNESS between FEAR and FAITH, and it will WEAKEN your effectiveness as a warrior, and you will be WORN DOWN and WEARY OF THE FIGHT. Learn to VALUE your times of SILENCE with Me, as it will RECENTER your FOCUS and FAITH on Me, and I will REVEAL My GREATNESS and My GOODNESS to you, and you will know that with Me NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE. I AM telling you that a TIME OF GREAT SILENCE is coming to the world when I SHUT DOWN the VOICE of LEVIATHAN who has taken over the airwaves. You are called to STEADY people through this time and to POINT them to My GOOD NEWS and LAYOUT a GOOD FUTURE to them. This SILENCE will be a SHOCK, but it will BREAK THE POWER OF LEVIATHAN over peoples’ MINDS, and they will be set FREE to think for themselves again and to COMMUNE with Me and to have REAL FELLOWSHIP among each other again. DO NOT FEAR the SILENCE. Let it become your FRIEND because when you SHUT OUT all other voices, you will HEAR Me CLEARLY, and I have the words of LIFE. You could say that SILENCE IS GOLDEN.”


4.    July 8, 2023


“FEAR and ANXIETY are DESTRUCTIVE EMOTIONS that have NEGATIVE PHYSICAL, EMOTIONAL, and SPIRITUAL CONSEQUENCES. Fear and anxiety cause you to be DOUBLE-MINDED in your FAITH, and it WEAKENS your ability to FIGHT, and you are ROBBED of your PEACE. FEAR and ANXIETY open you up to physical DISEASES (dis-ease) and to mentally being TORMENTED by DOUBTS and by the enemy. FEAR and ANXIETY are symptoms that you FEEL OUT OF CONTROL. Once you RECOGNIZE that this is a CONTROL ISSUE, then you can COMBAT these destructive emotions. SURRENDERING CONTROL over the areas that bring you FEAR and ANXIETY will RELEASE My PEACE and My PRESENCE into those areas, and I will PROVE Myself STRONG enough and WISE enough to be not only your PROTECTION, but your ABOUNDING PROVIDER and DELIVERER. Can you TRUST Me with your FINANCES? Can you TRUST Me with your UNBELIEVING spouse or your PRODIGAL children? Can you BELIEVE I will PROTECT and BLESS your FINANCES? Can you BELIEVE I AM coming to RESCUE your Nation from the GRIP of TYRANNY and DEMONIC LAWS? I AM that I AM, and nothing is too DIFFICULT for Me. When you SURRENDER CONTROL to Me, FALSE YOKES will DROP from your shoulders. It will RELEASE BURDENS too HEAVY for you to CARRY, and you will come into a FREEDOM and PEACE that bring LIFE, HEALTH, and STRENGTH to your body, soul, and spirit. You will feel LIGHTER, and your FAITH WILL SOAR. EMBRACE this life of FREEDOM and FAITH, and your FUTURE will be BRIGHT with HOPE.”

PROVERBS 3:5, 8 (TPT) Trust in the Lord completely, and do not rely on your own opinions. With all your heart rely on Him to guide you, and He will lead you in every decision you make. Then you will find the healing refreshment your body and spirit long for.

5.    July 3, 2024


“Many of you have begun to SEEK HEALTHY food, water, and products because you’ve come to realize that the darkness has CONTAMINATED so many things with HEALTH-STEALING chemicals and additives. While it is good to SEEK healthy, natural alternatives, it can be OVERWHELMING when you discover HOW MUCH has been contaminated by those of darkened hearts. Instead of being OVERWHELMED, do what you can do and then TURN TO ME and ASK FOR SUPERNATURAL HELP AND HEALING. A day will come when companies won’t be headed by those COMPROMISED by GREED and POWER, and you will live in a CLEANER, more NATURAL world. Food, water, and products will ENHANCE YOUR LIFE instead of STEALING IT. In the meantime, learn to CALL on the POWERFUL BLOOD of My Son and COVER all that touches your life with His Blood. PROCLAIM its HEALING and RESTORING POWER over you and your family. Take AUTHORITY over the effects of these DEATH AGENDAS and DECLARE, ‘I REVERSE THE CURSE of this death agenda, and I RELEASE the POWER and the LIFE of My God into my body and into the bodies of those I pray for.’ DUMBFOUND those partnered with darkness when your health starts IMPROVING and GETTING STRONGER IN SPITE OF ALL THEIR WICKED SCHEMES. This is a battle for LIFE and FREEDOM, and I have given you a POWERFUL tool: REVERSE THE CURSE!”

6. July 4, 2024


“I have told you about the SECRET MEETINGS where the arrogant elite PLOT against you, while they LAUGH at their plans of DESTRUCTION for you. Your LOSS, your INJURY, your DEATH brings them GREAT AMUSEMENT and SATISFACTION, and they know they will be pleasing to their dark lord. I AM NOT AMUSED at their DESTRUCTIVE SCHEMES. They are ATTACKING what is MOST PRECIOUS to Me. Will you JOIN ME? LET’S WIPE THE SMIRK OFF THE FACES that are set to DESTROY you and everything you HOLD DEAR! These darkened ones have been COMPLETELY DECEIVED by their HARDENED HEARTS to My LOVE and by their LUST for WEALTH and POWER. They don’t even realize that the enemy HATES them as much as he HATES My Children of Light and that once they LOSE their USEFULNESS, he will ABANDON them and REMOVE his POWER from them. THEY WILL FOLD LIKE A CHEAP PAPER DOLL. The darkness has EVIL SCHEMES PLANNED for this day of CELEBRATING FREEDOM. Of course, they HATE this day because they are DEVOTED to bringing TYRANNY to your Land. Are you just going TO SIT THERE PASSIVELY and LET THEIR PLANS of DESTRUCTION UNFOLD or are you going to RISE UP and WIELD YOUR SWORD OF TRUTH AND YOUR STAFF OF AUTHORITY AND DEMOLISH THE WICKED PLANS AGAINST YOU? Be MY BRAVE FREEDOM FIGHTERS and DECLARE that the dark power is REMOVED from their schemes. LOOSE CONFUSION and APATHY into the ranks of those HIRED to DISRUPT celebrations and to bring about DEATH. SCATTER their PLANS and COMMAND the Hosts of the WINDS OF CHANGE to BLOW THEM AWAY from you and BACK INTO THE CAMP OF THE EVIL-SCHEMERS. DECLARE that those who PLOTTED these schemes will be MARKED by them and CAUGHT WITH THEIR PANTS DOWN, as they are EXPOSED, EXPOSED, EXPOSED. Meet their SHOW OF FORCE as MY BRAVE FREEDOM FIGHTERS who carry My SUPERIOR POWER and AUTHORITY. LET FREEDOM RING in the face of these DARK TYRANTS. RISE UP MY BRAVE FREEDOM FIGHTERS!” 

7.    July 5, 2024


This word came from an encounter I experienced this morning. I found myself on the eagle flying across America but this time, the Father was behind me on the eagle. He was reaching inside Himself and pulling out glory balls of fire that He threw to the earth onto specific targets. They hit the ground and started a fire!

“The enemy had plans to SET FIRES of DESTRUCTION and MAYHEM across your Land yesterday, but your PRAYERS DAMPENED those plans. Now, I declare to you that I AM going across your Nation and RELEASING GLORY BALLS OF FIRE! These FIRES will BURN AWAY FACADES and EXPOSE, EXPOSE, EXPOSE. These FIRES will BURN UP CORRUPTION and COMPROMISE. These FIRES will AWAKEN the SLEEPING DENIAL that people have been LULLED into, and the GLORY in these FIRES will show forth My POWER and IGNITE FIRES of PASSION that will draw people to My heart through the blood of My Son, and the Kingdom will EXPAND. It will be a season of FIRE that DESTROYS DARKNESS and that SHOWCASES My POWER and My LOVE. ENOUGH of the enemy’s HOGGING the STAGE with his BOASTING LIES! I AM coming with the BRIGHT FIRE of TRUTH and FREEDOM, and AMERICA SHALL BE SAVED. I AM asking you to join Me in this RELEASE of the GLORY BALLS OF FIRE. I will HIGHLIGHT areas to you that need My GLORY FIRE, and you bring them before Me and ask that I would RELEASE a GLORY BALL of FIRE into that highlighted area. It can be people’s HEARTS, STRONGHOLDS of CORRUPTION, UNJUST COURTS, LYING MEDIA, or TYRANNICAL INSTITUTIONS. Together, we are going across this Nation and IGNITING A FIRE!” 

8.    July 5, 2023


*JEREMIAH 20:9 (NASB) But if I say, “I will not remember Him nor speak anymore in His name,” then in my heart it becomes like a burning fire shut up in my bones; and I am tired of holding it in, and I cannot endure it.

*”Are My words of TRUTH SHUT UP IN YOUR BONES LIKE FIRE because no one around you will listen to them? DECEIVED EYES and DELUDED EARS cannot receive My TRUTH, as it seems too FANTASTIC and UNBELIEVABLE to them. Leviathan has done a number on the SLEEPING, COMPLACENT Church and society in general who are caught in SELF-FULFILLMENT and SELF-GRATIFICATION. What is there to be done with this FIRE SHUT UP IN YOUR BONES? You know these are My words, and you want to show people TRUTH and PREPARE them for the future SHAKINGS. I have a SECRET WEAPON that I want you to FULLY ACTIVATE at this present time, and that is the GIFT OF TONGUES. Pray OFTEN and pray BOLDLY in this POWERFUL GIFT. This is a PIVOTAL time in the BATTLE for peoples’ MINDS and HEARTS. Leviathan has BLOCKED the AIRWAVES, but the WARFARE TONGUES I AM releasing to you will go forth with GREAT POWER to BUST THROUGH all his PLATFORMS and all his LYING MOUTHPIECES. Let the FIRE SHUT UP IN YOUR BONES PROPEL your WARFARE TONGUES. It will RELEASE that FIRE that is BOUND UP INSIDE OF YOU, and it will go forth as a POWERFUL SECRET WEAPON launched against LIES and PERVERSION. As your COLLECTIVE WARFARE TONGUES go forth, it will UNJAM the Leviathan BLOCKADES against the TRUTH, and you will know your WARFARE is being EFFECTIVE when people in media begin STEPPING ASIDE and MORE TRUTH begins to LEAK OUT, until it becomes A FLOOD. Don’t get FRUSTRATED with FIRE SHUT UP IN YOUR BONES. Release it in your WARFARE TONGUES, and watch this SECRET WEAPON TOPPLE an evil empire’s ability to CONTROL the airwaves. RELEASE THE FIRE SHUT IN YOUR BONES!”


June 23, 2020


“There is a GREAT POWER in My VOICE. It spoke the Universe into existence; it spoke My living Word, and man recorded it. All of Heaven is TUNED to My VOICE, and My Heavenly Host RESPOND to FULFILL My words. You can HEAR ECHOES of My VOICE in the THUNDER that rolls across the sky, but you can also hear it in the LAUGHTER of a CHILD, and the smallest BUBBLING BROOK. My VOICE can MOVE MOUNTAINS and cause a DEER to calve. My VOICE can HEAL and COMFORT and WHISPER words of HOPE and LOVE to a lonely heart. When you hear My VOICE, it will direct you on the PATH of LIFE and give you WISDOM for your decisions. I will SPEAK to you through OUTWARD SIGNS and through an INNER VOICE. Ask Me to make you aware of My INNER and OUTER VOICE so that you don’t MISS My GUIDANCE, My ENCOURAGEMENT, and My LOVE. Because you are created in My IMAGE and because I dwell in you, your VOICE also has POWER. Use that POWER to DECLARE My Word and My ways over your life, your family, and your Nation. The Heavenly Host will respond to those declarations of My WILL, and they will RESPOND to FULFILL My Word that you declare.”

10. July 6, 2024


“I have been calling for you to DECLARE CONFUSION and DIVISION into the camp of the enemy. You are now SEEING it come out of the PRIVATE MEETINGS and to be DISPLAYED PUBLICLY. There is a HUGE WRESTLING MATCH going on over those who are trying to GET RID of 46 and those who want to KEEP PROPPING THE PUPPET UP. Make no mistake, this is the RESULT of your PRAYERS. You are SEEING a DISPLAY of SELFISH MOTIVES, GREED FOR POWER, and DESPERATE MOVES to SAVE A SINKING SHIP. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF WHAT YOU SEE! DECLARE even MORE that the CRACKS of DIVISION WILL WIDEN in the enemy’s camp and that their DARK MOTIVES will be SEEN by the world. DECLARE that any Manchurian candidate would be EXPOSED and BROUGHT DOWN. It is important that the Army of Light continues to GROW in their UNITY of HEART that rests on My FAITHFULNESS, My POWER, and My LOVE. GUARD YOUR OWN HEART from JEALOUSY, SELF-PROMOTION, and OFFENSE. Don’t take the BAIT of these UNITY-STEALERS. Don’t get DISTRACTED or WORRIED at all the ROGUE PLANS the enemy is RAISING UP. SEE THEM FOR WHAT THEY ARE—DESPERATE SCHEMES. CANCEL and NULLIFY these dark plans with your authority. RELEASE the PERFECT TIMING and FULFILLMENT over the plans of the Light and DECLARE that My Host would keep these plans HIDDEN and PROTECTED until they are SUDDENLY released. This is a strategic hour, so TAKE ADVANTAGE OF WHAT YOU SEE.”

11.                   July 6, 2023 


“Many of you have noticed STRANGE CLOUD formations and UNUSUAL STORMS developing in your skies. These are My SIGNS to you that I AM MOVING in the heavenlies with My Host to CONFRONT the established DARKNESS and to DESTROY IT. These CLASHES in the heavens between My Host, as they INVADE and CONQUER DEMONIC STRONGHOLDS will have an EFFECT on the natural realm. That is why you see AMAZING CLOUD formations that PICTURE what My Host are doing and that is why THUNDER is so POWERFUL that it SHAKES buildings. My Host are STRIKING BLOW AFTER BLOW against the darkness, and they are LOSING POWER and TERRITORY daily. The Host are FUELED by your PRAYERS, DECREES, WARFARE TONGUES, and RAW FAITH that what I have PROMISED, I will do. These VICTORIES in the heavens will be PLAYED OUT on the earth in the form of EXPOSURES OF CORRUPTION, PERVERSION, and LIES. It will MANIFEST as REAL JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUS RULINGS by UNCOMPROMISED JUDGES. Even the EXTREME PERVERSION that sits on the highest court in your Land has not been able to OVERCOME RIGHTEOUS RULINGS that have been recently released. As you WATCH THE SKIES, know that I AM DETHRONING the darkness and ESTABLISHING My Light. As you seek Me individually and allow Me to BUILD STRONGHOLDS of RIGHTEOUSNESS in your life, you become part of the GOOD that OVERCOMES EVIL. You are part of the Light that OVERCOMES the darkness. WATCH THE SKIES and let your FAITH SOAR!” 

*Georgia Guide Stones 2-year anniversary of being hit by an explosion: July 6, 2022

12.                   JOURNAL NUGGETS:

 July 6, 2022


“BANNER DAYS are coming for your Nation. BANNER DAYS of celebration as JUSTICE begins to replace INJUSTICE, LIES begin to be exposed and TRUTH is established in its place, EVIL will no longer be promoted as good, and GOOD will once again be LIFTED UP, threats of SICKNESS and LACK will be replaced by My HEALING and My ABUNDANCE. There will be so much to cause your heart to REJOICE as I establish your RIGHTFUL President and RIGHTEOUS leaders across the Land. You will not, however, FORGET this HARD-FOUGHT WAR against the darkness. What has COST SO MUCH to gain will keep you DILIGENT to PRESERVE your newfound LIBERTY and ABUNDANCE. The battle has SHIFTED, and we are moving in for the WIN. Keep DECREEING and DECLARING My LIGHT into the darkness. Declare My LIGHT will EXPOSE all evil and corruption and DECREE that My RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUSTICE will FLOOD in and remove the darkness in your Land. BANNER DAYS are just ahead.”

13.                    July 7, 2024


“This Harvest season is not just a REAPING TIME for those who serve darkness. It is also a TIME of REAPING for those who belong to Me through the Blood of My Son’s SACRIFICE. In every area where the darkness has OPPOSED Me and My will, I will ARISE and OPPOSE them, and they will be EXPOSED, DEPOSED, and their EVIL PLANS will be TURNED BACK on them. HEAR these words of Fatherly COUNSEL to My people and TAKE them to HEART. If you are OPPOSING part of My Rescue plans or if you are WAVERING in your FAITH in My ABILITY or My WILLINGNESS to RESCUE you and your Nation COMPLETELY, then you are POSITIONING yourself to receive a MEASURE of My JUDGMENT in this Harvest season. This is NOT what I want to see come about for your life. My DESIRE is to be able to RICHLY and FREELY REWARD you, as the battle is WON and the SPOILS of WAR FLOOD IN. But if you are OFFENDED at My CHOICE of LEADER for your Nation or if you are in UNBELIEF, these attitudes of heart will REAP My CORRECTION and a measure of JUDGMENT because they are keeping you from the FULLNESS of BELIEVING who I AM and in COMPLETELY TRUSTING My plans. I do not want to LEAVE you WAVERING and in having FAITH one minute and having DOUBT in the next. This leads to DOUBLE-MINDEDNESS, and it LESSENS your EFFECTIVENESS as My Son or Daughter of Light. Are you OFFENDED at My CHOICE of leader for your Nation? You had better get SERIOUS about coming to Me and asking Me HOW I SEE this man that you are LOOKING DOWN YOUR NOSE AT. You are facing a DEEPLY ENTRENCHED, RUTHLESS enemy, and I have ANOINTED a FIERCE WARRIOR to lead you through this CLASH of dark to Light. I see the HEART of this WARRIOR LEADER, and it is TURNING MORE and MORE to My COUNSEL and My ways. Be WILLING to LAY DOWN your OFFENSE, and I will REVEAL this man’s heart to you so that you can COMPLETELY ALIGN with Me and take yourself OUT of the REAPING STREAM of JUDGMENT and place yourself into the REAPING STREAM of REWARD. Consider your ways: WHAT WILL YOU REAP?”

14.                    JOURNAL NUGGETS:

 July 7, 2022


“You are going to be WITNESSES to the GREATEST FALL OF DARKNESS that the earth has ever seen. My beloved Army of Light, you have borne the brunt of the FIERCE BATTLE against the enemy and his plans for destruction. You have FOUGHT BRAVELY and continued to PUSH BACK the darkness, despite the great odds against you. You positioned yourselves in Me and allowed My STRENGTH and LOVE to flow through you so that you could REMAIN FAITHFUL to My call on your life to RESIST DARKNESS and to RELEASE My Kingdom of Light. Because you have been on the FRONTLINES with Me, I will now give you a FRONT-ROW SEAT to watch THE GREAT FALL OF DARKNESS. Before it is over, they will be COMPLETELY CRUSHED. One after another of their idols will be DEMOLISHED. Their ability to RETALIATE will diminish until it is WIPED OUT. Their STOLEN WEALTH and POWER will be RETURNED to the people. They will be made to WITNESS My people being set into LEADERSHIP positions and your Nation becoming PROSPEROUS, PEACEFUL, and UNIFIED. They will see all their DARK PLANS and BRUTAL SCHEMES exposed and CRUSHED. Be VALIANT to the end, My Army of Light! THE GREAT FALL OF DARKNESS is at hand, and your REWARD, your RECOMPENSE, and your VINDICATION is near. I AM in you, I AM for you, I AM with you, and I AM moving through you.”

15.                    July 8, 2024


“The evil empire has a WHOLE QUIVER FULL of NASTY ARROWS that they plan to SHOOT at you. They plan to STRIKE GREAT FEAR into people so that they can TAKE CONTROL and then they plan to SILENCE every VOICE of FREEDOM. Their plan to TERRORIZE people and to SILENCE OPPOSITION is going to BACKFIRE onto them because I AM ARISING, and I will be THEIR WORST NIGHTMARE. All those DARK PLANS they formed for you are going to become THEIR FUTURE and not yours. Get ready, because it is their voices that will be SILENCED. No more will their MOCKING, THREATENING, LYING reports be on the AIRWAVES. THEIR WORST NIGHTMARE will come to pass: TRUTH and EXPOSURES of their EVIL and PERVERSION will be shared on the AIRWAVES. Join Me as we BREAK the POWER off of every DARK ARROW that they pull out of their quiver and DECLARE that it will MISS ITS MARK and FALL SHORT of its TARGETED DESTRUCTION. Take AUTHORITY over the FEAR and TERROR they are planning to cause and RELEASE COURAGE and a WARRIOR SPIRIT over your Land. Put your CONFIDENCE in Me because the ARROW I RELEASE will be your enemy’s WORST NIGHTMARE.”



  1. Hi Diana, I have a question. I had been doing communion in my prayer time, one morning I felt convicted, so I started researching. I found a video called communion: What Jesus intended. The YouTube Chanel is called Spirit and Truth. I wonder if you could look that up and tell us what you think.

    1. A question and answer with Diana---wonderful if she has the time .

    2. Reading the first journal entry for July 2nd, the phrase "By the dawn's early light" certainly reminds me of our national anthem, The Star Spangled Banner. As I read further about the darkness turning to light, I'm reminded of an old hymn, 'We've A Story To Tell To The Nations" especially the refrain. Here's the song:

      We’ve a story to tell to the nations,
      That shall turn their hearts to the right,
      A story of truth and mercy,
      A story of peace and light,
      A story of peace and light.
      For the darkness shall turn to dawning,
      And the dawning to noonday bright;
      And Christ’s great kingdom shall come on earth,
      The kingdom of love and light.
      We’ve a song to be sung to the nations,
      That shall lift their hearts to the Lord,
      A song that shall conquer evil
      And shatter the spear and sword,
      And shatter the spear and sword.
      We’ve a message to give to the nations,
      That the Lord who reigns up above
      Has sent us His Son to save us
      And show us that God is love,
      And show us that God is love.
      We’ve a Savior to show to the nations,
      Who the path of sorrow has trod,
      That all of the world’s great peoples
      Might come to the truth of God,
      Might come to the truth of God.

      How prophetic that refrain seems to be, and points to today's time, a time very near.

    3. I well remember that old hymn. Thank you for sharing its timely message!!

    4. Wow, That song is so appropriate for the times. Love it. Thanks for posting, I never heard it before.

  2. Thsnk you Diana for posting all these words. So encouraging. Again thank you.


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