July 13, 2024


I was taken to the Council Chamber of Heaven and stood gratefully behind my Elder. I told him how good it was to be with him again, and he reached back and patted my hand affectionately. I became aware of something new in the usual blue/green/turquoise background of this Chamber. It was a vein of gold that ran around the whole room—like veins you would see in marble. It was spreading around the room like a river. I heard an Elder say, “The Kingdom Age coming to earth will be known as the Golden Age.” The Father shared:

“I AM releasing A VEIN OF GOLD into the NATURAL and SUPERNATURAL REALMS, and it will run through the whole Kingdom Age. It will SUPPLY both MATERIAL and SUPERNATURAL RICHES. Like never before, you will see a NEVER-ENDING SUPPLY of BOUNTY fill your lives. It will BLESS you with ABUNDANCE, and it will FLOW THROUGH your hands to BLESS others. Any GREED or GRASPING for the VEIN OF GOLD will cause it to go DEEP UNDERGROUND so that darkness cannot have ACCESS to it. In the supernatural, the VEIN OF GOLD will supply the TRUE RICHES of the Kingdom. Great REVELATION and UNDERSTANDING of My Word will be found. You will be able to TAP INTO the DEPTHS of My HEART and all of the TREASURES of LOVE waiting to be MINED by you. Gold must be taken out of the rock to be useful. I AM your ROCK of SALVATION, PROTECTION, and PRESERVATION. I AM inviting you to SEARCH for the VEIN OF GOLD that is in Me and to MINE the DEPTHS of the RICHES I have for you there. As you find the supernatural TREASURES of My VEIN OF GOLD, you will find that it MANIFESTS in your NATURAL life as well. Be in WONDER of the GOLDEN AGE that is planned for you.” 

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. Thank you Father. Let it Be so ❤️🙏

  2. Amen!!! Wow this word goes hand in hand with the book I am currently reading by Johnny Enlow titled
    KINGDOM COME, it was just released, I am enjoying it so much, I would recommend it to everyone it’s preparation along with these prophetic words God has been speaking through Diana as well as other prophets that I also listen too that are in alignment with the NEW KINGDOM ERA that have been mentioned by others here as well. God is so awesome, in HIS gentleness kindness HE has been removing and preparing us like a loving Father giving us instructions and leading us with Holy Spirit wisdom towards our future!

  3. I am just in awe of what Father God has in store for us. On the 11th of July while in prayer I envisioned a little of what life was going to be like after the unrighteous, wicked demonic system of the enemy is taken down and crushed. I was in a grocery store watching people shopping. Everyone was happy being courteous to each other, smiling saying hello how are you today and just a wonderful feeling of peace and joy and love. I saw a group of people with their shopping carts parked and praying for someone in their midst. Wow right in the grocery store. Then I was in a park where children were playing and laughing and pushing each other in swings and helping each other climb up and give each other a push up and just being kind and helpful to each other. I saw the parents setting on benches and talking and being kind and friendly with each other. I saw a group of people again standing and praying. Then all of a sudden everyone including the kids all began to form a circle and begin praising and singing and worshipping the Lord. I have those Holy Spirit chills as I even talk about it and it's even more vivid than when I first experienced it. I can't tell you how I am feeling but if this is just a taste of how it is going to be I can't hardly wait. There was love, respect and a longing to reach out and help each other. The Body of Christ is very much on my heart. Praying that The Body will come into line with the will of the Father and rise up to be the Body God has intended us to be from the very beginning. May she come into unity and oneness as she has never been before with Christ as her head. May she rise to new levels and revelations. May she walk in the authority and power in the name of Jesus she is intended to walk in. Amen!

    1. I love this because it’s so practical. I live in a town where most if not all of the churches and even the small group meeting’s have been commandeered by the masons. The church is so grossly effected that it has become a vessel for crime. I feel like I’m the only one in this town that’s waiting for the Golden Age of the Kingdom Era but they’ve probably been forced out or scarred to go public. It’s unbelievable what I’ve seen in the physical churches in the last few years. It will definitely take Devine intervention in this area coupled with the fierce protection and support from our Holy Spirit to move these dangerous corrupt church leaders and their minions.

  4. Matthew 12.32b "It is your Father's good pleasure, your Father's great Joy, His delight and great Happiness, to give you this, and share with you this His very own Kingdom." "He wants to, plans to and has resolved to do it."

    { blend of different versions for greater understanding using BibleGateway}

  5. This vein of gold will be wonderful in many ways to share . Probably it refers to the U S going to the gold standard with abundance to share with the whole world along with sharing Jesus.

    1. Meaning the gold standard as only part of this great promise

  6. Supernatural treasures of gold---what a wonderful promise ! To be closer to our Father and Jesus and to be led by the Holy Spirit !

  7. Wow! More confirmation, I love when God confirms His words! I had a dream & a vision about Gold! When I woke up on 3/17/23 @ 5:57am, I recalled a dream I had where GOLDEN balloons were FLOATING above my head. Then I heard this as I was writing down my dream in my journal 👉 "I'm taking from them & giving to you!"

    Then on 9/8/23, Right after I closed my eyes before going to sleep, I had a VISION. I see a HUGE ROOM, it looked very FORMAL, lots of WOOD. I've learned with visions to only say what I see, not what I think I see! The vision seems a bit OUT of FOCUS. I see a lot of GOLD, then the vision SLOWLY COMES into FOCUS a little bit more, almost like LOOKING THROUGH a CAMERA LENSE & ADJUSTING the CLARITY. I see PEOPLE DRESSED in all WHITE & the ROOM is FILLED with what appears to be GOLD all around them. Then the VISION CHANGES, I see a LARGE SHIP, and its MOVING. I see a RED, YELLOW & ORANGE sky behind it. Then it CHANGES to a BLUE sky w/lots of WHITE PUFFY CLOUDS. But I noticed the clouds are now UNDERNEATH the BOAT & the BOAT appears to be SAILING on the CLOUDS! The vision ends! I hear these words- 👉"They are drowning in their own wealth"

    1. The wealth of the evil ones will be given to the righteous . This is a fact !

  8. Our Father will be given the credit for the defeat of the {swamp] .We make this decree.



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