July 18, 2024


“Allow the TRAUMA of the NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE that you witnessed work something GOOD and NOT something DARK in your heart. If you are REACTING with MAN’S ANGER and REVENGE, then it is time for a HEART CHECK. You are NOT REFLECTING My heart; you are REFLECTING how the DARKNESS OPERATES. If you are acting like the darkness, how can you SHINE A LIGHT that will PULL others OUT of the WEB of DARKNESS and LIES that they have been ENTANGLED IN? I don’t ever want you to HOLD ONTO TRAUMA, because I can REPLACE TRAUMA with My PEACE, My SHALOM, but I do want you to ALLOW the SHAKING experience to IMPACT your heart for GOOD. Allow this TRAGEDY to work in you DEEP WELLS OF COMPASSION for those who have been LIED TO and LIED TO from almost every angle of their lives. You are NOT CONDONING their SINFUL CHOICES, but you are UNDERSTANDING how greatly they have been DECEIVED and BRAINWASHED. Your ANGER will NOT BREAK the POWER of the LIES, but your LOVE and UNDERSTANDING will. Turn your ANGER into a WARRIOR SPIRIT that goes after the father of lies and all his LYING demons and powers. MOW THEM DOWN and FIGHT for the FREEDOM of all those held in BONDAGE to Leviathan’s WEB of LIES and DECEPTION. Your WELLS OF COMPASSION will make you A SAFE PLACE for those SHAKEN AWAKE to SEEK TRUTH and to find a place to BELONG…SAFE in the HEART of a Father, COVERED by the BLOOD of My Son, and IGNITED to FREEDOM and PASSION by My Holy Spirit. WELLS OF COMPASSION are a BEAUTIFUL thing in a human heart.”
Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. Amen! Although I will be the first to admit I humbly take an order of a heart ❤️ check for sure!!
    Sorry 😞 MY Lord help me & all us continue seeking & growing your love & compassion for the many in our families, communities & around us and the world that have been lied to and decvd by enemy!! Thank you again Diana blessings to you all, have a great 😊 day.

  2. The whole truth and nothing but the Truth 😊

  3. On November 16, 2022- IT ALL COMES DOWN TO THIS
    from @awatchmansjournal - I'm mentioning this POST because I am feeling lead to pray over EVENTS that are happening NOW & ones that are UPCOMING! I found this very helpful ~Thank you, Diana 💞👑🙏

    “IT ALL COMES DOWN TO THIS: trusting My CHARACTER and trusting My TIMING. If you focus on the events and the circumstances in this INFORMATION WARFARE, you will put yourself on a ROLLER COASTER of ups and downs until you are EXHAUSTED and DISORIENTED.
    🟣If an EVENT causes you FEAR or CONFUSION, bring it to Me, and I will help you DISCERN what is operating behind the event.
    🟣Ask Me how to PRAY over an event that TROUBLES you and RELEASE Heaven’s POWER and STRATEGIES into it. It may seem to you that you are HELPLESS against what is happening on the national and international scene, but that is NOT THE TRUTH!
    🟣As a blood-bought Son or Daughter of the Most High God, you have UNTAPPED POWER and AUTHORITY over darkness wherever it is found.
    🟣Don’t stay TROUBLED and CONFUSED—be BOLD, be STRONG, be COURAGEOUS and DECLARE My FAITHFULNESS to My promises and My IMMENSE POWER over the destructive plans of the enemy.
    🟣You may not understand all that is happening in the camp of the Light—some plans may not sit well in your spirit. PRAY for SUPERNATURAL ALIGNMENT of all the plans of men—governmental and military—to ALIGN with Heaven’s PLANS and STRATEGIES.
    🟣The plans that are of Me will then SUCCEED, and the plans that are not of Me will FALL AWAY or will naturally come to nothing because it was just a plan of OPTICS to THROW OFF the enemy. My COUNSEL to you is not to get THROWN OFF your ASSIGNMENT by outward circumstances. Set your heart to TRUSTING MY CHARACTER AND MY FAITHFULNESS and pray from this position of STRENGTH.”

    Diana Larkin
    A Watchman’s Journal

    1. Thank you for reposting this. This is my first time reading it since I e only been following Diana for several months. This post is extremely helpful to me❤️

  4. How can we not have compassion when He loved us while we were yet sinners? Father, thank you for the honor and privilege of reflecting Your Heart and for bringing us close enough to You so that we are able. In Jesus's mighty name, Amen

  5. The reality of the BLOOD of JESUS sprinkling down from the cross thru the crack caused by the earth quake and unto the west side of the mercy seat on the Ark of the Covenant carries the IMMENSE POWER of the FATHER ! we are covered by this Blood ! At some point all peoples will know this truth.

    1. Yes, Ron Wyatt made that discovery. So like our God to cause this to happen.

    2. I'm glad you know that Ron Wyatt's discovery is very real. I spent months studying every thing I could find about the truth of this discovery with the Holy Spirit as my guide. Some of the witnesses of the blood analyses were the leaders of Full Gospel Business Men [very valid Christian people] .The finding is not for everyone at this time, but if a believer has this truth revealed to them they will have even a more firm foundation. Some of the material is on [or was ] the internet ; Jesus blood on the Ark of the Covenant ,The Ark and the Blood .and Ark of the Covenant Found. This is not a fake like many others! The Ark was moved to a cave under the place of the Skull [Golgotha] at the time of Nebuchadnezzar .Note it does not appear in the second temple. Comment team please search this out.

    3. I was riveted by that story on how the Ark of the Covenant was found and especially when they tested the blood and saw that 23 chromosomes were from the mother and the Y chromosome from His Father and the blood was ALIVE!!!! Praise God Almighty!!!

    4. The Apocrypha bears witness to the Ark being hidden in a cave. Nowhere is the Ark referred to as being captured or taken by the enemy nor returned. Only brass,gold, and silver etc. are recorded. Apostle Paul was not able to say what happened to the Ark in the book of Hebrews.Jeremiahs cave was the clue given to Ron Wyatt---But it still took two years of very hard digging under the site of the cross. The of the cross also verified. We are about the only people to believe Jesus was behind the discovery. Of course most will not believe these things---so what is new,they don't believe in Jesus either!

    5. Site of the cross verified

    6. SEE Hebrews 9. 23-28 especially verse 24 says: "For Christ did not enter a sanctuary made with human hands that was only a copy of the true one. . ."

  6. Yes, I feel compassion for those who are caught in the evil web of deception. I truly feel compassion for the Bidens because they are so corrupt, and being raised in a family like that is not their fault. But the sins of the fathers are visited on many generations. Ex. 34:7
    And yet, He said not to pity them when they are chained and brought before tribunals. From Sept 10, 2023. Pray they will repent.

  7. Prayer poet. Thank you for all you do. Would you please consider writing prayer decrees for the journal nuggets? Those are so needed right now as the prophecies are coming to pass. Your ministry is so important.

    1. Thank you, DIANA for your posts and in keeping us apprised with FATHER’S INTEL. You are such a Blessing!

      Our response to JOURNAL NUGGET dated November 16, 2022- “IT ALL COMES DOWN TO THIS.”

      Heavenly Father, in Jesus Holy Name. We Invite our Warrior Hosts to be with us as we pray into the Words we received from You on November 16, 2022. We are in agreement with you and we declare what You have spoken in Heaven.

      Father, we THANK YOU, for Your Counsel to “not get thrown off our assignment by outward circumstances.”
      I DECLARE if I am fearful or confused, I will
      . . . come to You for help to DISCERN what is operating behind the event.
      . . . ask You how to PRAY over an event that troubles me and how to RELEASE Heaven’s Power and Strategies into it.

      Lord God, only Your SHALOM can calm hurricanes of disorientation and tornados of confusion. I DECLARE in times of upheaval I will not let the enemy take hold of my emotions.
      YOU are my Father and my Protector.
      I Trust You.
      I Trust Your Character.
      I Trust Your Timing.
      I Trust Your Plan.

      I REJECT the enemy’s plans to trouble and confuse me.
      I DECLARE I am a blood-bought child of the Most High God.
      I DECLARE I have POWER and AUTHORITY over darkness.
      I DECLARE God’s Faithfulness to His Promises and His IMMENSE POWER over the destructive plans of the enemy.

      We PRAY for Supernatural Alignment of all the plans of men—governmental and military—to ALIGN with Heaven’s Plans and Strategies. Let it be done according to Your Will.
      • Supernatural Alignment, COME FORTH, NOW.
      • We gratefully RECEIVE Heaven’s Plans and Strategies.

      Thank You, Father, for Your Words, “Set your heart to trusting MY Character and MY Faithfulness and pray from this Position of Strength.”
      We DECLARE we TAKE our Seat in the Position of Strength and we use Your Words to Declare Your Will and come together in agreement with You.
      Let it Be Done according to Your Plan. Amen.

      We THANK YOU that Your LOVE prevails. You address our weaknesses, provide us with strength and courage, and keep us goal oriented - MARCHING forth to the New Kingdom Age.

      Father God, we give You all the Glory, Honor and Praise. We declare, decree, believe and receive all this in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

      And now, Warrior Hosts, we COMMAND you, GO FORTH!

      HALLELUJAH! Amen and amen.

    2. Thank you prayer poet.

    3. Thank you prayer poet! This is so helpful to me. ❤️❤️

  8. Have any of you seen that prophet who prophecied about Trump's ear? His name is Brandon and his YouTube page is called Last Days.

    I spent the last couple of days listening to his messages and I he filled me with so fear (even though that wasn't his intention). He even had me questioning myself if I'm even going to Heaven! I should know better...I've had a close walk with God for 20+ years!

    He's talking about a four year economic collapse that's worse than the Great Depression, food lines and everything. But then these other prophets talk about a future of prosperity. So I don't know. God is not the author of confusion, but I am definitely confused and also brought to tears throughout the day.

    Any thoughts or advice?

    1. Hugs, Friend. We know that God's words in the Bible are absolutely true. This is where I begin and end my day. I love Psalm 23 and Isaiah 26:3 for times when I feel confused - "Thou will keep him in perfect peace whose thoughts are stayed on Thee because he trusteth in Thee." Hold the line and keep focused on Jesus. He will guide you and protect you and hold you in His Arms. Recently, as I was falling asleep and felt battle weary, I heard in my spirit - "You're not only in my Army but you're also in My Arms." I speak His comfort and Shalom over you!

    2. Thank you!! I read your reply last night while laying in bed. I definitely needed God’s arms to hold me and the whole thing gave me much needed relief and I felt much closer to God. Many prophets (Diana included) have us decreeing and declaring against the enemies plans. Maybe this guy happens to just see what those plans are. I think I rather not know lol! Just tell me what to declare and I’ll do it lol.

    3. I also read what Brandon had said about the economic collapse. It did make me fear also. I’m going to focus on what was posted earlier regarding God telling us not to zoom in on the negative, but to keep focused on the positive. I have no idea what is going to happen, but I am certain our God will take care of us and our families. For me, I try to stay away from doom and gloom prophecies. God will be with us. He’s brought us this far❤️

    4. There is a little chorus: "He didn't bring us this far to leave us. He didn't teach us to swim to let us drown."

  9. PTSD = Praise the Savior and Deliverer! Holy Spirit gave me this last week :) Another He gave me last year was LGBTQ = Lord God Bless Them Quickly! Every time I hear either acronym, I immediately speak these words out loud and thank God for how He turns all things for Good!

    1. I love how the Lord gave you declarations tocorrect the lies of LGBTQ and PTSD. I think those are great and I love the one He just gave us about the cartoon. Those can be used on these wicked plans without people knowing it's a decree and declaration from God..

  10. Thank you all for the words of encouragement and the beautiful prayers! It is such a help and thank you most of all to Diana!


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