July 2, 2024


“There will be a night of DEEP DARKNESS for your Nation, but know that it is My HAND COMING DOWN and COVERING YOUR LAND. The deep darkness will be SAFETY and PROTECTION for My people, as I TAKE DOWN the EVIL EMPIRE, ROUND THEM UP, and REMOVE THEM from your Land. MASSIVE AMOUNTS of Hosts and Angels will be spread across your Land DRIVING those partnered with darkness out of their HIDING PLACES. Your Military in this Operation Clean-Up will not sleep that night, as they ROUND UP those who wanted to COMPLETELY ENSLAVE you, but the darkness will be the ones who LOSE THEIR FREEDOM. My Army of Light will be SUPPORTING this TAKE DOWN of darkness with their POWERFUL PRAYERS and FAITH. You will be FULLY ASSURED that BY THE DAWN’S EARLY LIGHT, FREEDOM will be WON for your Nation. Those of the darkness will be SHOCKED and TERRIFIED at how EASILY they were CAPTURED. They thought their HIDEOUTS were completely SECURE and HIDDEN, but NOTHING ESCAPES MY PIERCING LIGHT OF EXPOSURE. As My watchmen and My Army of Light look for the FIRST RAYS OF LIGHT, a Nation FREED from DARKNESS and TYRANNY will EMERGE. Once again, BY THE DAWN’S EARLY LIGHT, your Nation will be SAVED and brought into My Kingdom Era of FREEDOM, PEACE, and PLENTY. HOLD FAST, HOLD STRONG, HOLD TRUE, as the deep darkness GIVES WAY to the DAWNING of My GREAT LIGHT over your Land.”

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. Thank you for saving the nations for our children. All Glory to God!!

  2. Thani you Yeshua, King of Kings!!! Mighty God!!! I agree decree and declare every word od this prophecy Yes, and amen! Father, thank you for giving us eyes to see an ears to hear for those who were born for such a time as this! As your army of light, may all the armies of heaven move mightily against all seven foundations of the mountains of darkness. Throughout this world come down, be exposed and destroyed and never rise again! I also decree and declare all those warriors who have fought valiantly in obedience to our Lord, land homes, vehicles, planes, and every other spoil of war for the glory of God to establish kingdom zones kingdom land that God will rule and reign in and people will be blessed!
    I would greatly appreciate any prayers over my family, my marriage, and my wife! Pray that every stronghold of the enemy would be broken and uprooted in the most holy name of our king! Thank you!!!πŸ™♥️πŸ”₯

  3. 4th of July action?

  4. Wow, yesterday was a very wild day for my family and I. We are in Wyoming where you can see for miles and miles while driving. We were driving to town, we went over a hill and could see storms all around us. On the left, there was dark clouds that looked liked they touched the ground. It was lighting and you could see the rain. On the right of us, walls and walls of clouds with one the was swirling in a circle that looked like a funnel cloud. As we approached there was a very small opening between the two not connected storms, we kept driving and suddenly, we were in the storm. The sky grew dark and The winds were blowing hard, the rain was coming down so heavy and fast we could hardly see. I was praying while my husband navigated us, cars were pulled over on the side of the road, waiting it out but we continued.Neither of us were scared but cautious. We were determined to get to our destination.This storm was intense but suddenly it was over. As we drove out of the storm and looked at the sky there was this huge white cloud that looked like a feather sticking out of the storm cloud. Father spoke to me and said “ just like that you’re coming out of the darkness.” I smiled but wasn’t sure what He was talking about and we went on about our day. When I read this mornings journal entry from you, Father reminded me of the storm yesterday. He said suddenly you’re coming out of darkness!

    1. Keeping our eyes on the Lord!

    2. Amen! Thank you for sharing…It blessed my heart!

    3. Wow that’s beautiful. Thank you for sharing; I love that He has such tender love for us individually. I use to be jealous anddidn’t want to share Him y’all. But I guess HES WAY BIGGER THAN THAT!!πŸ˜‚ How AWESOME ARE YOU FATHER!!❤️

  5. A word from the Lord.....I am the Lord of Lords. I am who I say I am, and I will do and perform and accomplish all I said I will do. I am opening the gates of Heaven wider than they have ever been. My children will see their King in the land of the living. I am coming in the fullest that I have ever been before. Every eye will see my mighty hand at work upon the earth. Stand strong for the day approaches that I will pour out my judgements and the reward of the wicked will be poured out before your very eyes. Yes, gross darkness has covered the earth, but soon, very soon My Light will flood the earth and the gross darkness will be no more. Stand my children, do not waver. I am doing what I have promised. I am setting you free. Free from the gross darkness. Don't give up now. I am coming in all my power with a great army. I will accomplish and fulfill every promise I have made to my children. Stand my precious ones, stand, I Am here. I Am with you. I have not forsaken you. I love you My Precious Children. Love Your Father. Isaiha 60:2 KJV For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people; but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and His Glory shall be seen upon thee.

    1. YES and Amen!πŸ™ πŸ”₯

  6. Amen, Lord we recv your golden silence for your rescue operation to fully take place!!! Diana I wanted to add that I sometimes go back to last years date as well & read what God spoke at that time as well and to my surprise on July 2, 2023 it was tilted “SILENCE” very encouraging and parallels with today’s word. God bless everyone, have a great day 😊


  8. HALLELUJAH! Full Speed Ahead and God Speed πŸš…!!!

  9. I’ll be staying up all night praying !!

  10. Amen, Lord God. We declare your words! You are saving this nation.

  11. I can't forget the post from Dec 3, 2023, that says there will be three days of darkness, where it looks like the evil agenda has won. Today's post must be about the rescue operation that brings that darkness to an end. It will be glorious. I can't wait to see how all this plays out, the rude awakening and the rescue operation. Thank You, Lord for taking us through all this.

  12. All glory to God. Amen and Hallelujah πŸŒΊπŸ™❤️✝️😊

  13. Diana, would you please consider posting to your bog, both of your daily prophecies from the Lord? I would love to print them both up. I love them both and love the decrees and declarations that beautiful prayer poet person posts.


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