July 24, 2024


“The CAST of CHARACTERS keeps CHANGING in front of your eyes. As those partnered with darkness FALL, it seems like one even WORSE is put in that place. So, WHO REALLY HAS THE UPPER HAND? Is it not true that WHAT YOU SOW IS WHAT YOU REAP? Did you not just see someone who CHEATED their way into a high position be CHEATED OUT of that PLACE? If the darkness INSTALLS another member of the CHEATING GANG, do not be DOWNCAST or WORRIED because they, too, will be CHEATED OUT of that POSITION. Can you TRUST Me that this is part of My plan to EXPOSE, EXPOSE, EXPOSE and to bring about a CLIMAX of events that will SHOCK the world? Just as quickly as the darkness INSTALLS new people, I will EXPOSE them, and they will be RIPPED OUT of those positions. It will be hard to KEEP UP with the CHANGING CAST of CHARACTERS. As this CHAOS plays out, keep your PRAYERS, DECREES, and DECLARATIONS STRONG. They will result in a RING of FIRE—My GLORY FIRE—surrounding your Nation to PROTECT and DEFEND it against any OUTSIDE INVADERS. Your WORSHIP and your TRUST in Me will TOPPLE the INSIDE INVADERS, as their HOUSE of CARDS FALLS FLAT. See with SPIRITUAL EYES what I AM doing behind the scenes and DO NOT GROW IMPATIENT while waiting for the VICTORY. It will come because I AM HAS THE UPPER HAND.”

Diana Larkin
A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. The Lord is so cleaver letting the enemy flow in and flow out and the next to flow in and flow out . Just like a continuous SEWER pipe


    2. LOL!! LOVE THIS COMMENT! Sewer Pipe YES!

  2. Fret not! Trust God! Psalm 37

  3. The number today 24; 24 prompted me to find a word that fits the team of light. I was led to this ; Joshua 24:24 The Lord our God we will serve ,and His voice we will obey!

  4. Amen, God is so awesome HE is literally showing us what is going on behind the curtains, their frantic & panicked and their evil plots are falling apart, at this point its actually entertaining!!
    God's historic movie is being played out in real time right before our very eyes and and we have the script in our hands knowing what's about to occur before others do!! It truly is a privilege and an honor that our Heavenly Father brings us news every day to keep us trusting in HIM and seeing HIS faithfulness as HIS RESCUE OPERATION continues unfolding before us!!! Such exciting times, thank you Heavenly Father and thank you Diana for allowing yourself to be a wonderful beautiful vessel God can flow through, I am sure I am not alone in saying you are very much appreciated.
    BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD. (Psalm 46:10)
    Have a blessed day everyone!

    1. I heartily agree!!! Praise God Almighty!!!!

    2. I am so very thankful for the many prophets and their newsbefore the news. I am thankful that God has brought me to faithin His Wird in a whole new way. Thank you Diana for being God's vessel of Light!

  5. Can we trust our Father ?---you bet we can !!!

  6. Let us run with PATIENCE the race that is set before us !

  7. The upper hand--- the high position wins !

  8. I can’t help but feel the song the Battle hymn of the republic is so appropriate for this time

  9. Amen๐ŸŒบ❤️๐Ÿ™✝️

  10. Read outloud: Psalm 27 and 37

  11. Read outloud: Psalm 27 and 37

    1. The Lord asks me to sing Psalms 37 most days.

      Thank you prayer poet for this prayer decree. But I can't seem to find the journal nuggets on Diana's blog. I searched for the title and also for the date but nothing came up that matched. I said the prayer decree anyway. Lived the Choo choo train. Church International with Robin D. Bullock sings the Love Train frequently. ❤️๐Ÿ™Œ

    2. I had the wrong post date. Thanks for pointing it out. It should be:

      JOURNAL NUGGETS: JULY 23, 2024
      LISTED AS Nugget #14
      July 21, 2022
      From the Father of Lights:

    3. I’m getting on board the Glory Train and praying my family on board with me. Hallelujah!! Amen Amen

  12. CORRECTION: The correct date of the JOURNAL NUGGETS POST is JULY 23, 2024.

  13. Replies
    1. Amen๐ŸŒบ❤️๐Ÿ™

  14. Wow! Such an awesome, amazing prayer. Thanks prayer Poet. I use your prayers daily. Such power behind them. ❤️

  15. Its taken me awhile to catch up on all the new SPIRITUAL intel! When I reached the bottom of this post, I saw the note that the date was suposed to be July 23, 2024! God has done it again, He keeps on confirming His word through you Diana ~Thank you, Diana ๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ‘‘๐Ÿ™
    On 7/23/24 - (after a time of Praise & Worship, I heard this)๐Ÿ”ฝ
    As YOU heard so many times before, YOU are WATCHING a really BAD movie! THEY HAVE bad acters everywhere & a PLOT that leaves many saying, this is STRANGER than fiction! However, the PLOT is about to take a TURN that they DIDN'T expect! The MAIN characters are about to find out, just how REAL the SCRIPT that they thought THEY were following, is! THEIR house of CARDS is coming down! They have NOTHING left but to TELL you what YOU should BELIEVE! YOU are being totally PYSOPED! They have SELECTED who they want, and what does that TELL YOU? But the good news is, PRAYER CHANGES EVERYTHING! YOU have seen that & many are fighting with SPIRITUAL weapons Daily! YOU are about to SEE the PRAYERS of many are being answered! The SPIRITUAL BATTLE that was waged in the SPIRITUAL will now BE made MANIFESTED in the natural. The ENEMY walked right into the TRAP that was SET for him, and now he and his MINIONS ARE are going to REAP what they have SOWN ! WATCH & SEE, their SCRIPT is about to be FLIPPED!

  16. As I was on my way back home tonight. I was thinking about what I had read here! The Holy Spirit said, "Listen to the CD that's in your cd player!" OK, I'm going down the road in my 1998 Honda Accord listening to this song! Even as I was singing these words, I noticed the word STAGE! This is absolutely one of my favorite songs by Point of Grace! I had a feeling that this was the song that would play!
    God gives you the desires of your heart & He knows I LOVE to sing!!

    2007 Point of Grace
    Song~All The World

    Verse 1]
    All the world is a STORY
    All the world is a STAGE
    All the world is a CANVAS
    All the world is a PAGE

    [Verse 2]
    All the world is a HORIZON
    All the world is a FIELD OF of DREAMS
    All the world is an OPEN DOORWAY
    All the world is a PLACE for ME
    To be Your VOICE
    To be Your TOUCH
    To give an ANSWER
    To show Your LOVE
    To hold out HOPE
    To offer PEACE
    To shine Your LIGHT for EVERYONE to see
    In all the world

    [Verse 3]
    All the world is a SOMEONE
    All the world is a DANCE
    All the world is a MOMENT
    All the world is a CHANCE

    To be Your VOICE
    To be Your TOUCH
    To give an ANSWER
    To show Your LOVE
    To hold out HOPE
    To offer PEACE
    To shine Your LIGHT for EVERYONE to see
    In all the WORLD
    You are AMAZING mercy
    You are UNDYING grace
    I want the WORLD to see how WONDERFUL You are Upon MY face

    Oooh oooh

    To be Your VOICE
    To be Your TOUCH
    To give an ANSWER
    To show Your LOVE
    To hold out HOPE
    To offer PEACE
    To shine Your LIGHT for EVERYONE to see
    In all the WORLD

    Oooh oooh

    To be Your VOICE
    To be Your TOUCH
    To give an ANSWER
    To show Your LOVE
    To hold out HOPE
    To offer PEACE
    To shine Your LIGHT
    If you want to check it out


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