July 25, 2024

“My Sons and Daughters of the Kingdom are CALLED TO CONQUER! You are NOT called to COWER and wait for the enemy to put the world in DARKNESS and BONDAGE so great that I have to ZAP you out of the world. Are you not called to OVERCOME with the POWERFUL BLOOD of the LAMB and your word of TESTIMONY and AUTHORITY? The FALSE TEACHINGS about My people being TOO WEAK at the end of the Age to OVERCOME the darkness is in OPPOSITION to the WHOLE REST of what My WORD REVEALS. Is the Blood of Jesus not POWERFUL ENOUGH? Is the EMPOWERMENT of Holy Spirit so WEAK that you are DESTINED TO FAIL? Do you understand that these DOCTRINES OF DEMONS are to DISEMPOWER your AUTHORITY and to ROB you of your DESTINY? COME OUT OF ALIGNMENT with these teachings that welcome APATHY in SPIRITUAL WARFARE and for SETTLING to live FAR BELOW what I have called My Sons and Daughters to live in. You are CALLED TO CONQUER and to PARTNER with Me in RULING and REIGNING through the BLOOD of My Son, the EMPOWERMENT of Holy Spirit, and your AUTHORITY as My Sons and Daughters. CO-HEIRS with Jesus means CO-HEIRS with the One who CONQUERED DEATH, HELL, and the GRAVE. You are not and NEVER will be called to be WIMPS and LOSERS. RISE UP, Army of Light! This is your day to SHINE for Me, as we RESCUE the world from the CREEPING DARKNESS and put it UNDER OUR FEET. You are CALLED TO CONQUER!”

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. Yes and Amen! We are not to be WIMPS! Thank you Diana for these Words that couldn't be any clearer!

  2. Full Speed Ahead and God Speed ๐Ÿš…!!!

  3. Our Father is fabulous and has given us more power than we seem to know by the Blood of Jesus that was sprinkled on the real Mercy Seat under the Cross !!!

    1. Hebrews 9.24 "For Christ is not entered into the holy place made with human hands, which are a copy of the true, but into heaven itself. . . "

    2. We are eternally greatfull that the Blood of Jesus acomplished what the blood of goats could never do.

  4. We are not cursed but blessed beyond measure by God and now we are assigned to do our part in defeating the dark side !

    Romans 8:37 (CJB)

  6. I am looking forward to attending church again when it is not so wimpy !

    1. I was just thinking that yesterday!! AMEN!! ✝️

    2. Amen! Let's go!๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

    3. I look forward to that too!

  7. God describes Himself as I AM and He sure IS !

  8. Fight! Fight! Fight!❤️‍๐Ÿ”ฅ

  9. In the name of Jesus, I shout down all their evil plots and plans only to boomerang back onto them! Dark to LIGHT!! Fight Fight Fight!!!

  10. Amen and Amen ๐Ÿ™ thank you Diana!! We ๐Ÿฅฐ love you!!!!

  11. Are we to understand from "You are NOT called to COWER and wait for the enemy to put the world in DARKNESS and BONDAGE so great that I have to ZAP you out of the world." that this is a reference to the Rapture? Is He saying there is no Rapture, don't wait for it to "rescue" us from the evil of the world system/the tribulation?

    1. He comes for a spotless, without wrinkle, VICTORIOUS Bride worthy of a Victorious Jesus.

    2. I believe God is saying don’t sit around and wait for the rapture and do nothing. The rapture will
      come. But right now we are called to fight, fight, fight until the rapture. Some people think since the rapture will come they will just wait for that and think there’s nothing for them to do. The plan now before the rapture is to expect the glory of God and live powerful. His plan for us is to keep fighting until the rapture. We’re His partners.

  12. The rapture will happen, just not at this time.

    1. This is the time of Daniel 2.35: Kingdom fills whole earth, Mystery babylon ruling the nations is demolished. God has his harvest that His Son died for and showcases Kingdom living. Then Ezekial 38: Gog etc come down (hook in jaw) on a Peaceful, unsuspecting, prosperous people in unwalled villages (no enemies). SHORT tribulation.
      Tribulation IS NOT NOW: for one thing too many "believers" are looking for him to rescue .
      NO MAN knows the hour except God the Father.

  13. Diana, do you, or does anyone know if releasing the anointing is the same as releasing the glory? We received a deposit of the anointing when we got saved. Our spirits are located in our belly. Kat Kerr teaches how to release the anointing on people and things. So, is that the same as releasing the glory.

  14. His anointing is the glory. They are the same. We have the anointing, we have His glory. He have that to us. When you release His anointing (on people or anything), you are releasing His glory, His power. Since I learned I have the power to release that, I do it all the time. I released the anointing on all the door handles of my home. Recently I had a repair man at my home, and when he went to leave he touched the door handle to open the door. He stopped and just stood still. I could see the power of God touching him. He didn’t know what it was!! He does now!


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