July 5, 2024

This word came from an encounter I experienced this morning. I found myself on the eagle flying across America  but this time, the Father was behind me on the eagle. He was reaching inside Himself and pulling out glory balls of fire that He threw to the earth onto specific targets. They hit the ground and started a fire!
“The enemy had plans to SET FIRES of DESTRUCTION and MAYHEM across your Land yesterday, but your PRAYERS DAMPENED those plans. Now, I declare to you that I AM going across your Nation, and RELEASING GLORY BALLS OF FIRE! These FIRES will BURN AWAY FACADES and EXPOSE, EXPOSE, EXPOSE. These FIRES will BURN UP CORRUPTION and COMPROMISE. These FIRES will AWAKEN the SLEEPING DENIAL that people have been LULLED into, and the GLORY in these FIRES will show forth My POWER and IGNITE FIRES of PASSION that will draw people to My heart through the blood of My Son, and the Kingdom will EXPAND. It will be a season of FIRE that DESTROYS DARKNESS and that SHOWCASES My POWER and My LOVE. ENOUGH of the enemy’s HOGGING the STAGE with his BOASTING LIES! I AM coming with the BRIGHT FIRE of TRUTH and FREEDOM, and AMERICA SHALL BE SAVED. I AM asking you to join Me in this RELEASE of the GLORY BALLS OF FIRE. I will HIGHLIGHT areas to you that need My GLORY FIRE, and you bring them before Me and ask that I would RELEASE a GLORY BALL of FIRE into that highlighted area. It can be people’s HEARTS, STRONGHOLDS of CORRUPTION, UNJUST COURTS, LYING MEDIA, or TYRANNICAL INSTITUTIONS. Together, we are going across this Nation and IGNITING A FIRE!” 
Diana Larkin
A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. This comment group is being unified under Dianas warriors!an assult team led by our sniper (HOLY SPIRIT) is firing glory balls ahead to protect the soldiers and win this war !!!

  2. HALLELUJAH!!! Onward CHristian Soldiers !!

  3. I have my fireball list... if everyone reading this follows their list... it will be powerful!! Praise the Lord!

  4. Yes, Diana has warriors in this comment section that are beginning to form a combat team to help defeat the evil side!

  5. I declare and decree all strongholds come down in Indiana and Arizona! Now! Please 🥺 and Thank you!

  6. This is confirmation to a word the Lord told me a week ago. He said, "Fire! Fire is coming! My throne shall be a throne of fire. My throne shall be like the burning bush, on fire but never consumed. My throne consumes. My word echoes through this nation. My word goes forth and does not come back void. Yes, the evil now lose territory. For it was never theirs to begin with. The earth is MINE. The earth is my mainstay. The earth is my witness of my love. My fire shall consume you. My grace is a burning fire. You will learn how to walk in my fire. I will teach you how to burn. And not be consumed. You will show up with fire. You shall not faint. My hand will lead you. Blessed be the word of the Lord."

    1. Yes ! Agree: THE EVIL NOW LOSE TERRITORY ! " Rings with Truth !" Drips with the anointing.

  7. Last week during a church meeting, some mentioned we are in a spiritual war. I replied, if that is so, then why aren't we singing Onward Christian Soldiers at the top of our lungs during service. The choir director immediately spoke up and said, "we'll be singing that." Someone above made a comment about this song and I felt honored to be on the right frequency. Thank you dear lord Amen.

  8. You can see a unity developing on this comment team .We are going to do some good in this victory under general Diana !

  9. The type of evil people we are defeating, are like those that wanted to kill Lazarus after Jesus called him forth----Alive !

  10. Hallelujah Amenyour will be done . Thankyou father🌺❤️🙏✝️🇺🇸

  11. I have been praying for the Lord to bring His fire and burn away everything that is not of Him for a long while now. I have also been praying, expose, expose, expose, everything that has been hidden will be made known and come abroad. (Luke 8:17) - Love this confirmation!!! - Erica C.

    1. Yes me too, daily since about April when God said ask me to release my blue fire and heal, restore and calibrate your heart. Hallelujah! We need you Lord to light our FIRE FIRE FIRE in our lives and in our nation so we can burn for you!!!! Release the GLORY BALLS OF FIRE in Utah and Idaho! Consume the lies, deception, religious spirit, and principalities over our states. It’s time for the kingdom of God to rule and reign in Utah especially. My bloodline goes deep here and it’s to storm the gates of hell with chaos, confusion and division into all groups ranks and kingdoms. Time to annihilate and obliterate these demonic entities roaming this valley!


  13. Reminded me of this word from the Lord to Diana a year ago……

    January 8, 2023


    “From My Throne, I AM releasing FLAMING MISSILES OF FIRE. I will remind you that this is a HARVEST SEASON, and all on the earth are about to REAP what they have sown in their lives. To those given over to DARKNESS and CORRUPTION, these FLAMING MISSILES OF FIRE will, quite SUDDENLY, light up and EXPOSE all their evil WAYS and DEEDS. The FIRE will DESTROY their stolen positions and the platforms of evil that have kept them in places of POWER. I have given several years before I release this harvest of FLAMING MISSILES OF FIRE for them to repent and turn to Me, but few have responded to My LOVE and MERCY. Therefore, it is now time for them to receive the FULL HARVEST of what they have SOWN, as My FLAMING MISSILES OF FIRE blow up their lives, and they LOSE EVERYTHING the darkness ILLEGALLY gave them. For those who are My BLOOD-BOUGHT Sons and Daughters, My FLAMING MISSILES OF FIRE will bring the POWER of My LIGHT and My GLORY into your lives. To those who have been HIDDEN, it will REVEAL who I AM in them, and it will LIGHT UP the PATH of FULFILLMENT for their lives. The GLORY of My presence that will REST on you will release SIGNS, WONDERS, and MIRACLES in and through your life. There may be areas in your own lives where you are not sowing to righteousness, and My FLAMING MISSILES OF FIRE will reveal those areas of your life that continually cause you to STUMBLE and where you are not producing GOOD FRUIT. This will cause some pain, but you will WALK OUT of any areas of darkness in your lives into the LIGHT of My FREEDOM and EMPOWERMENT. My FLAMING MISSILES OF FIRE are going to USHER IN a season of PEACE and RIGHTEOUSNESS.”

    Diana Larkin
    Watchman’s journal


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