August 16, 2024


This morning I saw a meteor shower racing towards the earth as if it had been flung from an unseen, mighty hand.

“My judgments upon the wicked will come SUDDENLY and SPECTACULARLY like a FLAMING METEOR SHOWER thrown to the earth by My mighty right arm. NOTHING WILL STOP MY METEORIC JUDGMENT of those partnered with evil. They have IGNORED My WARNINGS and now, FLAMING MISSILES will FLATTEN them; and they will NEVER RISE to leadership positions again and some will not SURVIVE this POWERFUL, FLAMING judgment. These FURIOUS STONES of FIRE will STRIKE with PRECISION on the wicked, but My sons and daughters will be PROTECTED. My METEORIC JUDGMENT will seem HARSH unless you know what these people have done to STEAL, KILL, and DESTROY. My METEORIC JUDGMENT is for your PROTECTION and to SET the CAPTIVES FREE. DO NOT FLINCH when you see these GIANTS FALL because I AM saving you from their MASS DEATH AGENDAS they had planned for you. PARTNER with Me and CALL IN My METEORIC JUDGMENT.”   

Diana Larkin
A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. Yes and amen. We call forth God's Meteroric Judgement!

    1. Yes Lord, we call in your Meteoric Judgment on evil. Your ways are higher than our ways and your thoughts are above our thoughts. Thank you for your loving mercy on me and my family. Praise your Holy Name!

  2. By the Blood of Jesus ,we stop the mass death agendas in their tracks ,and turn them back on those that planned them !

  3. Let it be like the time of Hezekiah [ 2 chronicles 29 ] where the church is restored and the filthiness taken out of it !

    1. Amen. I’m sure we’re all feeling like we’re living in the times right before the flood.

    2. Strengthen our Resolve Lord to set faces like flint. WE WiLL Not Flinch.
      Psalm 149.9 "Praise-filled Warriors Will Enforce the JUDGEMENT Decreed against their Enemies.
      This is the HONOR HE gives to all HIS Godly Lovers."

  4. We call forth Your METEORIC JUDGMENT FATHER; and we call forth Your NEW KINGDOM ERA NOW!! In the Almighty Name of Savior and Lord Jesus Christ, AMEN!

  5. I’ve seen this is a dream and put it in my journal. I thought our Father was raining down His glory balls of fire but it most certainly can be both.

  6. Lord, we partner with you and call forth your meteoric judgment and we thank you for protecting us and our household. Let it be Lord 🙏❤️


  7. Thank you Diana for bringing this word this morning, it blessed me and brought understanding to a
    quick vision of a crash test dummy I had this morning…I asked the Lord, what does THAT mean? So I looked it up in my dream book.
    “Make an uproar and be broken in pieces, O you peoples [rage, raise the war cry, do your worst, and be utterly dismayed]! Give ear, all you [our enemies] of far countries. Gird yourselves [for war], and be thrown into consternation! Gird yourselves, and be [utterly] dismayed!”
    ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭8‬:‭9‬ ‭(AMPC‬‬)

    In message translation—
    “But face the facts, all you oppressors, and then wring your hands. Listen, all of you, far and near. Prepare for the worst and wring your hands. Yes, prepare for the worst and wring your hands! Plan and plot all you want—nothing will come of it. All your talk is mere talk, empty words, Because when all is said and done, the last word is Immanuel—God-With-Us.”
    ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭8‬:‭9‬-‭10‬( ‭MSG)‬‬

    Wow! Boom! It’s Coming! Thank you, Mighty Father🔥

    1. Consternation means —— Astonishment combined with terror, extreme surprise with confusion and panic

  8. Enemies break into a cold sweat , your punishment is at hand !

  9. I so appreciate your prayers written out to co-inside with the word that Diana brings to us. Really helps to put "substance" to my prayers as well, causing me to be grateful, to see into all that is said and to be in agreement.

  10. This lines up w the prophesied Ezekiel 9 and 10 Idolaters will be killed word from years ago.

    Ezekiel 9 - *judgment starts at the house of the LORD for those who refused to mourn and sigh over the abominations, and failed to receive the preserving mark on their foreheads. I think this began Dec 2023 w the church leader perversion exposures.

    EZEKIEL 10:2 - *coals from between the cherubim wheels are thrown down to the earth onto the city. Could it be the Yom Kippur comet I think Amanda Grace mentioned?

    Ezekiel 10:4 KJV
    [4] Then the glory of the LORD went up from the cherub, and stood over the threshold of the house; and the house was filled with the cloud, and the court was full of the brightness of the LORD's glory. ** Manifestation of the shining faces prophesies???

  11. Diana, I just came across this article talking about a meteor on August 23rd!


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