August 17, 2024

I found myself in the Garden of Eden as it was at the very beginning of time. I felt the new sun’s rays and saw beautiful, vibrant colored flowers. It was all brand new—beautiful and peaceful. I saw the Father and suddenly, I had this amazing downloaded revelation of what the Kingdom Age was all about. I heard these words: GOING BACK TO THE BEGINNING OF THE GARDEN OF EDEN. 
“This statement SUMMARIZES the PURPOSE of the KINGDOM AGE. In the BEGINNING, man was created to walk the earth in the PERFECTION of BEAUTY, PEACE, and ABUNDANCE. There was a PERFECT HARMONY in My creation where everything WORKED TOGETHER for the GOOD of every other part, and creation released a beautiful SONG of WORSHIP to Me. Heaven’s FREQUENCY was in everything—all of it was TUNED PERFECTLY to My HEART and ALL WAS WELL. Man’s choice to BELIEVE a LIE about My CHARACTER and MOTIVES and to come out from under My RULERSHIP, BROKE our intimate FELLOWSHIP, and the FREQUENCY of Heaven was SHATTERED over the earth. It allowed STRIFE, SICKNESS, HATRED, JEALOUSY, and DEATH to fill the earth. Man was now at WAR with the EARTH and with EACH OTHER. Where the earth once provided with JOYFUL ABUNDANCE, now there were WEEDS, PESTILENCE, and HARD TOIL to obtain a HARVEST. Everything came OUT of HARMONY with Heaven—including the WEATHER, man’s RELATIONSHIP with ANIMALS, and man’s RELATIONSHIPS with other MEN. My Son came to provide a WAY OUT of this SPIRAL into Satan’s DARKNESS and DEPRAVITY. Those who entered this NEW COVENANT and were BORN AGAIN had the potential to be TUNED to Heaven’s FREQUENCIES. You can see why I HATE DEAD RELIGION that just emphasizes HEAD KNOWLEDGE about Me because I AM after spirit to Spirit HEART CONNECTION that TRANSFORMS you into the Sons and Daughters that CREATION is GROANING for to ARISE. (ROMANS 8:18-24 TPT) The Kingdom Age is about My AWAKENED Sons and Daughters joining Me in REVERSING THE CURSE that rebellious humanity has brought upon the earth. Jesus WON the LEGAL RIGHT for this to take place, so will you JOIN Me in the plan of GOING BACK TO THE BEGINNING OF THE GARDEN OF EDEN? This is the call to My Kingdom Sons and Daughters to REBUILD, RESTORE, and RENEW everything BACK to the HARMONY, PEACE, and ABUNDANCE of the Garden of Eden. Great will be the PEACE and REWARDS of My KINGDOM BUILDERS.” 
Diana Larkin
A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. Yes Lord I accept

  2. In sporting events when some thing happens toward winning ,there is a shout of LETS GO . Lets shout LETS GO BACK to HARMONY IN THE GARDEN !!!

  3. We are in this new covenant because of the Body and BLOOD of JESUS .This is so true that it gives me the shivers !

  4. Lord we will share our new found abundance !

  5. We need to be brave while doing our part in this wonderful recovery .

  6. Asking for prayers please for my friend JR who is in the hospital in Kerrville TX. The doctors say he had covid weeks ago and that he has pneumonia. I bind, forbid and deny that lying diagnosis from the enemy and death you cannot hold him, in Jesus name.

    I just spoke to him and he woke up in the ICU from the tube being pulled out of his throat and said he died and they brought him back. So, I break off that spirit of death right now, in Jesus name.

    Please pray for him. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

    1. Praying for JR...I rebuke the hand of the enemy to cause harm in any way! May God's grace and mercy fall all over JR for full healing and restoration.

    2. Praying the blood of Jesus over him. Declaring wholeness in his whole body, and no weapon formed against him will prosper. In Jesus name.

    3. Thank you. He will be in the hospital at least another day or two. He was on the vent about day and half. He is healed in
      Jeaus name. It is written in 1 Peter 2:24 AMP
      24He personally carried our sins in His body on the fncross [willingly offering Himself on it, as on an altar of sacrifice], so that we might die to sin [becoming immune from the penalty and power of sin] and live for righteousness; for by His wounds you [who believe] have been fnhealed.

    4. We speak life, wholeness and healing into JR’s body now. The gates of hell WILL NOT prevail!!

  7. The Lord has been speaking to me a great deal about Joel 2. Verse 3 speaks of an army (it’s God’s army) with destruction behind them and what looks like Eden in front of them. I’ve wondered about this a great deal. I believe God has been showing me is that the army is the church in this new era. We will be partnering with Him as He removes the evil in the 7 mountains of society. It’s destruction for them but what results is the church taking its rightful place in society. Could that be the Eden in front of the army? Different translations treat this verse very different. And this is obviously a passage that has been hard for scholars to understand. But every time I hear the word Eden in words I hear from the Lord or through other prophets such as you, Diana, I can’t help but wonder if this is what Joel wrote about. I wish I could sit down and discuss this with you! Haha! I’m continuing to ask the Spirit to guide me. But I believe He has said we will see much of this chapter come to life in our time!! Wow!

    1. It probably is the church in Joel. God gave me a vision of the sons of God, and it is basically Jeremiah 31...paraphrase...the law written on our hearts.... Law and Spirit.

  8. Diana , you said "I saw the Father" this is a tease to us unless you give us a description of the God we are to love with all our heart !

    1. We trust you Diana and hang on to the words you give . are you not allowed to describe the Father to the comment team ?

    2. Kat Kerr has described God and you might be able to find it on Elijah Clips. She has also described Jesus. She says the love pouring out of Them makes her undone. I can only imagine.... Shalom!

    3. I have briefly described what I see of the Father on one of my videos. I can tell you how I see Him, but it won’t necessarily be how someone else sees Him. He is Spirit and He reveals Himself to us as He chooses. I don’t see His face clearly, but I can see He has chiseled features that are beautiful. His hair is amazing, long curly white hair that is living and moving. His eyes (when I can see them) are fiery blue. Blessings!

    4. Thank you for this Diana. It is beautiful 😍

  9. Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ Holy Name. Father, we PRAISE YOU for this beautiful Word You gave to Diana Larkin.

    We THANK YOU for “summarizing the purpose of the KINGDOM AGE in your statement – GOING BACK TO THE BEGINNING OF THE GARDEN OF EDEN.”
    We receive Your Words and we declare what You have spoken in Heaven. We invite the Host to fulfill our prayers of faith, and bring in the Kingdom of Heaven in all its Glory and Power.
    Father, we THANK YOU for Your clarifying Words, “In the BEGINNING, man was created to walk the earth in the perfection of beauty, peace, and abundance.
    . . . Man’s choice to believe a lie about My Character and Motives and to come out from under My Rulership, broke our intimate fellowship, and the Frequency of Heaven was shattered over the earth.”
    Father, in desperation we CRY out to YOU for liberation. We use Your Words and we DECLARE “WE REVERSE THE CURSE.”
    WE SHOUT into the atmosphere:
    No more Strife!
    No more Hatred!
    No more Jealousy!
    No more Death to fill the earth!
    No more WAR with the earth!
    No more WAR with each other!

    We REVERSE the curse against the earth
    No more Weeds!
    No more Pestilence!
    No more Hard Toil to obtain a Harvest!

    JESUS, we THANK YOU that You came to provide a way out of this spiral into satan’s darkness and depravity.
    We DECREE by the Power of Your BLOOD everything return into perfect harmony with Heaven. Let it be, NOW!

    Father God, we THANK YOU for Your Words, “You can see why I hate dead religion that just emphasizes head knowledge about Me because I AM after spirit to Spirit heart connection that transforms you into the sons and daughters that creation is groaning for to arise.” (ROMANS 8:18-24 TPT)

    Father, THANK YOU for inviting us to “Join You in the plan of going back to the beginning of the Garden of Eden.” Without hesitation we respond, “Absolutely, YES!”
    JESUS, we THANK YOU that You WON the Legal Right for this to take place.

  10. PART 3

    Exodus 15:1-2,
    . . . I will sing to the Lord, for He has triumphed gloriously. . . The Lord is my Strength and my Song, and He has become my Salvation; this is my God, and I will praise Him, my father’s God, and I will exalt Him.
    Exodus 15:6-7
    Your right hand, O Lord, is glorious in power; Your right hand, O Lord, shatters the enemy. In the greatness of Your majesty You overthrow those rising against You. You send forth Your fury; it consumes them like stubble
    Exodus 15:11-13
    Who is like You, O Lord, among the gods? Who is like You, glorious in holiness, awesome in splendor, doing wonders? You stretched out Your right hand, the earth’s [sea] swallowed them. You in Your mercy and loving-kindness have led forth the people whom You have redeemed; You have guided them in Your strength to Your holy habitation.
    Exodus 15:18
    The Lord will reign forever and ever.

  11. Thank you Lord! I want to be one of Your New Kingdom Builders!

  12. This is exactly what Holy Spirit and my daily time in the word keeps pointing me to as well. Including by faith according to psalm 8 we are to be setting all creation free from the curse by blessing it, reclaiming it all for our King of Kings. He died for this, He rose for this and ascended to heaven in order to send God,-the Holy Spirit, to empower us as God’s royal kids.

  13. I believed this is what this word meant🧐
    August 7, 2024

    ACTS 3:21 (TPT) “For He must remain in Heaven until the restoration of all things has taken place, fulfilling everything that God said long ago through His holy prophets.”
    “The Kingdom Age is THE RESTORATION OF ALL THINGS that were intended for the ORIGINAL CREATION. When man chose to NOT BELIEVE WHO I SAID I WAS, it ALIGNED mankind and the world with the REBELLION of Satan and OPENED the DOOR to the darkness of GREED, DEPRAVITY, and CORRUPTION. When My Son PAID the PRICE for all this darkness and rebellion, He began the PROCESS of THE RESTORATION OF ALL THINGS. Your enemy has FOUGHT this RESTORATION in every age in order to keep creation and My Sons and Daughters in BONDAGE to corruption and decay. I have DECLARED this is the SET TIME for THE RESTORATION OF ALL THINGS and as long as you REMAIN JOINED with My heart and My purposes, you will SEE with your eyes as I RESTORE My ORIGINAL INTENT for your world and your lives. Think of what is BROKEN or MESSED UP, and PICTURE it RESTORED to REFLECT My LOVE, My WHOLENESS, and My BRILLIANCE. Think about a Church that operates AS ONE with Me instead of man’s RELIGIOUS RULES that leave hearts EMPTY and UNSATISFIED and allows the enemy to SOW his COUNTERFEIT COMFORTERS of sexual sin, greed, and addictions. The RESTORATION of RIGHTEOUSNESS through RELATIONSHIP will RID the Church of these DEVICES of the darkness. Once your lives are RESTORED to PEACE and PURITY, the world will be DRAWN to My heart through My Son’s SACRIFICE of PURE LOVE. The same goes for governments, justice systems, financial systems, and health. They will experience RESTORATION, as the darkness is DEFEATED and SWEPT AWAY. Those called to lead in this hour will be RESTORED to all seven mountains of society. This is what we are FIGHTING FOR so RESPOND to My CLEANSING of your own heart and STAY with Me until you see THE RESTORATION OF ALL THINGS. Glorious days are ahead!”
    Diana Larkin
    A Watchman’s Journal

  14. “Yet what we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory he will reveal to us later. For all creation is waiting eagerly for that future day when God will reveal who his children really are. Against its will, all creation was subjected to God’s curse. But with eager hope, the creation looks forward to the day when it will join God’s children in glorious freedom from death and decay. For we know that all creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. And we believers also groan, even though we have the Holy Spirit within us as a foretaste of future glory, for we long for our bodies to be released from sin and suffering. We, too, wait with eager hope for the day when God will give us our full rights as his adopted children, including the new bodies he has promised us. We were given this hope when we were saved. (If we already have something, we don’t need to hope for it.”
    ‭‭Romans‬ ‭8‬:‭18‬-‭24‬ ‭NLT‬‬

  15. I’m a little confused. So the Kingdom Age is a separate event from the Second Coming of Christ? The Kingdom Age sounds like the second coming? Is the Kingdom Age like Heaven on the earth to bring those out of darkness before Christ’s return?

    1. I’m just also wondering how I’ve never heard this in all my years of going to church? How could the church get this so wrong? I see this plainly in scripture. I was never taught about the New Kingdom Age, only that Jesus will return for us before the tribulation period. How could the church get this so wrong?!

    2. Watch Elijah streams today with Johnny Enlow and Kelsey



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