August 22, 2024


“I know EVERYTHING about you. I know every INTRICATE cell that makes up your body. I know the THOUGHTS of your mind, and the MOVEMENTS of your heart. I AM DEEPLY ENTWINED with your spirit because the Blood of My Son made your spirit HOLY so that I could DWELL there. I SEE you, I KNOW every part of you, and I LOVE and I TREASURE the way that I have made you. You DELIGHT Me and when you DRAW NEAR, My heart SWELLS with JOY. DO YOU LONG TO KNOW ME? I want you to DISCOVER the DEPTHS of My LOVE and the WONDERFUL PLANS that I have for your life. When you are FEARFUL, FRUSTRATED, or ANGRY, I want you to come to Me because I have PROTECTION, SOLUTIONS, and COMFORT for you. When you are LONELY, SAD, BROKEN, I want to be your FRIEND, your JOY, your HEALER. There is NOTHING you need to HIDE from Me—I already know all about it. I know what TRAPS the enemy laid to ENSNARE you in SIN PATTERNS, and I AM your DELIVERER and TRANSFORMER. I desire a REAL RELATIONSHIP with you and that requires you SPENDING TIME with Me, TALKING with Me, and HEARING My VOICE back to you, READING My Word and asking QUESTIONS about what you are reading, EXPRESSING your love to Me in WORDS, PRAYERS, and WORSHIP. It is SHARING your JOYS and your SORROWS with Me. It is learning that I really am a GOOD, GOOD FATHER and that you can COMPLETELY TRUST Me and My PROMISES to you. Ask the Holy Spirit to STIR UP your PASSION to REALLY KNOW Me as I know you. FRIENDS FOREVER!”

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. ๐ŸŒ From Go to God to Good ๐Ÿ˜Š It's about to get real good ๐Ÿ‘ Time to Go ๐Ÿ˜Š

  2. From these words and others ,i am convinced that the Lord's prayer is now coming to fruition ! On earth as it is in Heaven .THE KINGDOM AGE is right before our eyes .

    1. Callie Simons - AWJ teamAugust 23, 2024 at 12:39 PM

      We agree! ๐Ÿ™Œ

  3. The restitution of all things is at hand ----praise GOD !!!

  4. Encourage one another that we are entering a time of Jesus and the Father on the Earth [in us]

  5. To be a friend of God forever . Can you top this ?

  6. WOW THESE WORDS ARE JUST BEAUTIFUL AND FOOD FOR MY BODY AND NOURISHING TO MY SOUL THIS MORNING! ITS LIKE A LIFE GIVING HEAVENLY RIVER DEPOSITING GOD’S UNCONDITIONAL LOVE INTO MY INNER MOST BEING!! THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH DIANA FOR SHARING THESE WORDS. I also want to share the other day as I was praying and spending time with THE LORD I said how awesome it would be for you to call me your friend! I have to admit as I read it out loud as I do every time and I saw and heard myself reading the words “ FRIENDS FOREVER ! “ I wept, what an HONOR FOR GOD TO CALL US HIS FRIEND FOREVER!
    This next part is to encourage others that when the doctors or hospice says ITS OVER turn to GOD ALMIGHTY AND JUST LIKE HE SAID IN TODAY’S prophecy TO GIVE HIM ALL OUR JOYS and our SORROWS!
    A family friend was in hospice this week probably since last week they called family to go and spend last days with him, he was diagnosed with in an inoperable brain tumor and so it was about a year ago this had been told to him so by now it has spread and he was apparently near the end. Well as u can imagine we & many went into prayer for this young man. I have been interceding for him since I learned all of what was happening, well during the middle of the night last night I felt strongly “ NOT THESE DAYS & NOT YET” so I said LORD I recv YOUR WORDS! Well I recvd news today that his life has been extended an additional 6 months!! We all KNOW WHO THE GLORY BELONGS TOO !!
    I was so excited & PRAISING GOD both my husband I, we joined together in agreement that it will not be 6 months but 60 plus years IN THE NAME OF JESUS! Have a blessed day everyone!!๐Ÿ˜Š

    1. YES ! Amen and we all Agree reading this (many more than 2 or three) 60 MORE!

    2. 60 Plus Years !

    3. This is wonderful news!! My eyes are filled with happy tears!! Praise God!!

  7. Heavenly Father, in Jesus Holy Name. I pray and ask Holy Spirit to stir up my passion to really know YOU as You know me. I believe and receive this, in Jesus’ Holy Name. Thank You, Holy Spirit. Amen.

    Loving Father, I surrender ALL to You.
    I press into Your Heart.
    I seek Your Holy Glorious Face.
    I seek Your LOVE, Your Friendship, Your Joy, Your Peace.

    My heart is swelling.
    My eyes are flooding with tears.
    I press deeper into Your Heart.

    We are one.
    YOU in me.
    Me in YOU.


    1. **********************************
      When I opened my computer this morning shortly after 7:00 a.m., I was surprised to see the following Journal Entry from Diana Larkin on my screen in FULL DISPLAY. I was puzzled. I was attempting to figure out how this happened and noticed the Journal entry was at the bottom of the posts under “Popular posts from this blog”. There was a marching order in this entry and I was nudged by Holy Spirit to include it in the declarations.

      December 3, 2023

      MARCHING ORDER: You “keep speaking” over your Nation and CALLING IT FORTH TO RESURRECTION LIFE, and it will rise again on THE FOURTH DAY.

      Also, please note the following post that day:
      Anonymous December 7, 2023 at 11:19 AM
      A Watchman’s Journal
      September 10, 2023

      MARCHING ORDER DECLARE: ‘My God is laying a TRAP, and they will be CAUGHT IN THE ACT.”

      We DECLARE My God is laying a TRAP, and they will be CAUGHT IN THE ACT.
      We DECREE freedom, peace, joy and plenty over our Nation.

    2. **********
      Diana, I just read PATTI TEICHROEW entry for today. This is very important so I am taking the liberty of posting this. Father said, “For I AM calling on you My Army of Light to enter the fray of abortion and I want you to Call Forth My Boomerang onto this evil practice for the DNC is using this as a means of receiving more power from the demonic realm. For this is their form of worship to Molech and I AM calling on you to STOP IT!”

      Heavenly Father, in Jesus Holy Name
      We heed Your instructions and enter the fray of abortion.
      We CALL FORTH YOUR Boomerang onto this evil practice
      We SEND FORTH YOUR Boomerang to Completely Nullify the sacrifice of babies. WE LOOSE upon the DNC the Fire of God. NOW!!!
      Father, we PRAISE YOU and we THANK YOU that we will watch YOU work in powerful ways!
      HOST, go FORTH, NOW!

    3. Father also said, "For if you will CALL ON ME, I WILL LISTEN and HEED YOUR CALL. For It Is Time for our enemies to KNOW WHO I AM!"

    4. Warrior Hosts, GO FORTH NOW!

      HALLELUJAH! Amen and amen.

    5. Callie Simons - AWJ teamAugust 23, 2024 at 12:40 PM

      Beautiful! Amen and amen ๐Ÿ™❤

  8. Can someone please define to me what the kingdom age is? Where is it in the Bible? I would like to understand and learn. I am excited about what God is doing, and I love reading His encouraging words, but I don’t understand kingdom age. Thank you.

    1. God SAID this on August 20, 2024 "This is KINGDOM AGE LIVING—FREELY you have RECEIVED, FREELY GIVE."

      Meaning, the gifts, provisions, finances. FREELY RECEIVE (from Him) , FREELY GIVE (to others).

    2. The Kingdom of God is not at all new ,but the Kingdom Age is now just beginning . What is the Kingdom of God ? Rom 14:17 The kingdom of God is righteousness , peace ,and joy in the Holy Ghost .Luk 17:21 The Kingdom of God is Within YOU ! The Baptism in the Holy Ghost and praying in the spirit is many times something that needs to be requested of Jesus .He will bapitise in the Holy Ghost . The Kingdom Age is a continuation of something that has no ending but will continue to grow . We are now witnessing a dramatic strengthening of God's Kingdom on Earth as it is in Heaven . Look for many miracles and blessings from the 3 in i !


    4. Scripture for Kingdom Age : Acts 3 :21 Restoration of all things

    5. It occurs to me that the "rulers of this age" are at the end of their allotted time.
      Perhaps a 6,000 year lease satan had over earth over Adam's open rebellion and disobedience.
      At any rate: TIMES UP !
      The Kingdom and The Glory are Coming; There's No stopping it Now !
      Thy Kingdom Come, THY WILL Be Done Now on Earth as it is in Heaven.
      The other truth to think about is how God defines a day: "There was evening and there was Morning the first day."
      Darkness preceded the dawn and the light of Day.

    6. Book by Johnny Enloe: "Kingdom Come: Understanding the Reign of God on Earth."
      Just released July 16, 2024

    7. Also see Daniel 2.45 The Kingdom of God coming that smashes the evil existing world dominating system- the sure word of prophecy. The testimony of Jesus.

    8. Callie Simons - AWJ teamAugust 23, 2024 at 12:42 PM

      A wonderful resource to learn about the coming Kingdom Age is a book by Johnny Enlow entitled Kingdom Come! (Find on Amazon and their website:

  9. 3 in 1 ---The Father ,Son ,and Holy Ghost .

  10. Amen!! Thank you Lord and Diana!!

  11. Such a BEAUTIFUL love letter from God. Makes me cry every time I read it. It came at a time I needed it. Thank you Father for your GREAT, GREAT love for us/me, and thank you Diana for allowing yourself to be a vessel the Father can flow through.

    1. Callie Simons - AWJ teamAugust 23, 2024 at 12:43 PM

      So glad it ministered to you ❤ God bless you ๐Ÿ™


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