August 23, 2024
“Does UNITY in the Body of Christ seem like an IMPOSSIBLE GOAL? How do you UNIFY with the part of the Body who does not believe that the GIFTS and the SUPERNATURAL operate any longer? How do you UNIFY with those clinging to DOOM and GLOOM end times teachings instead of the WONDERFUL revelations of the KINGDOM AGE? Remember that I AM the God of the IMPOSSIBLE, and I AM able to bring about UNITY based in the FULL REVELATION of My CHARACTER, My WAYS, and My WORD. UNITY is POWERFUL, but calls for it across the whole Body of Christ are PREMATURE at the present time. I will PROVIDE groups for you that you can be in UNITY with for now until I ORCHESTRATE Body-wide UNITY. It is important that you DO NOT look down on those who have not, as yet, received the REVELATIONS you are walking in. Remember that you didn’t always have these revelations, and having someone CRITICIZE and JUDGE you because of your LACK of knowledge is not helpful and will only cause DEEPER DIVISIONS. Instead of CRITICIZING, PRAY that you and My whole Body will come into the FULLNESS of ALL the REVELATIONS that I AM UNCOVERING in this beautiful Kingdom Age. One of the biggest CATALYSTS for UNITY in My Body will be the coming CRUCIBLE for your Nation. The SHAKINGS and DISCLOSURES will REMOVE the FACADE of the RELIGIOUS SPIRIT, and people will not be able to DENY My SUPERNATURAL HAND bringing DELIVERANCE to your Land. The CRUCIBLE will BURN UP EVIL and PHILOSOPHIES of MAN that have CREPT into your society and the Church. If you have kept BRIDGES OPEN to those who thought you were DECEIVED in believing that I still SPOKE to My people and MOVED in SUPERNATURAL ways, then you will be able to meet them with LOVE and HUMILITY and WELCOME them into My KINGDOM AGE of REVELATION, LIGHT, PEACE, and PLENTY. Man cannot bring about UNITY but rest assured that I AM ABLE to bring it about as you STAY in LOVE and HUMILITY.”
Diana Larkin 

A Watchman’s Journal  


  1. Post from yesterday,
    We DECLARE My God is laying a TRAP, and they will be CAUGHT IN THE ACT.
    We DECREE freedom, peace, joy and plenty over our Nation.
    Father also said, "For if you will CALL ON ME, I WILL LISTEN and HEED YOUR CALL. For It Is Time for our enemies to KNOW WHO I AM!"

    1. Callie Simons - AWJ teamAugust 23, 2024 at 12:35 PM

      Amen! 🙏

    2. Beautiful! Thank you Diana and prayer poet and all glory praise and honor to Almighty GOD

  2. This sure is true that most Christians don't seem to believe in the supernatural or they are luke warm and don't care . I will tell you from over 50 years as a member of Christs Body , that the supernatural is for real ---Just a Heaven is for real !

    1. Callie Simons - AWJ teamAugust 23, 2024 at 12:38 PM

      Real as real can be! 🙌

    2. Lukewarm? Not angry at evil?
      No enthusiasm or love for good either.
      God hates the lukewarm.

  3. Most of the people think prophets are wacko , but the comment team knows they are for real !

    1. God is proof testing and fact checking HIS friends The Prophets. There can be NO doubt for those willing to cross reference dates of Prophecies and dates of the prophesised events.

    2. Callie Simons - AWJ teamAugust 23, 2024 at 12:37 PM

      Yes we sure do know! 💪

    3. Isiah 44.26 The Lord God , Maker of ALL Things carries out the Words of HIS Servants and fulfills the predictions of HIS messengers. HE goes out of HIS way to Honor the words of His servants the prophets by fulfilling their prophetic statements and even prayers prayed by His prophetic intercessors. . . I love that.

  4. A move toward unity was noted when the bullet hit only the tip of Trumps ear !

    1. Because of the blood on Trumps right ear, right thumb , and apparently ,on His right big toe , their was more unity and more belief in the Father's supernatural power . see EXO 29:20 and LEV 8:23 .

    2. Yes. President Trump didn’t know it at the time of the shooting, but God was anointing him!! I just love how God works❤️

    3. Also, Trump's shoes came off because he was standing on Holy ground. Praise God!!!

    4. Eph 2.20 : "Together, we are His house, built on the foundation of the apostles and the prophets."

  5. It is the now time for the Body of Christ to rise to new levels and revelations they have never walked in before. It is now time for the Body to come into the revelation of who we are in Christ Jesus and who He is in the Body. He is the Head. It is time for The Body to rise up in unity and oneness to usher in the manifestation of The Kingdom of God on the earth.

    1. We need strong leaders to step foreword .

    2. Yes, without strong leaders unity does not do the job .

    3. Maybe like DJT ?

    4. We need a David

    5. Amen to that. Johnny Enlow spoke of unity on Elijah Streams recently. He said courage is more important that unity. Courage first and unity should follow it.

    6. Matthew 28.17 "When they saw Him, they worshipped Him."
      In worship God will communicate His presence, His essence to men.
      They will see the fair beauty of the Lord and recognize the Spirit of Truth.
      This will correct and guide away from error unto All TRUTH.
      TRUTH will be our Unity.

    7. Nature shows the relation of leader to unity .I have just witnessed geese in their training flights here in northern Michigan and the whole picture is demonstrated . A large lead goose was way out in front leading many other geese over the bends in our river . The geese that were following were in unity in tightly formed v's or half v's . The leadership and the following unity were very much in evidence . All the while the lead goose was loudly calling the shots and the unified groups followed . We know however that the leader must do things correctly [ righteous in our case] .

  6. "Do not look to a man-a Saul or to make anyone a king. we are still waiting for DJT to be yoked to Christ. The removing of ALL conservative Biblical Pro-LIFE Christians from the GOP committees, accepting the Pharmakeia abortion bill, not standing for a BAN on early abortion thus making the GOP now a pro-choice party--and the acceptance of that Hindu Sikh prayer to "the one true god", when it was JESUS CHRIST Who saved him...shows we should not rely on a man. GOD doesn't need an election to turn us--He just needs our REPENTANCE and OBEDIENCE...He'll do the REST!
    We are GIVEN the Holy Spirit and HE IS ABLE to guide us. We will be seeing the Ezk.34 and Jer. 23. False shepherds and ravenous wolves in the churches being addressed in the Greater Shaking to CLEANSE the church. He needs to shake what is NOT of HIM.
    CALL FORTH the Ruth Hearted to STAND with Israel--He is in the process of GATHERING them
    Back and there are 64 ALIYAH PROMISES!
    CALL FORTH the ONE NEW MAN to ARISE! CALL FORTH for the Esthers-Mordecais-Joshua's and Calebs to ARISE as commanders and Deborahs and STAND ON THE WALL for Israel & America--that is a huge part of our prophetic destiny as a nation! Our pilgrim ancestors arrived on 11/11/1630--so we could be the Romans 11:11 Nation standing like Zech. 4.
    TRUST IS HIM ALONE-He will not fail us! ARISE & SHINE for HIS GLORY has ARISEN upon us!(Is.60)

  7. It has been said by a considerable number of prophets that Trump is God's David . He is a man of huge bravery and stamina . A born leader like we so badly need ! Of course God will do the doing .

    1. Yes, The Lord God will receive the victory credit .

  8. Interesting that after RFKjr joined with DJT, they referred to this as the Unity Party.

  9. Yes, it was prophesied that a new party would emerge


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