August 26, 2021- missing Journal Entry from the Blog


"The darkness can only hold back the TSUNAMI of TRUTH for so long; they can only release a limited amount of attacks meant to bring FEAR, DESTRUCTION, and designed to turn the ATTENTION AWAY from their EVIL and LIES because My Army is DEFLECTING and DIMINISHING these attacks with their AUTHORITY and DECLARATIONS and because I am DRYING UP their resources to pay for these attacks. To the woman with the DARKENED heart high up in your government, I, the Living God ask you, 'Are the AROWS in your quiver almost gone? Are you coming to realize the darkness you serve is not as POWERFUL as you thought it was? You should be AFRAID, very afraid because you are about to come FACE TO FACE with ALMIGHTY GOD, and I will hold you ACCOUNTABLE for all the evil, greed, and selfishness that you built your life upon. This next season will be known as the GREAT FALL of the Fall, and the world will see the EVIL AGENDAS that have ruled it as I pull back the curtain and reveal ALL. These who were STRONG, PROTECTED, and RICH will find themselves STRIPPED of all three and when they cry out for mercy they will find none because they gave none. Let the FEAR of My great name sweep the Land as you watch the FALL OF THE FALL. To those who fear My name, it will bring REPENTANCE, CLEANSING, and FREEDOM."

PSALM 19:9 "Yahweh's decrees are trustworthy. The fear of Yahweh is pure, enduring forever.”

Diana Larkin

A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. Hallelujah! All Glory To GOD!!! ❤️

  2. Mountains Will Move
    August 30, 2024
    For I the Lord God of heaven say to the Army of Light to pray now for the Healing Summit for the enemy has released a deceptive spirit so that people would doubt what I want to do there and also to have an excuse to not attend or watch it online. For the enemy does not want the Healing Summit to succeed so he’s doing everything he can to bring distraction and turmoil into the hearts of people. So~come My Army of Light and put on the armor and declare and decree this deceptive spirit is Completely Powerless and Unable to Operate in the Name of Jesus! And then declare and decree that All My Plans Will Succeed for tonight more than you can ask or imagine! For I say that Nothing Is Impossible for ME and Mountains Will Move Tonight! Come and Join ME!

    Ephesians 3:20 “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever Amen.”

    1. That was from Pattys Prayer Journal, I was in hurry and forgot to add who from.

  3. So, who is this evil woman with the darkened heart?? Hillary??

    1. Pelosi DID make the comment about 'quivers' she had available...

    2. My first thought: Pelosi


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