August 5, 2024

“The DESPERATE enemy is throwing a lot of NOISE, CONFUSION, DISTRACTION, and CHAOS into the atmosphere. His plan is to create FEAR and PANIC in people so that he can swoop in and TAKE CONTROL. He knows that the PRAYING, DECREEING, Army of Light is his MOST DANGEROUS OPPOSITION, so he seeks to cause My Army to get FOCUSED on his FEAR-MONGERING. Don’t get PULLED OFF your ASSIGNMENT, My Army, by all the FLOOD of THREATS that Leviathan media is reporting. Are you spending MORE TIME REPEATING the enemy’s plans or are you CHOOSING to take AUTHORITY over his dark schemes and DWELL on My PROMISES and POWER? The SECRET to staying in PEACE and not being led into FEAR and ANXIETY is to LEARN TO BE LED BY MY SPIRIT. The Holy Spirit in you is My POWERFUL, PERSONAL GIFT of WISDOM, GUIDANCE, and REVELATION. Learn to YIELD to His INWARD VOICE, His QUIET NUDGING to go a certain way, His WARNINGS not to do something or not to say something, and His EXPERT HELP in UNDERSTANDING My Word, My mysteries, and My puzzles. He is ALWAYS available to give you GUIDANCE in your decisions. He knows BEST what voices you should LISTEN to and what information you should take in. If you have DIFFICULTY receiving His guidance or hearing His voice, it could be that you have CONTINUALLY IGNORED His INNER communications to you, and you have MOWED OVER them to do what your NATURAL mind thinks is a good idea. If you are continually STRUGGLING to have FAITH and you are fighting FEAR and ANXIETY, it is time to LEARN TO BE LED BY MY SPIRIT. Ask Him to HELP YOU LEARN His VOICE and the WAYS He chooses to GUIDE you. Ask Him to help you EXCHANGE those ITCHING EARS that SEEK OUT the LATEST CRISIS DRAMA and receive a DEEP DESIRE to know My PERSPECTIVE and My PLANS. Holy Spirit will NOT FORCE His VOICE and GUIDANCE on you but if you CHOOSE to SEEK Him in ALL things, He will LEAD YOU ON PATHS of PEACE and POWER. He will LEAD you to DIVINE APPOINTMENTS and SUPERNATURAL SUPPLY. If you learn to FOLLOW His lead, you will follow paths of PEACE, CREATIVITY, and ABUNDANCE. BE LED BY MY SPIRIT.” 
Diana Larkin
A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. We are all being Tried Tested and Trued 😊 May we all see the Truth the Way and the Light πŸ•―️ So be it 😊

    1. AMEN & AMEN !!!🎊✝️πŸ™πŸ’•

  2. Those that ARE led by the spirit of GOD are Sons and Daughters of God ! Where does that leave those that are not led by the Spirit ?

    1. We certainly need to work on being led by God's spirit in these critical days !

    2. I once had a conversation with a little eight year old who was always curious about God.
      She asked me , "How do you know if God is talking to you?"
      The Lord led me to answer her question with a question, "If the phone rang right now and a voice said, "Hello ,Courtney" would you know if it was your Mom or not?" Ohhhhh.

    3. That same little Courtney was kind of fierce one time telling me, "I just don't understand why people don't believe in God. When I close my eyes I'm still there."
      I still think about that.

    4. The deaf, blind from birth lady Helen Keller said, " I believe that God is in me as the sun is in the colour and fragrance of a flower - the LIGHT in my darkness - the VOICE in my silence."

    5. Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed ? / We have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost !----we know about Him and are told to be led by Him [ the Spirit of God ] .

    6. He shall direct thy paths

  3. Thank you Diana for always giving us the words of the Father we need for the day! Thank you and I love you so much! I follow you every day and tell others of your great gift! I can’t wait for the day to meet you. I right down every day what the Father gives you! I think I’m on my 10th Journal of you and Julie Green!

    1. Two of the best prophets !

    2. I print them both out and three ring binder them.

    3. YES !!! and I screen shot the. Words GOD gives you and I screen shot the Prayer Poets declarations and decrees from GODS words Diana gives us so it’s with me always on my phone wherever I am . πŸ₯°I can see tho that writing would be a meditative calming soothing thing to do to as I like writing about things . And it also reinforces and gets into your spirit when you are writing ✍️ these beautiful GOD messages down . πŸ˜πŸ’•πŸ™I lLOVE coming here first thing so I make our Dear GOD 1st and can read HIS words to us thru Dear Diana and then the Dear Prayer Poets decrees and declarations can be said with GODS authority and conviction from HIS words too it’s SOOOO DELIGHTFUL to feel the power in GODS WORDS and to feel that in the PP decrees and declaration prayers we get to recite . ! SO APPRECIATIVE FOR GOD DIANA AND THE PRAYER POET for helping me and us help others in prayer and learning so much about GOD and how much he loves us and telling us the news before the news as JG says😘and HIM wanting to lead us all into peace and I just LOVE the support here on Diana’s site ❤️πŸŽ‰❤️

    4. Callie Simons - AWJ teamAugust 6, 2024 at 11:49 AM

      Thank you for your faithfulness and daily commitment! May God bless you abundantly!

    5. I am led to listen to only 2 prophets. Julie and Diana.

  4. Lets keep working together with the Lord to eliminate the global control FIENDS [look up the meaning of this word ] .

  5. HALLELUJAH! Amen and amen.


  7. Callie Simons - AWJ teamAugust 6, 2024 at 11:49 AM

    Amen and amen! I agree in Jesus' name!

  8. I was just rereading your entry for Aug. 5th and saw that it correlated with Psalm 11. David comments about the people being in panic and fear because of what they see going on around them. He starts with the perfect decree of "I trust in the LORD for protection." And he responds to their panic by basically saying, "God sees it all. He is watching carefully. He is examining everyone on earth. He's got this."

    Thank you Diana for speaking what Father is saying. Blessings to you, your staff, and family.

  9. Amen and thank you!


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