1.    August 20, 2024


I smelled an unusual fragrance and found myself in a dark, hidden place (not scary). There was an ancient door sealed shut before me with two large softly glowing Angels as guards on either side of the door. I felt I was supposed to open the door and as I turned the doorknob, it swung easily open. I saw sparkling gemstones on many shelves, and I believe there were other treasures deeper in the room. I heard the Father say:

“You will begin to see HIDDEN TREASURES RELEASED to My people. These are part of the HIDDEN TREASURES of DARKNESS (ISAIAH 45:3) set aside for the ones that I can TRUST to not MISUSE this WEALTH of TREASURE and KNOWLEDGE that has been HIDDEN from the RUTHLESS and SELFISH darkness. Are you READY to STEWARD these TREASURES well? You are meant to receive these TREASURES as a CONDUIT and not a DAM. If you don’t allow the TREASURE to FLOW FREELY from your life, it will STOP being channeled to you. Allowing the HIDDEN TREASURES to FLOW FREELY to BLESS others will actually GUARANTEE that your NEEDS will be MET, and your DEEPEST DESIRES will be FULFILLED. It’s how My Kingdom works—FREELY you have RECEIVED, FREELY GIVE. When you TRUST Me enough to GIVE, you are showing your FAITH in My PROMISE of UNENDING SUPPLY, and you are MIRRORING My GENEROUS HEART. When you have this FAITH to be a CONDUIT, you will live in the RIVER of LIFE with a heart FREE from GREED and the IDOL of MAMMON. Have an OPEN HEART, OPEN HAND policy. Receive My HIDDEN TREASURES with great THANKSGIVING of heart. Allow them to BLESS your life and then RELEASE what I DIRECT to BLESS others out of your OPEN HAND. This is KINGDOM AGE LIVING.”


August 20, 2023


ISAIAH 58:11 (TPT) “Yahweh will always guide you where to go and what to do. He will fill you with refreshment even when you are in a dry, difficult place. He will continually restore strength to you, so you will flourish like a well-watered garden and like an ever-flowing, trustworthy spring of blessing.”

“This verse from My Holy Word is your PROMISE for this season of SHAKING. REHEARSE it every day until it becomes a PART of your FAITH FOUNDATION. There is no man on earth who knows everything that is going to take place during the shaking, so why would you LOOK to MAN to PREPARE you or to GUIDE you? I have given My prophets INSIGHTS for the future and DIRECTIONS how to pray in order to DEFEAT DARKNESS, take the STING OUT of their DARK PLANS, and to DRAW NEAR to My HEART so that I can GUIDE and STRENGTHEN you. Why are you SCRAMBLING to PROTECT yourself with MAN’S WAYS rather than SEEKING Me, the SOURCE of all WISDOM and PROVISION? When you truly BELIEVE that ‘YAHWEH WILL ALWAYS GUIDE YOU WHERE TO GO AND WHAT TO DO,’ then you will find you are moving in PEACE and REST through the TRANSITION of DARK to LIGHT. Then we will MOVE AS ONE into the REBUILDING and RESTORING season—PEACE and PLENTY!”

ISAIAH 58:12 (TPT) “Your people will rebuild long-deserted ruins, building anew on foundations laid long before you. You will be known as Repairers of the Cities and Restorers of Communities.”

3.    August 21, 2024–EYE HAS NOT SEEN

This morning, I smelled the unusual fragrance again (like an incense smell) and found myself outside the door to the Hidden Treasures Room. I saw the shelves of beautiful gemstones and then headed down a dimly lit hallway. As I walked through, it activated stones of fire that were in little square cubbies on the wall, and they went from a dim glow to a bright light that cast rainbows dancing around the hallway—breathtaking! O the possibilities for energy on the earth! I love my amazing Creator!

“EYE HAS NOT SEEN nor have you IMAGINED the AMAZING DISCOVERIES that are just ahead in the REVEALING of the Kingdom Age. I have HIDDEN many TREASURES of LIGHT and ENERGY from mankind because of the EVIL that was allowed to RULE in your midst. The darkness would have HOARDED these discoveries and made you pay EXORBITANTLY for them. These TREASURES of LIGHT and ENERGY are ABUNDANT and can be HARNESSED for very little cost. They will REVOLUTIONIZE your POWER GRIDS, your MEDICAL FIELD, and all INDUSTRY and BUILDING. Some of these TREASURES of LIGHT and ENERGY were known in ancient times—think the construction of the pyramids—but I allowed this knowledge to be LOST and BURIED because of the RISING EVIL. Part of the REWARD for My FAITHFUL Army of Light will be to DISCOVER these HIDDEN TREASURES. The whole world will be BLESSED through your DISCOVERIES. Yes, you are walking through a season right now when darkness is trying to ASSERT its EVIL and CONTROLLING AGENDA, but I have assured you of our VICTORY over the evil empire, and I have PROMISED that you will see it IMPLODE. Put away the FALSE TEACHINGS of everything is going to keep getting darker and darker and enter into My Kingdom Age where NO EYE HAS SEEN the WONDERS that are awaiting My faithful ones.”

1CORINTHIANS 2:9 (NKJV) “But as it is written: eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”

1CORINTHIANS 2:9 (TPT) “This is why the Scriptures say: Things never discovered or heard of before, things beyond our ability to imagine—these are the many things God has in store for all His lovers.”

4.    August 22, 2024


“I know EVERYTHING about you. I know every INTRICATE cell that makes up your body. I know the THOUGHTS of your mind, and the MOVEMENTS of your heart. I AM DEEPLY ENTWINED with your spirit because the Blood of My Son made your spirit HOLY so that I could DWELL there. I SEE you, I KNOW every part of you, and I LOVE and I TREASURE the way that I have made you. You DELIGHT Me and when you DRAW NEAR, My heart SWELLS with JOY. DO YOU LONG TO KNOW ME? I want you to DISCOVER the DEPTHS of My LOVE and the WONDERFUL PLANS that I have for your life. When you are FEARFUL, FRUSTRATED, or ANGRY, I want you to come to Me because I have PROTECTION, SOLUTIONS, and COMFORT for you. When you are LONELY, SAD, BROKEN, I want to be your FRIEND, your JOY, your HEALER. There is NOTHING you need to HIDE from Me—I already know all about it. I know what TRAPS the enemy laid to ENSNARE you in SIN PATTERNS, and I AM your DELIVERER and TRANSFORMER. I desire a REAL RELATIONSHIP with you and that requires you SPENDING TIME with Me, TALKING with Me, and HEARING My VOICE back to you, READING My Word and asking QUESTIONS about what you are reading, EXPRESSING your love to Me in WORDS, PRAYERS, and WORSHIP. It is SHARING your JOYS and your SORROWS with Me. It is learning that I really am a GOOD, GOOD FATHER and that you can COMPLETELY TRUST Me and My PROMISES to you. Ask the Holy Spirit to STIR UP your PASSION to REALLY KNOW Me as I know you. FRIENDS FOREVER!”


 August 22, 2022  


ISAIAH 22:22. “Then I will set on his shoulder the key of the house of David; when he opens no one will shut, when he shuts no one will open.”

“I AM placing this KEY of AUTHORITY on the shoulder of the leader that I have CHOSEN for this hour for your Nation. Just as I prepared David’s heart for this LEVEL of AUTHORITY during his years of PERSECUTION and EXILE, so I have prepared your rightful leader’s heart to SHOULDER this great responsibility. He has been given the task of CLOSING the DOORS of DARKNESS opened over your Nation, and of OPENING the DOORS to My Kingdom of LIGHT, LIFE, and LOVE to flood your Land. My Army of Light, I AM also placing this KEY OF DAVID on your shoulders so that you can partner with Me and with My leader in KICKING OUT DARKNESS, CLOSING THE DOOR with a resounding bang, and FLINGING WIDE OPEN the gates of RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUSTICE so that it can pour out on your Land. You, too, have been prepared for this time by the persecution and injustice you have gone through. It has PURIFIED your motives and STRENGTHENED you in the inner man. Be FAITHFUL to use this AUTHORITY to SHUT DOWN darkness and to CALL FORTH My LIGHT. Receive now THE KEY OF DAVID.”

6.    August 23, 2024


“Does UNITY in the Body of Christ seem like an IMPOSSIBLE GOAL? How do you UNIFY with the part of the Body who does not believe that the GIFTS and the SUPERNATURAL operate any longer? How do you UNIFY with those clinging to DOOM and GLOOM end times teachings instead of the WONDERFUL revelations of the KINGDOM AGE? Remember that I AM the God of the IMPOSSIBLE, and I AM able to bring about UNITY based in the FULL REVELATION of My CHARACTER, My WAYS, and My WORD. UNITY is POWERFUL but calls for it across the whole Body of Christ are PREMATURE at the present time. I will PROVIDE groups for you that you can be in UNITY with for now until I ORCHESTRATE Body-wide UNITY. It is important that you DO NOT look down on those who have not, as yet, received the REVELATIONS you are walking in. Remember that you didn’t always have these revelations, and having someone CRITICIZE and JUDGE you because of your LACK of knowledge is not helpful and will only cause DEEPER DIVISIONS. Instead of CRITICIZING, PRAY that you and My whole Body will come into the FULLNESS of ALL the REVELATIONS that I AM UNCOVERING in this beautiful Kingdom Age. One of the biggest CATALYSTS for UNITY in My Body will be the coming CRUCIBLE for your Nation. The SHAKINGS and DISCLOSURES will REMOVE the FACADE of the RELIGIOUS SPIRIT, and people will not be able to DENY My SUPERNATURAL HAND bringing DELIVERANCE to your Land. The CRUCIBLE will BURN UP EVIL and PHILOSOPHIES of MAN that have CREPT into your society and the Church. If you have kept BRIDGES OPEN to those who thought you were DECEIVED in believing that I still SPOKE to My people and MOVED in SUPERNATURAL ways, then you will be able to meet them with LOVE and HUMILITY and WELCOME them into My KINGDOM AGE of REVELATION, LIGHT, PEACE, and PLENTY. Man cannot bring about UNITY but rest assured that I AM ABLE to bring it about as you STAY in LOVE and HUMILITY.”


 August 23, 2022


“In the natural realm men have developed systems to WARN of impending DANGER. Some of these ways are warning sirens, alarms blaring, emergency broadcast system, and alerts broadcast on television. These systems are only effective to a certain point, and it is possible that they could fail and shut down. I want you to know that I have an ALERT SYSTEM that CANNOT be shut down or stopped by the darkness. My ALERT SYSTEM comes from My Spirit, and He lives in your innermost being. He is the BEST EARLY WARNING SYSTEM that you can be tapped into. He is FAITHFUL and TRUE and He knows what is to come. Learn to be AWARE of His presence in you, and TUNE into His PROMPTINGS—both QUIET and SUBTLE and SUDDEN and POWERFUL. He will PROTECT you from walking into DANGER, He will ALERT you to places of SAFETY and PROVISION, and His voice will guide you in making WISE DECISIONS with your finances. The more you TUNE IN to His WISE VOICE and His PROMPTINGS, the more you will realize how much He is seeking to GUIDE and PROTECT you. He will not VIOLATE your free will, so you must ASK for and RESPOND to His LIFE-GIVING HELP. It’s as simple as asking Him to guide and protect you and to make you SENSITIVE to His LEADING. He will lead you to what you need: SAFETY, PROVISION, LAUGHTER, HEALING, and FULLNESS OF LIFE. Tune into My ALERT SYSTEM!”

8.    August 24, 2024


“The LYING media is going to OUTDO itself in the days ahead. In order to KEEP UP the FACADE that they have a VIABLE CANDIDATE for the highest office and the SMOKESCREEN that those who serve darkness are GOOD people who want to HELP you, they will be forced to CREATE more LYING NARRATIVES. They will try to SPIN more stories and then because TRUTH keeps inconveniently poking its head out of the smokescreen, they will have to SPIN their SPIN. Each NARRATIVE, each SPIN, and each LIE will be added to the growing FANTASTIC WEB OF LIES. It will be INCREASINGLY DIFFICULT to SILENCE or NEGATE the GROWING number of TRUTH TELLERS. Oh no! They are POPPING UP all over! Don’t be ALARMED when LYING poll numbers come out. They will become so FANTASTICALLY UNREAL that the realization will grow in even those on the fence that these are FAKE numbers. Only the MOST DECEIVED will CLING to the LIES, and their commentary will become increasingly IRRATIONAL. SUDDENLY, ONE THREAD of the FANTASTIC WEB OF LIES will be BROKEN, and the WHOLE WEB will COLLAPSE in on itself. Don’t FRET as I ALLOW the LIARS to EXPOSE themselves. Just continue to DECLARE: EXPOSE, EXPOSE, EXPOSE, and My Host will GO FORTH to UNCOVER the TRUTH and to EMPOWER many to SPEAK the TRUTH. There is a Seraphim who carries a large GOLDEN PAIR of SCISSORS and at just the right moment, he will SNIP that THREAD of the FANTASTIC WEB OF LIES and the IMPLOSION will be GREAT. LIES and LYING LEADERS will land in a HEAP, never to RISE again, as the FANTASTIC WEB OF LIES FALLS DOWN.” 

*Lisa found this confirming Scripture in Jer 51:13 in TPT with notes included:
“You who are enthroned beside many rivers and canals and are rich in treasures (These riches consisted of the plunder they gained in battle from other nations.) your end has come. The thread of your life is cut (that is “the web of your destiny is finished).”


August 24, 2023


“Because you have SOUGHT My FACE and LISTENED for My VOICE, I have shown you what DARKNESS has been doing for years in your Nation, and I’ve shown you their FUTURE EVIL SCHEMES that they plan to bring to pass. You’ve been EQUIPPED for BATTLE, and you are fighting VALIANTLY by My side. At this point, however, you are part of a REMNANT who have chosen to have EYES TO SEE and EARS TO HEAR. Much of the world is STILL UNDER the DELUSIONS and LIES of Leviathan, and they do not SEE what you see or HEAR what you hear. It’s almost like YOU ARE LIVING A DOUBLE LIFE—one with those who are AWAKE and one with those who are still ASLEEP. I promise you that this will CHANGE, as I UNCOVER the GROSS DARKNESS and DEEP EVIL that lurks behind FACADES and LIES. In the meantime, how do you KEEP YOUR BALANCE between these two worlds? ASK FOR and RECEIVE My GREATER GRACE. JAMES 4:6 (NASB) ‘But He gives a greater grace. Therefore, it says, God is opposed to the proud but gives grace to the humble.’ JAMES 4:6 (TPT) ‘But He continues to pour out more and more grace upon us. For it says, God resists you when you are proud but continually pours out grace when you are humble.’ My GREATER GRACE will allow you to KEEP YOUR BALANCE as you move from your AWAKENED world back among the SLEEPERS. My GREATER GRACE will enable you to RELATE to them in LOVE and to be WILLING to SHARE in their world. When the RUDE AWAKENING comes, they will FEEL FREE to enter your AWAKENED WORLD with you because you loved them enough to CONTINUE with them in their asleep world. In this unprecedented season, you will KEEP YOUR BALANCE by walking CLOSELY with Me in My GREATER GRACE and by allowing My LOVE to FLOW through you to those AWAKE and to those STILL ASLEEP. Instead of being constantly FRUSTRATED, you will find yourself at PEACE and operating from DEEP WELLS of COMPASSION that I have formed in you. I AM and will always be the BALANCE in your life.”

10.                   August 25, 2024


Ruckus: a noisy fight or disturbance, a commotion in which many people are angry or upset.

“There will be a BUILD-UP of events in September that will lead to an OCTOBER RUCKUS. Those partnered with Me will become MORE UNIFIED in their fight to RESTORE LIGHT and JUSTICE to your Land. Those serving darkness will continue their SLIDE into CHAOS, as DESPERATE and ABRUPT MOVES are made to try and SAVE their POWER POSITIONS and to STOP the EXPOSURES of their evil. It will become more and more OBVIOUS that they are FOCUSED on trying to PRESERVE their PERSONAL DYNASTIES and that will DISPROVE their HIGH-MINDED public statements about being for the people and for ‘democracy.’ The IN-FIGHTING and RECKLESS MOVES to PRESERVE POWER will result in an OCTOBER RUCKUS BREAKING OUT among those who have been LIED to, ABUSED, and USED by POWER-HUNGRY, CORRUPT leaders. There will be an OCTOBER RUCKUS in NEWSROOMS, as it begins to DAWN on them that they were convinced to COMPROMISE their INTEGRITY for a BOGUS CAUSE. BITTER PILLS will be taken in October, and the result will be an OCTOBER RUCKUS. This will be DEVASTATING to the darkness as that UNSEEN, POWERFUL MAGNET (held by My hand) PULLS them to the PRECIPICE of DESTRUCTION. They will feel the PANIC, FEAR, and SHEER TERROR that they wanted you to experience, as they try to unload all their DEATH AGENDAS against you. Here is how I’d like you to partner with Me: SOW more CHAOS and CONFUSION into the enemy’s camp, SOW DIVISION and SELF-PRESERVATION into their midst, CALL FORTH the BUILD-UP to the OCTOBER RUCKUS; DECLARE that many more BLIND EYES will be OPENED to the LIES and TREACHERY from CORRUPT leaders. DECLARE that the Army of Light will become MORE FOCUSED and MORE UNIFIED around TRUTH, JUSTICE, and RIGHTEOUSNESS. PRAY that the BITTER PILLS of TRUTH and EXPOSURE coming out in the next few months would result in MANY TURNING to the LIGHT, finding their ANCHOR in Me, and JOINING the ranks of the Army of Light. Watch for it and call it in—the OCTOBER RUCKUS.”

11.                   JOURNAL NUGGETS:

August 26, 2023


“In this NOISY, MESSY WAR SEASON, I have given you TREASURES to HANDLE WITH CARE. Your PEACE and your REST in Me is a TREASURE to be GUARDED, PRESERVED, and CULTIVATED because it is your LIFELINE. HANDLE IT WITH CARE by SEEKING My face and My presence. I have given you the TREASURE of My written WORD and My FRESH BREATH through the voices of My prophets. HANDLE these LIVING WORDS and PROMISES by going OVER THEM again, by CALLING THEM FORTH into FULFILLMENT, and DECLARING them as a WEAPON against the darkness. I have given you the TREASURE of RELATIONSHIPS that have been formed in the FIRES OF BATTLE. HANDLE THEM WITH CARE by SPEAKING LIFE to one another, PRAYING for one another, and DEFENDING and HONORING one another. I have given you the TREASURE of a Nation that was founded on FREEDOM and RIGHTEOUSNESS. HANDLE WITH CARE this HERITAGE and CALL IT BACK into its rightful place as your FOUNDATION once again. After I RESTORE your foundations by RIPPING OUT EVIL ROOT SYSTEMS and those who FEED them, I want you to STEWARD well and HANDLE WITH CARE your newfound FREE and LIGHT-FILLED Nation by HOLDING the STANDARD high for RIGHTEOUSNESS, TRUTH, and JUSTICE. I have given you the TREASURE of SALVATION. HANDLE WITH CARE your NEW BIRTH, your NEW LIFE by always keeping Me as your PRIORITY above all others and all things. INVEST in GROWING UP into ALL you have been made to be and to do with your life in Me. You will REAP HUGE BENEFITS from all these TREASURES I have given you when you HANDLE THEM WITH CARE.”

2TIMOTHY 1:14 (TPT) “Guard well this incomparable treasure by the Spirit of Holiness living within you.”

12.                   JOURNAL NUGGETS:

August 24, 2022


“The enemy has such BIG PLANS in store for your Nation and the world. They have concocted plan after plan of DESTRUCTION, LACK, AND SICKNESS. Their master scheme is to cause such FEAR and PANIC that people will BOW to their ABSOLUTE CONTROL and DOMINATION. If they are sowing FEAR and PANIC, that tells you to ARISE in the OPPOSITE spirit and walk in FAITH and PEACE. You can do this because you have My PROMISES of RESCUE and PROVISION. I AM reminding you that I’M GOING TO SHOW OFF BEFORE THE WORLD. It will be a GREAT display of My POWER, My ability to RESCUE, and My unending PROVISION. I also want to let you know that your enemy has become a TOOTHLESS TIGER. He is still GROWLING and SNARLING and SCREAMING, but there are NO TEETH to back up his THREATS, and the POWER to carry out his schemes has been REMOVED. He can still put on quite a show, but don’t buy into it and become AFRAID. His power was removed by your FAITH-FILLED PRAYERS, My POWERFUL HOST, and My MIGHTY RIGHT ARM. The darkness and all who serve it are headed for a COMPLETE and DISASTROUS TAKEDOWN. Keep pushing against all their dark schemes and fearmongering, declaring, ‘COME DOWN NOW in the name of Jesus and be brought to NOTHING.’  Align your heart with My heart and know that I AM GOING TO SHOW OFF BEFORE THE WORLD.”

13.                   August 26, 2024


“As you move into the last months of this year, you will find that they are TIMES OF EXPANSION. There will be an EXPANDING of the DARKNESS as they grow more DESPERATE and more AGGRESSIVE. I AM ALLOWING this EXPANSION of the DARKNESS because it will FULLY EXPOSE their CORRUPTION, TREACHERY, and EVIL GRAB for POWER. At the same time that the darkness is EXPOSING itself, My KINGDOM of LIGHT will be EXPANDING through you and My Angel and Host Armies, as you join together as the FORCES of LIGHT. My Kingdom will no longer be SHUT IN a building, but it will be BREAKING OUT ALL OVER in SIGNS, WONDERS, MIRACLES, and SALVATIONS. The BLIND will SEE, the DEAF will HEAR, the SICK will be made WELL. Those CAPTURED by DEMONS will be SET FREE and those held HOSTAGE to IDENTITY STEALING LIES will be LOOSED. These TIMES OF EXPANSION will SHOWCASE both the DARK and the LIGHT, and who they really REPRESENT will become INCREASINGLY CLEAR. The enemy will be SEEN LAUNCHING ATTACKS, and it will become CLEAR that they are trying to cause FEAR in order to CONTROL the people. Because My Kingdom of Light is EXPANDING as well, more people will AWAKEN from their HYPNOSIS to the LIES, and they will be able to SEE how they were FOOLED, and they will GLADLY come to My LIGHT and My LOVE. Which Kingdom will ECLIPSE the other? Look to nature that I DESIGNED and CREATED. An ECLIPSE of darkness will seem to have WON over the LIGHT, but they will not be able to MAINTAIN that position. They will be FORCED to MOVE by My Mighty Right Hand, and the Light will no longer be ECLIPSED but will SHINE THROUGH the darkness and EXPAND into the FULL LIGHT of My DAY. The day of My RESCUE and the DAWNING of My KINGDOM AGE will be the END of the EXPANSION of DARKNESS and the BRILLIANT BEGINNING of the FOREVER EXPANSION of the LIGHT.”


  1. Thank you, Diana. We appreciate all the encouragement from God's Words and your dedication to relay His Revelations. He sure knows how to grasp our attention and keep us moving forward!

  2. In spite of all we see ,God's David will be in office [DJT] !


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