1.    August 6, 2024


“The Kingdom Age invites you into MORE. MORE intimacy with Me, MORE creativity with the Holy Spirit, MORE healing and wholeness with Jesus. MORE! MORE healthy food, MORE wealth, MORE relationships, MORE Sons and Daughters added to the Kingdom, MORE available energy, MORE exciting discoveries about the Universe, MORE love, MORE laughter—just MORE! Those who will receive My PROMISES for this era of MORE and who have CO-LABORED with Me in BRINGING THEM FORTH will receive the most from this age of MORE. All of the earth will be BLESSED by the Kingdom Age of MORE, but My FAITHFUL Sons and Daughters who SPOKE and PRAYED My PLANS and My PROMISES into being will receive the MORE in MEGA MEASURE. Each declaration of My plans and My promises CHANGES the FREQUENCIES in the AIRWAVES where Leviathan’s BOASTING DRAMA and LIES have held the frequencies CAPTIVE to DARKNESS. Your world will DRASTICALLY CHANGE when those FREQUENCIES of darkness are PULLED DOWN and REPLACED with Heaven’s FREQUENCIES of LIGHT, LIFE, and LOVE. That is why I tell you NOT TO KEEP REPEATING WHAT THE LYING MEDIA IS SAYING. Why are you EXALTING the ENEMY’S PLANS? Use your AUTHORITY to CANCEL those plans and to CALL FORTH My plans, and you will be BLESSED with the MORE when they come to pass.”


 August 6, 2022


“In the midst of the STRIFE and TURMOIL that the enemy is seeking to sow into the atmosphere, I don’t want you to miss THE SOUNDS OF LIFE. The enemy seeks to bring DESTRUCTION and DEATH, but don’t forget that I AM the GOD OF LIFE. Choose to live in My atmosphere of LIFE instead of being PULLED into the enemy’s SWIRL of THREATS and CONFUSION. I want your ears TUNED to MY SOUNDS OF LIFE. Really listen and you will hear My LIFE all around you: the singing birds, the laughing children, My wind moving through the treetops, My gentle whisper to your ear, “I have come to give you ABUNDANT LIFE.’ If you are full of MY SOUNDS OF LIFE, then when you hear of CONFLICTS, you will release My PEACE, when you hear of LOSS or DESTRUCTION, you will release My COMFORT and My RESTORATION. Anybody can bemoan or get angry at what those serving darkness are doing to cause loss and destruction; but if you are filled with My LIFE and My PRESENCE, you can actually CHANGE the dark atmosphere the enemy has released by SPEAKING MY LIFE, MY POWER to OVERCOME darkness, and My RESTORATION to any loss. When you tune to THE SOUNDS OF LIFE, you are actually tuning to My PRESENCE, because I AM everywhere there is LIFE. When you speak My life into a situation, you are throwing HAND GRENADES into the enemy’s plans for destruction and BLOWING THEM UP right back in his face. DRAW NEAR to Me, and I will help you hear THE SOUNDS OF LIFE.”


August 6, 2023


“After the VICTORY is won, you will have STORIES TO TELL! Stories of your part in the BATTLES of DARK to LIGHT. Stories of HOLDING the GROUND in FAITH and DECLARING VICTORY even when things looked DARK and HOPELESS. Stories of FRIENDSHIPS formed around the world that BANDED TOGETHER to STRENGTHEN and ENCOURAGE one another. Stories of DREAMS, VISIONS, and PROPHETIC WORDS that came to pass. Stories of a Biblical RESCUE greater than the Red Sea. These stories will VINDICATE your FAITH and TRUST in Me, and they will VALIDATE My REVELATIONS to My Sons and Daughters. Begin to STORE UP these stories. KEEP TRACK of your own JOURNEY of FAITH—the ups and downs and your path to a LIVING HOPE and RELIANCE on Me. WRITE DOWN the VERSES from My Word that BUILT your FAITH, KEEP COPIES of PROPHETIC WORDS, DREAMS, and VISIONS that have spoken to you. These will all be TREASURES to help you REMEMBER this EPIC WAR season, and you will see with AWE how I BROUGHT TO PASS the words, visions, and dreams. Make a BOOK of REMEMBRANCE to share about My FAITHFULNESS and My POWER, because I don’t want you to forget this TRANSITION TIME from DARK to LIGHT. You have STORIES TO TELL!”

4.    August 7, 2024


ACTS 3:21 (TPT) “For He must remain in Heaven until the restoration of all things has taken place, fulfilling everything that God said long ago through His holy prophets.”

“The Kingdom Age is THE RESTORATION OF ALL THINGS that were intended for the ORIGINAL CREATION. When man chose to NOT BELIEVE WHO I SAID I WAS, it ALIGNED mankind and the world with the REBELLION of Satan and OPENED the DOOR to the darkness of GREED, DEPRAVITY, and CORRUPTION. When My Son PAID the PRICE for all this darkness and rebellion, He began the PROCESS of THE RESTORATION OF ALL THINGS. Your enemy has FOUGHT this RESTORATION in every age in order to keep creation and My Sons and Daughters in BONDAGE to corruption and decay. I have DECLARED this is the SET TIME for THE RESTORATION OF ALL THINGS and as long as you REMAIN JOINED with My heart and My purposes, you will SEE with your eyes as I RESTORE My ORIGINAL INTENT for your world and your lives. Think of what is BROKEN or MESSED UP, and PICTURE it RESTORED to REFLECT My LOVE, My WHOLENESS, and My BRILLIANCE. Think about a Church that operates AS ONE with Me instead of man’s RELIGIOUS RULES that leave hearts EMPTY and UNSATISFIED and allows the enemy to SOW his COUNTERFEIT COMFORTERS of sexual sin, greed, and addictions. The RESTORATION of RIGHTEOUSNESS through RELATIONSHIP will RID the Church of these DEVICES of the darkness. Once your lives are RESTORED to PEACE and PURITY, the world will be DRAWN to My heart through My Son’s SACRIFICE of PURE LOVE. The same goes for governments, justice systems, financial systems, and health. They will experience RESTORATION, as the darkness is DEFEATED and SWEPT AWAY. Those called to lead in this hour will be RESTORED to all seven mountains of society. This is what we are FIGHTING FOR so RESPOND to My CLEANSING of your own heart and STAY with Me until you see THE RESTORATION OF ALL THINGS. Glorious days are ahead!”


August 7, 2023


“What does CONFIDENT FAITH SOUND like? We spoke a few days ago about not REACTING with ANGER against a SCREAMING, THREATENING enemy. Man’s ANGER does NOT accomplish the RIGHTEOUSNESS of God.” (JAMES 1:20 TPT “for human anger is never a legitimate tool to promote God’s righteous purpose.” Or “God’s righteousness will never attach itself to human anger.”) “Man’s ANGER is actually based in FEAR. You feel POWERLESS against an injustice, and you’re not sure I will COME THROUGH with My POWER and JUSTICE. CONFIDENT FAITH flows from KNOWING how POWERFUL I AM and BELIEVING My PROMISES to SAVE, DELIVER, and HEAL. A SETTLED, CONFIDENT FAITH brings RESPONSES based in PEACE—that CONFIDENT KNOWLEDGE that I will do what I’ve PROMISED to do. CONFIDENT FAITH is, however, NOT QUIET. It EXPRESSES itself in LOUD PRAISES and DECLARATIONS and DECREES I have given you to say. These expressions of CONFIDENT FAITH SHIFT ATMOSPHERES from dark to Light, INVITE the Host to FULFILL your prayers of FAITH, and BRING IN the KINGDOM of Heaven in all its GLORY and POWER. Man’s ANGER raises blood pressure and ANXIETY levels and is POWERLESS to bring about true CHANGE, RESCUE, or JUSTICE. CONFIDENT FAITH rips through LYING VOICES and SCHEMES and makes a PATHWAY to SHINING VICTORY. Waste no time on human ANGER, but watch the TIDE ROLL in with ENORMOUS VICTORY.”


 August 7, 2022  


“The darkness and those partnered with it are working FEVERISHLY to bring about great TRAGEDY to your Land. Their purpose is to DESTROY everything I have PURPOSED for your Nation to be. Their HATRED of anything good and their LUST for POWER and WEALTH have driven them to throw every evil scheme and plan that they have against you and your Nation. Let Me remind you, that as wealthy as they are, they only have a FINITE amount of wealth to continue carrying out their evil plans. You cannot see this, but I AM CUTTING SUPPLY LINE after supply line of their SOURCES of wealth. (Here is a clue that their supply lines are being cut: all the big funding bills they are trying to pass in Congress are just a way for them to be able to SIPHON OFF money for themselves.) I also want you to remember that My WEALTH and POWER are UNLIMITED, and quite SUDDENLY the darkness will find ALL their wealth taken from them, ALL their dark schemes will IMPLODE in their midst, and they will come face-to-face with COMPLETE EXPOSURE and TERRIFYING JUSTICE, backed by Heaven’s POWER and RIGHTEOUSNESS. The darkness has an expected END. You have a GUARANTEED NEW BEGINNING—backed by all of Heaven’s RESOURCES and POWER. You will be a witness of your Nation rising from TRAGEDY TO TRiUMPh.”

7.    August 8, 2024


“Don’t WASTE TIME WORRYING and FRETTING over whom the darkness is PUSHING FORWARD for leadership positions. It’s fine to be INFORMED about who they are and what their AGENDAS are, but do not allow your PEACE to be ROBBED nor your FAITH to be WEAKENED by their DEVIOUS CHOICES. Remember that you are calling in a season of EXPOSE, EXPOSE, EXPOSE; and My Host are ON IT, and you will see MASSIVE UNCOVERINGS. Here is another part of My Rescue Operation: some of those who are partnered with darkness are going to be STOPPED IN THEIR TRACKS because I AM HOTLY PURSUING them. They will SUDDENLY find themselves FACE to FACE with Me—in a DREAM, in a VISION, in an ENCOUNTER, in the ANOINTED WORDS of WARNING and WORDS of CHOOSE LIFE from my appointed vessel. Some very PROMINENT faces now partnered with darkness will be STOPPED IN THEIR TRACKS by My POWERFUL Spirit of CONVICTION and TRUTH, and they will JOIN the LIGHT and HELP EXPOSE those around them who have DARK and DESTRUCTIVE plans. These are days of FRUSTRATION and MOUNTING FEAR for the camp of the darkness, as they see plan after plan FOILED or GREATLY DIMINISHED. Rats are FLEEING the SINKING SHIP and some who are STOPPED IN THEIR TRACKS are now OPPOSING and EXPOSING them and their dark deeds. My Rescue Operation has a BIG EVENT CLIMAX, but don’t MISS OUT on the SIGNS that the darkness is in a SLOW and TERRIFYING FREE FALL. Watch and pray for those I have targeted to STOP IN THEIR TRACKS.”


August 8, 2023


As I was enjoying the Father’s presence this morning, I found myself with Him on a sandy beach in a protected cove, looking out at the vast ocean. I could see a tsunami forming, but I was not afraid. This is what I heard Him say:

“A TSUNAMI OF LIFE is forming not too far from the shoreline. When it WASHES over you, LIFE will CHANGE in many WONDERFUL WAYS. This TSUNAMI will bring an EMPOWERING of My Spirit to WALK in My ways and to help BRING IN the HARVEST of souls that will SUDDENLY be AWAKENED to My LOVE and My POWER. This TSUNAMI OF LIFE will bring HIDDEN and STOLEN TREASURES back to you—FINANCES, RELATIONSHIPS, HEALTHY BODIES and MINDS will come as I FLOOD the world with My GOODNESS. What comes as a BLESSING to My own and to those SEEKING Me, will serve to DESTROY the CORRUPT, the COMPROMISED, and the EVIL-DOERS. My TSUNAMI OF LIFE will wash over them REMOVING their MASKS, FACADES, and their PROTECTIONS and all their DEATH AGENDAS and PERVERSE HEARTS will be on DISPLAY. My TSUNAMI will bring JUDGMENT and JUSTICE, and I will clear the way for NEW LIFE, A NEW ERA to begin. ANCHOR yourself in Me and CALL FORTH MY TSUNAMI OF LIFE.”

9.    August 9, 2024


“A STORM is coming to ALL AREAS of your society. Those of the darkness had a STORM of COMPLETE DESTRUCTION planned for you, but your PRAYERS, DECREES, and DECLARATIONS have POSITIONED mighty Host to SURROUND that STORM and to bring it to NOTHING and of NO EFFECT. This is your assignment: continue to CANCEL OUT the enemy’s STORM and be BRAVE and CALL IN My STORM. My STORM will be the MOST DEVASTATING STORM the world has ever seen. However, I want your hearts to be at PEACE and COMPLETELY RESTING in My LOVE because I have PROMISED that you will be SHELTERED FROM THE STORM. This STORM is a GREAT DISPLAY of My POWER. To those partnered with darkness, this STORM will EXPOSE them, BLOW AWAY all their LAYERS of PROTECTION, and DESTROY all their EVIL WORKS and SYSTEMS. To those who only know Me in a SUPERFICIAL WAY, they will STRUGGLE with FEAR and ANXIETY, not knowing that the systems they thought were SUSTAINING them, were actually STEALING, KILLING, and DESTROYING them. To you, My Army of Light, you have SUNK your FAITH ROOTS DEEP in My HEART, and you have BELIEVED My PROMISES to TEAR DOWN all the DEMONIC STRONGHOLDS in your Land and to REBUILD with Me on GOOD foundations of JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUSNESS. You will EXPERIENCE the STORM in My SHELTER where I will KEEP YOU IN PERFECT PEACE, where you will be SUPERNATURALLY PROVIDED FOR, and you will REST BY MY RIVER OF LIFE and be SATISFIED. The KEY to how you go through this STORM in PEACE is to KEEP CONNECTED to My heart, ASK for My GUIDANCE IN EVERYTHING, TRUST MY DIRECTIONS FOR YOU, and be CAREFUL to LISTEN to voices that BUILD YOUR FAITH and not YOUR ANXIETY LEVEL. I AM YOUR SHELTER IN THE STORM.”

PROVERBS 1:33(TPT) “But the one who always listens to me will live undisturbed in a heavenly peace. Free from fear, confident and courageous, that one will rest unafraid and sheltered from the storms of life.”

10.                   Two confirming visions from Jeff and Angie Stolba from the Elijah List:

The Ear and a Ship in the Storm: Draw Near and Listen!

Recently, my husband and I entered into a time of prayer. We immediately received two separate visions.

I saw a picture of an ear, and inside this ear was a hearing aid. It was turned up to its maximum level. I hear the Lord saying, "I am fine tuning your ability to hear Me like never before! You will hear with such precision and accuracy, as though another person was in the room speaking directly to you! "The enemy has attempted to dull your hearing with much noise and distractions. However, I am giving you an ear to hear like never before, for surely you will need it to navigate in the coming days ahead.

"Even as there was a piercing of the ear of My anointed one in this hour, I will take what was meant for harm and turn it for good! He will hear My voice in a way he has not previously known! My warrior will display a tender side as he receives My wisdom and revelation from Heaven! "Pray, pray, pray! I am moving and I am working! I am bringing divine healing, restoration, and deliverance to My people!"

Immediately after relaying what I had seen and heard, my husband shared the vision he also received during our prayer time. He saw a ship, like that of a large crab ship on the Bering Sea. It was at nighttime, so all of the lights from the vessel were shining out into the darkness. Immediately, the waves started to increase in size. Upon seeing this, the captain of the vessel looked at the ship's radar and detected a weather pattern changing right in front of them! He immediately voiced over the loudspeaker for all the sailors aboard to secure the riggings and prepare for the big storm ahead!

I hear the Lord saying, "My Church, My Bride! Listen to Me closely! I have you in My grip and I will never let go of you! You will come through; you will go to the other side of this storm! Do not look at the size of the waves, but rather the strength of My hand! "Do you not see the purpose under Heaven? This is the ending of a season (see Ecclesiastes 3:1). The ending of one season is the beginning of another. Trust My hand upon you this day! I will see you through it!

"I am calling forth My watchmen in this pivotal hour! I am calling you to linger in the secret place and to hear and to declare of the righteous judgments coming from My courts of Heaven! Surely, I will show you great and mighty things that you do not know (see Jeremiah 33:3). "Linger in My presence daily, and you will hear My words and direction for you each day. Continue to stay at your post, for I will lead you through the storm! I am the Lord your God who will do this!"

11.                   August 10, 2024


“Hear the ALERT in the Spirit realm: FLASH FLOODS ARE COMING! Get yourself to HIGHER GROUND. As summer flows into Fall, the world is going to experience FLASH FLOODS in both the natural and supernatural realms. Those partnered with darkness have FLOODS planned for you. They are set to release a FLOOD of FILTHY LIES that call EVIL GOOD and GOOD EVIL. They plan a FLOOD of SCARE EVENTS such as trying to IGNITE a world war, CRASH economies, and SPREAD disease. How do you COUNTER these THREAT


ENING FLOODS? Release My SUPERNATURAL FLOODS of TRUTH, EXPOSURE, JUDGMENT, and JUSTICE. COMMAND My FLOOD to OPPOSE and TURN the enemy FLOODS BACK INTO THE CAMP OF THE DARKNESS. Have I not promised you that you will NOT BE OVERCOME by the enemy’s FLOODS? PSALM 93:3,4 (NKJV) ‘The floods have lifted up, O Lord, the floods have lifted up their voice, the floods lift up their waves. The Lord on high is mightier than the noise of many waters, than the mighty waves of the sea.’ MATTHEW 7:24, 25 (NKJV) ‘Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who builds his house on a rock: and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock.’ ISAIAH 59:19 (TPT) ‘From the west to the lands of the rising sun, the glory and the name of Yahweh will be held in highest reverence, for He will break in as a flooding, rushing river driven on by the breath of Yahweh.’ Do not be ALARMED or FEAR the enemy’s FLOODS. Instead, let the fear of the Lord cause you to be in REVERENCE and AWE for the One whose BREATH can REVERSE a FLOOD or OPEN UP A WAY THROUGH IT. I AM YOUR HIGH GROUND IN THE DAY OF THE FLASH FLOODS.”

12.                   JOURNAL NUGGETS:

 August 10, 2022  


“The darkness thinks they are oh so CLEVER and POWERFUL. Their ARROGANCE knows no bounds. Instead of magnifying the One who made them, they have chosen to EXALT THEMSELVES. They have PUFFED themselves up with their SELF-IMPORTANCE. I have quite a DIFFERENT VIEW of them—I see them as a GIANT BALLOON FULL OF HOT AIR, and I have BIG PINS OF TRUTH lined up to POP these DELUSIONS of grandeur. Their hot air and VINDICTIVE schemes against you and your rightful leader have unleashed a WHIRLWIND that they are sure will work this time. But I tell you they, in their PRIDE and HATRED, have only positioned themselves to REAP THE WHIRLWIND they unleashed. My hand of POWER and My MIGHTY VOICE OF TRUTH will BOOMERANG this WHIRLWIND back into their camp. They will be BLOWN APART, their unity DESTROYED, their secrets UNCOVERED, and FEAR will grip their hearts when they realize that I AM who I say I AM. Do not fear their WHIRLWIND! Whatever DESTRUCTIVE plans they had for you will come back FULL FORCE ONTO THEM— they will REAP THE WHIRLWIND they have sown.”

“When the whirlwind passes, the wicked is no more, but the righteous has an everlasting foundation.” PROVERBS 10:25

13.  August 11, 2024



“I have A PLACE FOR YOU in this new Kingdom Age; therefore, DO NOT SHRINK BACK when the STORM CLOUDS roll in and My PROMISES to you seem LIKE A DREAM with LITTLE substance. Just as this is a CRUCIBLE for your Nation, it is a CRUCIBLE for your FAITH. Will you CONTINUE TO STAND with Me in FAITH even when you have NOT YET SEEN your HEALING? When you have NOT YET SEEN your rightful LEADER RESTORED? When you have NOT YET SEEN the WICKED JUDGED? Am I FAITHFUL? Am I TRUE? Do I keep My PROMISES? You must ANSWER these questions; otherwise, every NEW TROUBLING circumstance will THROW you into DOUBT, while every GOOD circumstance will MOVE you into FAITH. This makes you an UNSTABLE Believer; it causes you to be DOUBLE-MINDED and to be a HOT and COLD warrior—you’re in the FIGHT one day, and the next you’re SIDELINED by DOUBT or SELF-PITY. Look back at the HISTORY of My people under the OLD and the NEW COVENANTS. Have I not been FAITHFUL to DELIVER, PROTECT, and PROVIDE for My very own? Despite the MANY WICKED DEATH AGENDAS unleashed on you by the darkness, are you not STILL HERE? You have some things MISSING and BROKEN because of these agendas but that is why I AM bringing you into an era of THE RESTORATION OF ALL THINGS. I will be FAITHFUL to you to KEEP My PROMISES. Will you be FAITHFUL to Me? I have A PLACE FOR YOU in this new Kingdom Age. Don’t PASS IT BY or MISS OUT on all the AMAZING things in store for your future by FAILING the TEST of FAITH. DRAW NEAR and STRENGTHEN yourself in Me. In My PRESENCE your DOUBTS will FADE AWAY, and your FAITH will SOAR as you see My BEAUTY, My POWER, and My GREAT LOVE for you. Hold on. I HAVE A PLACE FOR YOU.”



14.                   August 12, 2024


“Those partnered with darkness think their plans to SET THE WORLD ABLAZE with WAR and DESTRUCTION will succeed. However, they have LEFT ME OUT OF THE PICTURE. They are so INFLAMED with ARROGANCE and HATRED that they have been COMPLETELY DECEIVED about who the enemy is and who I AM. They think they are stepping into their role of WORLD DOMINATION by causing FIRES of DESTRUCTION and bringing TERROR on all the people. They have no regard for anyone’s life but THEIR OWN and so they have MISJUDGED your LOYALTY to Me and to the Army of Light, and they have UNDERESTIMATED the POWER of your PERSEVERANCE and your TRUST in Me. The darkness thinks they will SET THE WORLD ABLAZE, but I tell you that THEY HAVE STEPPED INTO MY RING OF FIRE. There will be NO ESCAPE, their PLANS and their THRONES of POWER will BURN UP, and only ASHES will remain. Keep your SHIELDS UP against the fiery darts of FEAR and TERROR and remain STRONG in My PROMISES and My FAITHFULNESS. YOU WILL SEE YOUR ENEMIES STEP INTO MY RING OF FIRE.”

DANIEL 10:19 (TPT) “He said to me, ‘Be strong! Be very, very strong! Do not be afraid, for you are greatly loved and a precious treasure to God. God’s peace is yours.’ As he spoke these words, I felt strength pour into me, and I said, ‘Now, I’m ready to listen to you, my lord, for you have given me strength.’” 

15.                   JOURNAL NUGGET:

August 9, 2020


“The LION of the tribe of Judah is moving across your Land. He is marking out His territory because when your Nation was established, the Land was dedicated to Me & My Kingdom purposes. Darkness had nearly seized control of your Nation because most of My Church had gone to SLEEP & had become very INGROWN & SELF-ABSORBED. A small REMNANT had stayed AWAKE & were battling in PRAYER & trying to spread the ALARM. For the most part their voices were ignored or labeled as extreme & divisive. But because this remnant knew My LOVE & POWER & they had not forgotten their AUTHORITY as Sons & Daughters, they continued to PUSH BACK the darkness & to SOUND THE ALARM. Those that the Church considered CRANKS, I see as HEROS of the FAITH; & they will be vindicated & honored. The ominous growth of darkness has finally served as a WAKE-UP call to many, & they are now joining My Army & are being trained to partner with Me in battle. Now I am calling to all the awakened to ARISE & FOLLOW ME, ASLAN, the LION of the tribe of Judah as I march across this Land RECLAIMING My territory to the glory of My Father & through the wisdom & strength of Holy Spirit. We will win!”

16.                   JOURNAL NUGGETS:

August 11, 2023



“As you ride out the STORM UNDER THE SHELTER OF MY WINGS, always keep in mind that THE BEST IS YET TO COME. You are going to FULLY experience My ability to PROVIDE food, water, and safety in SUPERNATURAL ways. In My Kingdom there is NO LACK and NO FEAR. My Heavenly RESOURCES to you are UNENDING, and My POWER to PROTECT and DEFEND you are UNSTOPPABLE. A large portion of My Church became INGROWN and focused on INTELLECTUAL knowledge about Me and My Word. This CLOSED them off from My SUPERNATURAL WAYS and from FRESH REVELATION for their everyday lives. I want you to have BOTH—intellectual knowledge and DEEPLY spiritual revelation and interactions with Me. I AM Spirit, and you will never know Me FULLY if you do not ALLOW My Spirit to AWAKEN your spirit. This CUTTING OFF of the supernatural has allowed the enemy to be very busy BRINGING OUT THE WORST IN PEOPLE. As I SHAKE everything that is not of Me, the world will LEARN that I AM a SUPERNATURAL God and that I have the REAL WAYS of LIFE. The systems I DESTROY were BRINGING OUT THE WORST IN PEOPLE. I will FLIP THIS AROUND, and you will see Me BRING OUT THE BEST IN PEOPLE. Our image that We placed in people will be AWAKENED as many turn to My Son and become born again and as those who already belong to Me REALIZE who they are in My Kingdom, you will see the VERY BEST of MAN COME FORTH in LOVE, HONOR, and COMPASSION. This will OVERCOME the enemy’s sowing of HATRED, ARROGANCE, and SELFISH GREED. WELCOME the SHAKINGS of every evil system because it is MAKING WAY for My future of PEACE and PLENTY for you and your Nation. THE BEST REALLY IS YET TO COME.”

Diana Larkin

A Watchman's Journal  


  1. 2 Sam 3.1 "Though the war was l o n g, David grew Stronger while the house of Saul
    decayed daily."

  2. We know the ending---WE WIN !!!

  3. We decree---this is the end of the Illuminati DEATH AGENDAS !

  4. Two passages from Isaiah for the word from August 9th, 2024:
    Isaiah 28 (emphasis on verses 14-22)
    Isaiah 26--27:6 (emphasis on 26:20 through 27:6)

    1. Yes. Commit ourselves to Him, lean on Him, hope confidently in Him. Do not fear His will for through it He will accomplish what is best for us. Amen Father ❤️

  5. Diana, in your video you said there must be some thing about August 13… on the Jewish calendar it is Tisha B’Av - the day the Exodus generation was condemned to die in the desert, and the day the first and second temples were destroyed.

  6. God’s power is infinite!!! Praise
    God and His Goodness!!!


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